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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Let's Talk about Fractions

Let's Talk about Fractions

A first introduction to fractions with a whole, a half and a quarter. Use as slides on the Smart Board or print out for display or activities.
10 Fun Lists to Write at KS1

10 Fun Lists to Write at KS1

Here are 10 colour sheets showing pictures and there is space for children to write 7 things they see in each of the pictures. Themes include Christmas, under the sea, colour, weather, stationery, tools and nature. Children may like to work in pairs which will encourage speaking and listening. Children could write a word or sentence depending on their writing skills. Laminate the pictures and numbered lists and add these to your writing table/area for use with dry markers.
10 Party Invitations to make and write

10 Party Invitations to make and write

Links to Birthdays, special days and celebrations, as well as reasons for writing for EYFS and KS1. This resource contains 10 small (different) party invitations for children to cut out and fold. There are also inserts for children to write on and paste into the folded cards. Print out on white card or children can paste onto thin card. Children could make their own envelopes. Add these to your Birthday board or display too.
Odd Ones Out Look and List KS1

Odd Ones Out Look and List KS1

10 colour pictures for children to observe carefully and think about. They then decide which objects / pictures do not fit into the pictures. They write 2 lists - a list of things that they could see at that place and a list of things they are unlikely to see. e.g. in the hospital they may see a nurse but they are unlikely to see a bird in a cage. Hospital Beach Sea Classroom Zoo Sky Farm Fair Space Toy shop A good speaking and listening activity too, where children are encouraged to speak in sentences.
Let's Learn about the Letter O sheets

Let's Learn about the Letter O sheets

5 worksheets for young learners finding out about phonics and the letter O Links to reading, phonics, writing, handwriting and the alphabet. Sheet 1 - Children overwrite the sentence O is for octopus 2 - Children practice writing the letter o and overwrite the word octopus 3 - A set of flashcards to cut out, read, write, colour and match 4 - Overwrite a sentence for each word beginning with O - octopus, olive, orange and onion 5 - Draw a line to join the words and pictures
Humpty Dumpty Cross Curricular Resources

Humpty Dumpty Cross Curricular Resources

A pack of resources based on Humpty Dumpty that includes Literacy and Numeracy Resources for KS1. There are 2 pages of rhyming word cards for children to cut, write and match. There is a writing frame for children to use the key words to write out the rhyme. There is a set of pictures of different wall patterns that children can observe and talk about before using the shapes (or practical materials) to make their own wall for Humpty. There are 2 shape puzzles where children cut out egg shapes and tangrams and put them back together again.
S Sound and Activity Cards and Sheets

S Sound and Activity Cards and Sheets

3 activities in one based on the letter S. The pictures are photographs. Children cut out the picture and word cards and match. Children write the words underneath the pictures on the worksheet. Children trace over the words under the pictures. Links to initial sounds, reading, writing and handwriting.
What do you Wish for? Writing and Topic Resources

What do you Wish for? Writing and Topic Resources

10 activity sheets linked to Magic, PHSE, Ourselves, Me and Literacy. Encourage the children to be inventive and use their imaginations as well as being thoughtful and factual. Children talk about the 6 questions in pairs or groups Children write about what they wish for answering the questions on sheet 1 Children draw 6 things they wish for Children write out a magic / wish spell Children write a wish list If 3 wishes were granted- children write what they would be Children match and colour the magicians Write what the young penguin / or they would like to wish for when they grow up Draw or write what is in the cauldron Write a Christmas wish list
Nativity Cards to Match, Colour, Label

Nativity Cards to Match, Colour, Label

This activity is in colour and there is a black and white version included. Pages 1 and 2 show 8 cards connected to the Nativity both colour and black and white. Children can colour in and cut and match the pictures. Pages 3 and 4 show 4 colour pictures for children to label with a word, phrase or sentence. Page 4 is in black and white. Pages 5 and 6 also show the other 4 colour pictures for children to label. Page 6 is in black and white. Link the activity to your Christmas celebrations and story telling of the Nativity.
Noah's Ark Colouring and Writing Sheets

Noah's Ark Colouring and Writing Sheets

EYFS or KS1 worksheets on the theme of Bible Stories and Noah’s Ark. There are 2 colouring sheets of Noah and the Ark. Children can trace over the writing. There are also 2 writing sheets where children list the animals that went into the Ark and then write a short story of Noah and the Ark.
Story Maker with Symbol Cards

Story Maker with Symbol Cards

This resource is a fun way to introduce young children to story making and telling and working in small groups. The objectives are to encourage creativity, teamwork, speaking and listening and story telling skills. There is a planning sheet included with a sample story created using some of the story cards. The sets of symbol cards include; who, what, when, where, how and the End There is a set of colour symbol cards that go with each of these headings. Children will choose a card from each of the sections and put these together imaginatively to tell a simple story. Extend the activity by asking children to illustrate their story and write a short sentence or caption to go with it. Boardmaker licenced.
6 Early Years Writing Patterns

6 Early Years Writing Patterns

3 pattern sheets in black and white and 3 in colour. Fun pattern work to support fine motor control for young children. Laminate and use with dry pens and add to your writing corner, or enlarge and use with paint.
Mime Cards Game Early Years and KS1

Mime Cards Game Early Years and KS1

32 colour cards the children can use to play a mime game. A child / pair or group can choose a card and mime for the rest of the class to guess. Points or stars can be allocated for correct answers. Play against the clock for more fun. Encourages speaking and listening, drama, using imagination and working in groups.
Sound Sorting game Gr and Gl Words

Sound Sorting game Gr and Gl Words

A lovely game for EYFS and KS1 learning their sounds. There are 12 pictures to talk about and sort into the sound groups - Gl and Gr. The pictures can be matched to the words and/or corresponding sounds. Cut out and laminate for games that you can re-use. Print out twice for more matching games.
Summer Word Work KS1

Summer Word Work KS1

A fun Summer word work activity for KS1 children. The first page shows a summer word list made using colour pens. Sheet 5 asks children to make their own colour word list for Summer. Sheet 2 is a large S outline. Children use the outline to write summer words in or draw summer pictures or both. Sheet 3 is a large S with pictures related to summer for children to colour in. Sheet 4 has the word summer and this is a basis for children to make a poster about summer. Other activities include: Putting the words related to summer into alphabetical order. Choosing words to put into the form of a poem. Writing about summer using words from the summer list.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Action Rhyme with Extension

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Action Rhyme with Extension

A fun way to introduce body parts including colour symbols and a complete lesson plan with 3 activities. This resource is designed to support EYFS, KS1, and SEND teachers in engaging young children with body awareness and language development through the familiar and interactive rhyme “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” It incorporates a multi-sensory approach, using music, movement, and colour symbols to make learning about body parts fun and accessible. The activities are structured to gradually introduce new vocabulary and body parts, allowing children to first master basic terms and then expand their knowledge in a supportive environment. By creating a class verse and encouraging active participation, the resource enhances listening skills, coordination, and language development, making it an effective tool for diverse learning needs and abilities. Boardmaker licenced.