
Estimating addition with 100 square LKS2 Year 3
Using this with Year 3s at the end of an addition and subtraction block.
This is one paged resource only - a worksheet.

Year 2 Division arrays sharing dividing equal groups SATs prep ks1
A range of activities, plan and an interactive powerpoint for teaching arrays and division to Year 2.

Arrays, part whole, multiplication year 2 Maths SATs prep ks1
Interactive powerpoint with one week of lessons, looking at arrays and multiplication for Year 2.
Including plan, and a few activities used throughout the week. The other resources were not mine so did not want to re-distribute however maybe I can email upon request?

Logo symmetry lines of symmetry year 2 ks1 maths
A challenge/ investigation about symmetry - looking for different lines of symmetry in logos!
Please review! :)

Y2 Practise mock SATs exam style questions Maths
Hi, I have put together a mini addition and subtraction quiz paper for my Year 2s. These are reasoning paper 2 questions to prepare them for the SATs. Enjoy! PLEASE REVIEW :)
ps have noticed a mistake on mark scheme, question 1 answer is incorrect

Tally chart lesson worksheets Maths Year 2/3
Tally chart sheets used in Year 3, differentiated 3 ways for different attaining children.
Adapted later to use for Year 2.

Telling time to 5 minutes worksheet Year 2 analogue
Worksheets used when teaching time in Year 2. Enjoy!

Rebalancing rebalance Maths Year 2 Adding 9 to 2 digit number
Worksheet to help children in KS1 (mainly Year 2) for help with rebalancing addition calculations. Adding numbers to get to 10, then rebalancing number sentence.

Year 2 Inverse Maths Homework Sheet Reasoning KS1 addition subtraction
Homework sent home for most of my Year 2's - inverse/ addition and subtraction.
Extra page for reasoning, for highers.