I have been a Geography teacher for many years and enjoy reshaping schemes of learning and creating corresponding lessons. I hope to share these with others who need them! Please ask any questions and rate my resources for others to see! :)
I have been a Geography teacher for many years and enjoy reshaping schemes of learning and creating corresponding lessons. I hope to share these with others who need them! Please ask any questions and rate my resources for others to see! :)
LOs: To describe the primary and secondary impacts of Hurricane Katrina.
To assess if the authorities, both national and local, were efficient in dealing with this event, both before and after the storm had affected New Orleans.
Requires students to have access to internet for research.
‘The impacts of tropical storms are always more severe in less developed countries.’
To what extent do you agree with this view. [20 marks]
Exam Question Embedded.
Assessment for geography topic ‘population’ with the challenges and opportunities of a growing population in India.
Questions ranging in marks 1-6. Comes with boxes for EBI/WWW and an option for students to rewrite and improve questions.
Please ask questions for more information.
Gives students scope to plan their own presentation on a natural hazard case study of their choice.
Gives a mark scheme that teachers and peers can use.
Fits in with my A Level natural hazards scheme of learning.
Whole lesson and study of extreme weather in the UK. Heatwave 2018 example.
Includes causes, effects and responses.
Sentence starters and challenge tasks to meet all abilities.
Videos embedded to aid learning and visualisation.
Assessment from year 8 Geography- Weather and climate- suitable for KS3 mostly.
Topics: weather and climate, tropical storms, extreme weather, UK flooding, clouds, measuring weather.
Full Lesson looking at the formation of tropical storms and the effects- Hurricane Katrina used as a case study.
Key words and clear learning objectives.
Videos embedded.
Clear tasks- differentiated- stretch and challenge for higher ability.
Homework task included.
Entire lesson focusing on thunderstorms- causes and formation, plus differences and formation of thunder and lightening.
Stretch and challenge tasks for more able. Differentiated learning objectives.
Embedded videos and interactive tasks. Homework option at the end of the powerpoint.
More suitable for KS3 Geography.
Why is Antarctica threatened?
You will be able to use this to:
Describe Antarctica’s unique environment.
Outline the four main threats to Antarctica.
Explain how international laws are directed to protect Antarctica. (Antarctic Treaty)
This is part of a sequence of lessons for the AQA topic- Global Systems and Governance.
Slides included also present an entire scheme of learning for the global systems and governance topic.
Includes copied information from the CGP Alevel AQA Geography revision guide to support learning. Also includes figures from Hodder textbook fifth edition (Whittaker).
Introduction to what is globalisation?. Includes copied information from the CGP Alevel AQA Geography revision guide to support learning. Also includes figures from Hodder textbook.
AQA A Level Geography- Contemporary urban environments- urban form- whole lesson
Lesson includes key ideas around urban form, CBD urban models, how land-use patterns differ between the developed and developing world and how cities are evolving to become post-modern.
Tasks are interactive and challenging. Differentiated plenary of exam questions allows you to check understanding of the lesson.
Plenary links to learning objectives:
LO: To understand the definition of urban form.
To be able to assess how far traditional urban forms are being challenged by new urban forms in the developed world.
Any questions, just ask.
A Level Geography- Urban Drainage and River Restoration- The Cheonggyecheon River project Case study.
LOs: To understand the water cycle and challenges with urban drainage.
To be able to evaluate how a river restoration scheme can prevent flooding.
The Cheonggyecheon River project- Information to read and a case study sheet to complete. + Links to videos for discussion.
Exam Question with sentence starters: With reference to a specific river restoration project, assess the extent to which it has an impact on water movement through the urban catchment. [9 marks]
Introduction Geography lesson for Nigeria- AQA Paper 2- The Changing Economic World.
Tasks around Nigeria’s importance, status of a NEE, and how it’s growth and development has impacted quality of life.
Differentiated tasks and embedded video to support learning. Graphs and skills embedded.
AQA A Level Geography- Contemporary Urban Environments- Megacities
Lesson for students to research and map the megacities of the world.
Looks at: location of megacities, characteristics, + opportunity to discuss named examples.
Differentiated with challenge questions- students will never sit there with nothing to do!
Used for a lot of student led work for them to research the location of megacities- a map of this could be provided to students though if they did not have internet access.
A Level Geography- Urban Waste- AQA Contemporary Urban Environments
LOs: To know the types of urban waste.
To understand how economic development affects urban waste.
To be able to evaluate the environmental impacts of different approaches to urban waste disposal.
Lesson teaches types of waste (industrial, lifestyles, attitudes), factors influencing disposal and how this is managed + the environmental impacts of waste disposal.
Final exam question with sentence starters:
Evaluate the environmental impacts of different approaches to urban waste disposal. [9 marks]
Includes graphs, figures, images- skills embedded. Engaging and prompts research and discussion.
Please ask if you have questions.
A Level Geography- World Cities- AQA- Contemporary Urban Environments lesson
Lesson objectives: To understand the definition of a world city.
To be able to describe the characteristics of world cities and assess reasons for their global distribution.
Lesson: Defines world cities, maps the location of them and addresses how the numbers have changed, looks at characteristics of world cities, gives students their own opportunity to research a world city, addresses some challenges and the realities of world cities, finalised with a differentiated progress check plenary.
Lesson has challenge tasks embedded throughout and images to support mental stimulation of ideas.
Any questions, just ask!
A Level Geography- Sustainability in UK cities- Birmingham- Contemporary Urban Environments.
LOs: To be able to describe the social and economic issues in Birmingham.
To be able to explain ways in which Birmingham is becoming more environmentally sustainable.
To evaluate whether urban issues affect poorer communities more than richer ones.
Interactive lesson looks at the current state of Birmingham in terms of social and environmental issues. Discusses ideas of social and environmental sustainability and regeneration projects in place.
Exam question embedded with hints/tips and suggested structure for answering.
Exam Question: To what extent do you agree with the view that urban issues affect poorer communities than richer ones. [20 marks]
please ask if you have any questions.
Whole Geography lesson- The Chambamontera Micro-Hydro Scheme- Geography GCSE- AQA Spec- Paper 2- Resource Management - Energy- Sustainability and energy production.
Topics- Peru and energy supply- ‘bottom-up’ schemes and productivity.
Uses interactive and differentiated tasks to look at subsistence farming and micro-hydro energy schemes.
Videos embedded about the case study to aid understanding- looks at how the scheme works in Chambamontera and how it benefits the community.
A Level Geography- AQA- Contemporary Urban Environments- Urban Climate
LO- To be able to define urban climate.
To understand the urban heat island effect.
To be able to explain the effect of urban structures on average wind speed and climate.
Discusses reasons for differences in urban temperature, rainfall and wind speed.
High emphasis on the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) and the impact this has on urban climate.
Gets students thinking out how urban structures alter the climate of a city in comparison to a rural area.
Data and exam questions implemented to check for understanding. Uses London examples throughout that can be easily altered.
Please ask if you have any questions.
Entire lesson for students to discover types of clouds and discover how clouds are formed.
Includes AfL tasks, videos, independent, pair and teacher led tasks.
Challenge tasks entered for higher ability and differentiation.
Can be used for KS3 or 4
Whole Lesson- GCSE AQA Geography- Paper 2- Resource Management- Energy
Strategies to increase energy supply- evaluating and comparing renewable energy and fossil fuels.
Exam question with sentence starters at the end of the lesson to consolidate learning: Explain why the contribution of renewable energy to world energy production is likely to remain less than fossil fuel production.
literacy and numeracy opportunities.
Focus on renewable energy after teaching a lesson on fossil fuels before. Looks at the global energy mix and evaluates whether we should use and rely on renewable energy.