Resources aimed at Functional Skills English and GCSE English language students, designed and created by an English Lecturer in FE with 7 years' experience teaching and 3 years' experience as an AQA English Language GCSE examiner.
Resources aimed at Functional Skills English and GCSE English language students, designed and created by an English Lecturer in FE with 7 years' experience teaching and 3 years' experience as an AQA English Language GCSE examiner.
Functional Skills Math workbook aimed at measure, money and time element of the City and Guilds E3 qualification.
Tasks assessing students ability to:
Calculate with money using decimal notation and express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence.
Round amounts of money to the nearest £1 or 10p.
Read,measure and record time using AM & PM
Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hours and minutes.
Use and compare measure of length, capacity, weight and temprature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division.
Compare metric measures of length including millimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers.
Compare measures of weigh including grams and kilograms
Compare measures of capactiy including milliltres.
Functional Skills Math workbook aimed at number and using the number system element of the City and Guilds E3 qualification.
Tasks assessing students ability to:
Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000
Add and subtract using three-digit whole numbers
Divide three-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers and express remainders
Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers
Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 and use this rounded answer to check results
Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100
Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths including equivalent forms