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Sharing and offering high-quality History Resources, ready to pick up and teach!

Sharing and offering high-quality History Resources, ready to pick up and teach!
Edexcel GCSE - Cold War - 5 FREE Lessons

Edexcel GCSE - Cold War - 5 FREE Lessons

This free selection is available for you to download a small selection at no cost to see if the full unit would be a worthwhile purchase for you. I have the full GCSE unit available to download, including all 26 fully resourced lessons, practice exam questions, assessments, revision consolidation lessons and scanned colour resources. **The Edexcel GCSE textbook by pearson is required for many of the tasks within. ** Included for FREE in this download is: L1 - Origins of the Cold War L5 - War of Words L10 - Berlin Blockade and Airlift L18-19 - Cuban Missile Crisis L24 - Reagan and the Second Cold War
Y9 - WWI Knowledge Organiser + 3 tests

Y9 - WWI Knowledge Organiser + 3 tests

This download contains a WWI Knowledge Organiser plus 3 tests, each covering a section of the KO itself - usable as in-lesson AfL or regular HWK tests. This has been put together to compliment the First World War unit of lessons (also available).
Y7 Monarchs -  Knowledge Organiser + 3 Tests

Y7 Monarchs - Knowledge Organiser + 3 Tests

This download contains a Knowledge Organiser for the topic ‘Medieval Monarchs’ (see lessons also available), as well as 3 KO tests, which could be used as AfL or regular HWK tests over the course of a half term. Each KO test covers its own section of the KO: Chronology, Key People and Vocabulary.
Y7 Normans Knowledge Organiser + 4 Tests

Y7 Normans Knowledge Organiser + 4 Tests

This download contains a Norman Conquest Knowledge Organiser and four tests, which can be used as formative AfL or as I use them for fortnightly HWK Tests. Each KO test addresses content from a section of the Knowledge Organiser itself. Please see below the four tests: ‘Who were they?’ (Key People) Chronology Vocabulary Claimants Used as HWK tests means no more marking - simply start your lesson with this for the first 10 minutes and peer-mark, circulate to check and move on! The four tests included along with the KO itself means that there is more than enough content for a Half Term of HWK, if used fortnightly.
Y7 Medieval Life - Knowledge Organiser + 3 tests

Y7 Medieval Life - Knowledge Organiser + 3 tests

This download contains a Knowledge Organiser for a ‘Life in Medieval England’ teaching unit (also for sale) along with 3 KO tests based on the KO content. These tests can be used as formative assessment in lessons or as standalone regular HWK tests. There is a full half term’s worth of HWK tests here if set fortnightly. Eliminates the need for marking as HWK tests can be set as a one-off lesson starter and peer-marking being checked by the teacher straight away.
Y9 - Holocaust - 13 Lessons + Assessment

Y9 - Holocaust - 13 Lessons + Assessment

This download contains a half term’s SOW of lessons on the subject of Hitler and the Holocaust. 13 lessons, assessment, knowledge organiser and quizzes. Full breakdown of included files below: What is Anti-Semitism? Nazi Rise to Power Development of Anti-Semitism Concentration Camps Death Camps and Final Solution End of the Holocaust Assessment Lesson Feedback Lesson Jewish Resistance Persecution of Others Ghettos (Case Study) Battalion 101 (Case Study) Who is to blame? (Bonus) Remembrance and Memorials (Bonus) Holocaust Knowledge Organiser KO Test 1 KO Test 2
Y9 - Dictators - 13 lessons + Assessment

Y9 - Dictators - 13 lessons + Assessment

This download contains a fully resourced SOW for Year 9 ‘Dictatorships’ unit. There are 13 lessons, Assessment, Feedback, Knowledge Organiser and Tests. Please see below for full breakdown: What is the political spectrum? Russia before Revolution Nicholas II and 1905 Causes of 1917 Revolutions of 1917 Assessment Lesson Feedback Lesson Russian Civil War Who was Stalin? Fascism and Mussolini What was Nazism? Nazi Germany Nazi Persecution Knowledge Organiser KO Test 1 KO Test 2
Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 1 Complete

Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 1 Complete

This download contains 14 resourced lessons for Unit 1 ‘Cold War Origins 1941-58’ of the Superpower Relations GCSE, including exam Q’s and handouts. Please note the Pearson Edexcel textbook is needed to complete some tasks Full breakdown of Unit 1 Lessons below: Origins of the Cold War Tehran and Yalta Conferences Potsdam Conference US-Soviet Relations War of Words Narrative Account Practice Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan After Marshall Plan Berlin Blockade and Airlift NATO and Warsaw Pact Arms Race Hungarian Uprising Practice Exam Question Lesson Please note also available on my page are a free selection of 5 lessons from this unit to try before you buy!
Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 2 Complete

Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 2 Complete

This download contains 7 resourced lessons for Unit 2 ‘Cold War Crises 1958-70’ of the Superpower Relations GCSE, including exam Q’s and handouts. Please note the Pearson Edexcel textbook is needed to complete some tasks Full breakdown of Unit 2 Lessons below: Berlin pt. 1 (Ultimatum) Berlin pt. 2 (Berlin Wall) Berlin Crisis Consolidation Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Prague Spring (Czechoslovakia) Unit 2 Consolidation Please note also available on my page are a free selection of 5 lessons from this unit to try before you buy!
Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 3 Complete

Edexcel GCSE Cold War - Unit 3 Complete

This download contains 5 resourced lessons for Unit 3 ‘Cold War Endings 1971-91’ of the Superpower Relations GCSE, including exam Q’s and handouts. Please note the Pearson Edexcel textbook is needed to complete some tasks Full breakdown of Unit 3 Lessons below: Detente Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Reagan and Second Cold War Gorbachev’s New Thinking End of the Cold War Please note also available on my page are a free selection of 5 lessons from this unit to try before you buy!
Y8 Slave Trade: 10 Lessons + Assessment

Y8 Slave Trade: 10 Lessons + Assessment

This download consists of a full unit ready to pick up and teach on the Slave Trade, with a focus on Source Analysis. There are 10 lessons including an Assessment and Feedback lessons available. What was the Slave Trade? Britain’s Involvement Middle Passage Slave Auctions Life on Plantations Assessment Assessment Feedback Resistance and Rebellion Abolitionists Legacy and Empire Piracy (BONUS) Origins of Empire (BONUS)
Y8 French Revolution: 12 Lessons + Assessment

Y8 French Revolution: 12 Lessons + Assessment

This download consists of a full set of lessons for a Half Term Unit on the French Revolution, tailored to Year 8 Pupils but minor edits could allow for this to be pitched up to Y9 or down to Y7. There are 12 lessons, 1 Assessment and 1 Assessment Feedback lesson included. Please see below for breakdown: France before 1789 France in 1789 LouisXVI’s Debt French Rev Causes Bastille to Revolution After Revolution End of Louis XVI What was the Terror? Assessment Assessment Feedback Rule of Napoleon Propaganda Posters British Response to Bastille (Source Bonus)
Y7 Medieval Rulers - 11 Lessons + Assessment

Y7 Medieval Rulers - 11 Lessons + Assessment

This download consists of 11 fully-resourced lessons on the subject of ‘Medieval Rulers’’. It includes an Assessment and Feedback lessons. Please see below the lessons: Stephen and Matilda Eleanor of Aquitaine Henry II and Becket Becket Source Lesson King John Magna Carta Ruling Wales Ruling Scotland Assessment Assessment Feedback Wars of the Roses (BONUS) Princes in the Tower (BONUS) Medieval Religion (BONUS)
Y7 - African Civilizations - 12 Lessons

Y7 - African Civilizations - 12 Lessons

This download is a full unit entitled ‘African Civilizations’ and contains 10 content lessons, 2 bonus lessons, a Unit Quiz and Knowledge Organiser. It also includes all handouts so is ready to teach immediately upon downloading. African Kingdoms Intro Intro to Ghana Kings of Ghana Mali and Power Mali Wealth and Religion Benin Unit Quiz Nigeria Museums and Artefacts Africa Projects Top Trumps (Bonus) Poster Lesson (Bonus) PLUS - African Civilsations Knowledge Organiser
Y7 - Stuarts - 11 lessons + Assessment

Y7 - Stuarts - 11 lessons + Assessment

This download contains 11 fully-resourced lessons on the Stuarts, pitched to Year 7. This consists of 10 content lessons and 1 bonus lesson, as well as Assessment and Feedback lessons. Being fully-resourced, they are ready to teach immediately after download. Who was the Scruffy Stuart? Gunpowder Plot Why was Charles I unpopular? 1600s problems Civil War Causes Assessment Assessment Feedback Cavaliers and Roundheads How was the Civil War won? What happened to Charles? Cromwell - Hero or Villain? Witchcraft Poster Lesson (BONUS)
Y8 - Birth of the USA: 10 Lessons + more

Y8 - Birth of the USA: 10 Lessons + more

This download consists of 10 content lessons on the subject ‘Birth of the USA’, plus a bonus lesson, Assessment lesson and Feedback lesson. Being fully-resourced, these are ready to pick up and teach immediately after download. What is causation? America as a Colony Why America? American Revolution War of Independence Assessment Prep Lesson Assessment Lesson Assessment Feedback Growth of the USA Civil War Events Civil War Causes Native American Life Propaganda Posters (BONUS)
Y7 - The Tudors - 9 lessons + Assessment

Y7 - The Tudors - 9 lessons + Assessment

This download consists of 9 content lessons on the subject of Tudor Britain and the Reformation, as well as an Assessment and Feedback. Being fully resourced, they are ready to teach immediately after download. Who were the Tudors? Who was Henry VIII? Henry’s ‘Great Matter’ The Reformation Edward VI Assessment Assessment Feedback Mary I Elizabeth I Elizabeth’s ‘Golden Age’ Henry VII (Bonus)
Y9- First World War- 13 Lessons + Assessment

Y9- First World War- 13 Lessons + Assessment

This download consists of a fully-resourced First World War unit pitched to Year 9. There are 10 lessons, 3 bonus lessons and an Assessment plus Feedback. With everything included, this is ready to teach immediately upon downloading. Causes of WWI Franz Ferdinand Trench Warfare Battle of the Somme Assessment Assessment Feedback Illness and Injury Development of Surgery Shell Shock Conscientious Objectors Peace in Europe War Boys (Bonus) Christmas Truce (Bonus) Propaganda (Bonus)
Y7 Norman Conquest: 10 Lessons + Assessment

Y7 Norman Conquest: 10 Lessons + Assessment

You can pick up and teach this set of ten lessons plus Assessment and Feedback with ease, they are fully resourced and designed to a high-standard throughout. These are planned across twelve separate PowerPoint presentations. Please see below: Creation of England Contenders to the throne Battles of Fulford Gate / Stamford Bridge Battle of Hastings Assessment Assessment Feedback Harrying of the North Feudal System / Domesday Book Castles Life in Norman England Army Comparison Bayeux Tapestry If you are interested, please see one of my other posts, featuring Knowledge Organiser HWK Tests to go with this unit.
Y7 Medieval Life - 10 Lessons plus Assessment

Y7 Medieval Life - 10 Lessons plus Assessment

This download contains a fully-resourced set of 10 content lessons for the unit ‘Life in Medieval England’, plus Assessment, Feedback and a bonus Christmas lesson. This unit covers the following: Life in Medieval England Life of Medieval Peasant Importance of the Church Getting to Heaven Black Death Introduction Black Death Symptoms Medieval Explanations of the Black Death Black Death Impacts Black Death and Society Assessment Assessment Feedback Peasants’ Revolt Christmas Revolt (Bonus)