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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Exploring the 4 Seasons EYFS and KS1

Exploring the 4 Seasons EYFS and KS1

A resource, or lesson, linked to Weather and the Four Seasons. There are 3 activity ideas included and worksheets. Matching pictures to seasons and colouring sheet List writing exercise for each season Sentence creation task for the 4 seasons The resource aids the understanding of the cyclic nature of the seasons, enhances handwriting and vocabulary building for EYFS and KS1 children.
Songs and Rhymes Choosing Boards EYFS SEND

Songs and Rhymes Choosing Boards EYFS SEND

These 3 choosing boards provide a visual and interactive way for children to express their preferences and actively participate in selecting songs and rhymes for music time. Each sheet/board shows 12 well known songs and rhymes. The resource can enhance children’s communication skills, promote independence, and create a sense of ownership over the learning experience. Examples of pictures range from “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to “Humpty Dumpty,” “Five Little Ducks,” “Five Little Speckled Frogs,” and “Hickory Dickory Dock.” The colourful pictures make it simple for children to make their selections and participate in rhymes and songs during music time. The resource has a mix of symbols and pictures(Boardmaker Licenced).
The Shopping Basket Flashcards /Visuals

The Shopping Basket Flashcards /Visuals

A set of 5 pages of colour flashcards related to the lovely story by John Burningham ‘The Shopping Basket’. Most images are symbols with some pictures. Flashcards include the animals in the story, the food on the shopping list, characters and ordinal numbers. These cards can be used in a range of ways such as matching up the animals with the foods, sequencing the story, ordering the numbers - the cards can also enhance any display work. Other activities could include a Scavenger hunt around school, food sorting and talking, story mapping, role play and creative art work such as a collage shopping basket. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
The Lonely Daffodil Story and Resource Pack KS1

The Lonely Daffodil Story and Resource Pack KS1

"The Lonely Daffodil: Key Stage 1 is a Unit of Work including planning ideas for Art, Science, Literacy, Music and Movement. Are you searching for a Story resource that will captivate young minds and nurture their creativity? ‘The Lonely Daffodil’ is a cross curricular resource pack for Key Stage 1 and suitable too, for Early Learners. At the heart of “The Lonely Daffodil” story, lies a powerful message of growth and resilience. The story instills in children the belief that even in the face of challenges, one can overcome adversity and blossom into something beautiful. The resource provides a springboard for meaningful discussions about feelings, friendship, perseverance, personal growth, and change. The heart-warming story of “The Lonely Daffodil” will transport young readers into a world of imagination and empathy. This resource includes the story itself, a poem, a summary, and a book review and also templates for children’s own written work. There are 2 feelings cards that encourage children to identify and articulate their emotions and that of the story character. Picture cards support the story and can be used by the children creatively. The unit of work links nicely to Book Days or Weeks / Celebrations. Boardmaker Licenced.
Rhyming Words Worksheets

Rhyming Words Worksheets

4 worksheets where children use the words and pictures to write rhyming words. The first 2 pages are all CVC words. Pages 3 and 4 have a few words such as frog and boat that may be a bit more challenging depending what level the children are at. Good for your Letters and Sounds work, Phonics, Reading and writing and a good homework resource too.
List Poetry KS1

List Poetry KS1

Introducing List Poetry which need not rhyme or have the same metre. The picture borders will help children when deciding what to include in their list poems. Encourage the children to come up with a starter sentence to improve their lists such as - I love sports, any sport will do… Celebrate World Poetry Day and have fun with these List Poetry ideas. There are 5 templates each with a different theme: Transport Shoes Hats Fruit Sports Children can make notes either in the borders or on the lined grid. Similarly, they could make their list poem in the border or on the lined grid.
6 Fine Motor Skills Worksheets

6 Fine Motor Skills Worksheets

6 worksheets for children to practice their fine motor skills. Follow the lines to join pictures that are the same or to match objects that are associated such as a school bag and some books or dogs and their bones. Laminate and add to your writing corner for a reusable resource and for use with dough or plasticine.
Our Trip to the Toy Shop Activity Sheets

Our Trip to the Toy Shop Activity Sheets

9 activity sheets connected to the Toys, Journeys, Ourselves and reading and writing. Suitable for EYFS/KS1 and SEND pupils. Connect the resources to a trip to or a visit to the Toy Shop, either virtual or real. Page 1 is a filled bus off to the Toy Shop for children to talk about and colour in. Page 2 is an empty bus template. Children can draw themselves and their class mates going to the Toy shop in the windows. Alternatively, they can choose, colour, cut and paste Toys pictures onto the bus. Page 3 shows a selection to choose from. Page 3 shows a collection of symbol cards and pictures that children can use to add to the bus, for their written work, or duplicate for matching card games. Page 4 is a writing template about a Toy shop trip in Colour and page 5 is the same sheet but in black and white. Pages 6 to 9 show toy animals and things that children might see at the Toy shop for them to label. These sheets are in colour and black and white. Children write the labels. Boardmaker licenced.
Sorting Fiction and Non-Fiction Book Covers

Sorting Fiction and Non-Fiction Book Covers

This resource is designed to inspire a love of books in Key Stage 1 pupils while developing their understanding of literary classifications. Young learners distinguish between fiction and non-fiction and then delve deeper into genres and topics. Included is a planning sheet that outlines three lesson plans, complete with objectives, a list of necessary materials, activities, and follow-up suggestions to reinforce learning. There are two ready-made labels for fiction and non-fiction to facilitate a hands-on card sorting activity. Accompanying these are 10 pages, each featuring six diverse book covers in black and white, which can be cut out for an interactive classification game and a range of activities. Examples of book covers are ‘Learn to Play the Piano’, ‘I have a New Daddy’ and ‘My Book of Fairy Tales for 7 year olds’. Tailored for Key Stage 1 children, the book covers lend themselves to lots of speaking and listening and predicting. Follow up with sorting of real books and / or children can design their own book covers using the cards for inspiration. The resource is a useful addition to library skills and any celebrations around Books.
12 Rhyming Words in Nursery Rhymes Worksheets

12 Rhyming Words in Nursery Rhymes Worksheets

A great resource for EYFS or KS1 to accompany your singing or nursery rhyme sessions. Each worksheet has a different nursery or number rhyme: One, two, three, four, five Five little ducks Jack and Jill Twinkle Twinkle Miss Polly had a dolly 10 Green bottles I’m a little teapot Incy Wincy Spider Humpty Dumpty 3 Blind Mice 5 Naughty Monkeys 5 Little Speckled Frogs Activities include sharing the rhyme, reading and adding the missing rhyming words, writing the words, colouring the pictures and adding a drawing following the instructions.
The grapheme 'wh' KS1

The grapheme 'wh' KS1

A phonics resource for kS1 based on words beginning with ‘wh’. 3 activities based on words containing the grapheme ‘wh’. There are 3 black and white worksheets and the same worksheets in colour. Write the words, a phrase or sentence to go with each of the 8 pictures. Name the pictures and write ‘wh’ or the words and underline ‘wh’. Label the 8 pictures. Words: wheel, wheelbarrow, wheelchair, wheat, whisk, what, whisper and whale.
Vehicles to Name and Write KS1

Vehicles to Name and Write KS1

An activity linked to your transport theme for young children. The activity is in colour and black and white. Children name the vehicles and then match them to the correct words on the grid. Children can draw in the pictures, paste them, write the corresponding letter or write the words. Opportunities too for speaking and listening with descriptions of the vehicles and their uses.
Limericks KS1

Limericks KS1

Here is a good way to introduce children to Limericks as part of World Poetry Day or any poetry topic. There is an example of a completed limerick showing visual images. There are 2 other limericks where the rhyming words need filling in. Children use the visual images and words to help them. Once the children are familiar with the structure of a limerick, they can use the template page to start to make up their own limericks. Notes: Limericks are traditionally 5 lines and often with a funny final line or a twist. The first, second and last line usually have the same rhyme and the third and fourth often share a different rhyme.
Ourselves Speaking and Listening Game

Ourselves Speaking and Listening Game

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A fun way to encourage children to speak, listen, communicate and work in teams. This is a speaking and listening game based on Ourselves / Me and linked to Jobs/Occupation/Community. The aim of the game is for children to describe a character in detail for the other team to locate the character on their board and give a grid reference. Add timers for more excitement and challenge. The full instructions are included. There are 3 sets of card boards. A and B show the same 20 colour pictures. These are jumbled up on Board B. Similarly, C and D are same, as are E and F boards.
Set 1 to 6 CVC Words

Set 1 to 6 CVC Words

There are 4 CVC words for each set for children to learn to sound, read and spell. Next they can cut out the letters for each word and make them or match to the coloured boards.
Missing Vowels CVC Work

Missing Vowels CVC Work

There are 4 pages of colour pictures where the middle sounds / vowels are missing. The sheets can be laminated for re-use. Links to Phonics, Spelling and Letters and Sounds work.
Initial Sounds Assessment Sheets

Initial Sounds Assessment Sheets

A set of phonics and writing assessment sheets for children. Resources: Sheets 1 and 2 - Pictures for children to say and write the initial sounds underneath. Sheets 3 and 4 - Lower case letters of the alphabet. Can children say the letter and name an object beginning with each letter? Teacher could write the words for the children or the children could draw a picture themselves. Sheets 5 and 6 - Lower case letter for children to name and write over to assess their handwriting. Sheet 7 is a blank template to be used any way you want for e.g. for children to write letters as you say them or write a word/draw a picture for a given sound.
Tidy or Untidy? Can you tell? EYFS

Tidy or Untidy? Can you tell? EYFS

Early work on adjectives for young children and / or those learning English. A speaking and listening resource for young children to see if they can distinguish between the opposites: tidy and untidy. There are 10 posters to discuss. Print out or / and show on the white board. Encourage children to look around their classroom / environment and find things that are tidy or untidy and say why.
Incy Wincy Spider Rhyme Cards EYFS

Incy Wincy Spider Rhyme Cards EYFS

Children will enjoy joining in with this popular nursery rhyme with the support of these cards. There are black and white cards which children can colour in and trace over the words or write onto. There are colour cards that children can read the words or write onto. Cut out the cards for sequencing, sorting and matching games.
Make a List 5 Early Writing Worksheets EYFS & KS1

Make a List 5 Early Writing Worksheets EYFS & KS1

5 worksheets where children use the pictures to help them to name and write things they might see e.g. in the home or at the seaside. Each sheet has a topic or theme: Summer Holidays My Home Shapes I know Animals I know Under the Sea There are 2 sheets to a page, with one colour and one black and white version of the writing frames.