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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Word Endings Ending with 'LL' Worksheets

Word Endings Ending with 'LL' Worksheets

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. Phonics/spelling activity sheets for children learning about sounds - ‘ll’ at the end of words. 4 activity sheets in black and white replicated in colour. Sheet 1- Children name the symbols / pictures and trace the words and sounds. Sheet 2-A word search where children find 5 words that end with ‘ll’. There is an answer sheet included and picture support. Sheet 3 - Children match the words and pictures and then write the words. Sheet 4 - Children fill in the missing words using the symbol and word key at the bottom of the page completing the sentences. Suitable for SEND pupils and EYFS/KS1.
BIG and Small Sorting Symbol Cards

BIG and Small Sorting Symbol Cards

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A set of cards showing big and small picture symbols in both colour and black and white. Children can cut and match or sort into 2 sets: Big and Small. Biggest and smallest words are introduced.
Nature Treasure Hunt with Rhyming Clues

Nature Treasure Hunt with Rhyming Clues

A fun and engaging activity for young children, whilst assessing their progress and knowledge and challenging them at the same time. It is linked to phonics, nature, observation and problem solving skills. This ‘Treasure Hunt’ has 10 nature-themed colour picture cards that can be hidden in your school’s garden, the playground, classroom or even at home for remote learning. Each picture is associated with a letter of the alphabet and these are also provided on colour cards. Sheet 1 provides simple rhymes that gives children clues into the location of the picture cards. To challenge the children even more and also adding a bit of a twist, the letter cards aren’t always the initial sounds of the pictures, thus, the letter ‘O’ might lead children to a snail! Sheet 2 can be used for children to mark off when they find the picture cards and / or children can use this black and white sheet to label and colour in pictures. There are 2 colour cards to each page which can be enlarged / laminated, if needed. The resource uses symbols and is suitable of EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils. Boardmaker licenced.
6 Early Years Writing Patterns

6 Early Years Writing Patterns

3 pattern sheets in black and white and 3 in colour. Fun pattern work to support fine motor control for young children. Laminate and use with dry pens and add to your writing corner, or enlarge and use with paint.
Me and My Body Symbol Cards to Label and Cut

Me and My Body Symbol Cards to Label and Cut

8 colour sheets on the theme of Ourselves, Me, Senses and My Body. The resource uses symbols and is Boardmaker licenced. Each sheet shows 6 pictures related to the body including body parts, organs, hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Children can label the pictures. The pictures can also be cut out and laminated and used as a resource for Science, displays, flashcards or duplicate for matching games. Suitable for Send pupils, EYFS and KS1.
Behaviour Management Football Sticker Charts

Behaviour Management Football Sticker Charts

Differentiated sticker / reward charts with a football theme. A great alternative to a star chart for those interested in football. There is a female goal keeper on chart 1 with room for 5 football stickers and on chart 2 with room for 10 stickers. There is a male goal keeper on chart 3 with room for 5 and then 10 football stickers on chart 4. There are footballs that can be cut out and stuck on with glue.
Animated CCVC Words PPT

Animated CCVC Words PPT

Suitable for children learning CCVC words. Links to Reading, Phonics and Spelling and speaking and listening. This animated PPT has 10 slides . The pictures are animated and the letters come in as a switch or key is pressed. The initial CC part of the words are coloured differently and come in together.
25 Games to Play with Hula Hoops

25 Games to Play with Hula Hoops

A compilation of 25 innovative and engaging hula hoop games which are fun and inclusive for EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils. There are 5 sets of games each with 5 games to play included: Games to play with hula hoops Teamwork games with hula hoops Inclusive games with hula hoops SEND games with hula hoops Pairs games with hula hoops The set comes with a user-friendly worksheet that allows children to devise their own hula hoop game either individually or in pairs or groups. Each of the 25 games comes with planning including objectives, resource and activities.
Words with IP Wordsearch and Worksheets

Words with IP Wordsearch and Worksheets

A phonics activity where children have 8 words containing ‘IP’ to find: Slip, lips, chips, ship, drip, sip, clip and zip. Picture symbols will support children with their spellings and reading. There is an answer sheet included. There are 2 worksheets: Children read and answer simple questions to find the correct ‘IP’ words and write their answers. Children label the 8 picture symbols of words with ‘IP’. Boardmaker licenced.
Words with AP Wordsearch and Worksheets

Words with AP Wordsearch and Worksheets

A phonics activity where children have 8 words containing ‘AP’ to find: Cap, yap, map, happy, tap, nap, apple and chap. Picture symbols will support children with their spellings and reading. There is an answer sheet included. There are 2 worksheets: Children read and answer simple questions to find the correct ‘AP’ words and write their answers. Children label the 8 picture symbols of words with ‘AP’. Boardmaker licenced.
Let's Explore the Letter Y Resource Pack

Let's Explore the Letter Y Resource Pack

This resource is designed for KS1, SEND and EYFS teachers to help children recognize, write, and understand the initial sound - the letter ‘Y.’ It includes seven black and white worksheets: letter formation practice, colour by numbers, matching rhyming picture pairs, join the dots, a word search, find and underline the ‘Y’ words in the ‘Yacht’ poem, and picture-sound matching. These activities promote fine motor skills, letter recognition, and phonemic awareness through multi-sensory learning. Teachers can integrate these printable worksheets into daily lessons, providing a fun way for children to learn the letter ‘Y’. Boardmaker licenced.
Words with 'V' Resource Pack

Words with 'V' Resource Pack

A phonics resource to support KS1 and SEND pupils with a focus on the letter ‘V’. There are 5 worksheets which are in colour and replicated in black and white. 8 picture symbols with words beginning with V. Children trace the words and match them to the pictures and label them e.g. volcano and violin. 8 picture symbols showing words that end in ve. Children trace the words and match them to the pictures and label them e.g. drive and dive. Singular and plural nouns - Children find matching pairs e.g. wolf and wolves and knife and knives. Children trace the words and match them to the pictures and label them. Things found in the house with the letter V e.g. vacuum, oven and vase. Children trace the words and match them to the pictures and label them. Pairs of rhyming words e.g. van and pan, vet and met. Children trace the words and match them to the pictures and label them. Links to reading and handwriting. Boardmaker licenced.
Prepositions Up and Down EYFS

Prepositions Up and Down EYFS

A fun way to teach, or consolidate children’s knowledge of Up and Down. There are 12 sets of card showing Up and Down and children decide which image is showing Up or Down. Cut out and laminate to make sets of cards for children to use and develop their speech and language skills.
Pencil Patterns EYFS and KS1

Pencil Patterns EYFS and KS1

Patterns to help with fine motor control and pencil skills. 40 different patterns, with 2 to a page. Patterns are within circle shapes. Cut out and laminate and add to your writing table / corner. Alternatively, children can use a wide range of media to complete the patterns such as finger paints, felt pens, paints with thick and thin brushes and plasticine. Link with your maths work on circle shapes.
50 Everyday Things to Sort EYFS / SEN

50 Everyday Things to Sort EYFS / SEN

Here are 50 practical ideas for your EYFS / KS1 or / and SEN pupils. These are all everyday things found in the home, school or garden. Each page shows 5 colour pictures with ideas for sorting. These pictures are good to cut out too and add to any jars or collections the children make. Arm yourself with sorting trays such as bun trays, jars, bags, egg boxes or draw inserts/cutlery trays. Children have a range of practical opportunities all around them for sorting in various ways including colour, shape, pattern, sets, texture, taste, smell and feel. ****Remember some items may be unsuitable for small children such as marbles, without careful supervision.
Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

A colourful fun game for EYFS and KS1 and suitable too, for SEND. There are 8 shops to cut out - these come in a small size - 8 to a page and a large size - 2 to a page. There are 8 pictures of objects that match each shop to cut out e.g. 8 grocery items to match the grocery shop and 8 different kinds of books to match the book shop. Children work out which item can be purchased at which shop and make collections of pictures. There may be some duplications e.g. toothpaste can match with the grocery shop and the chemist. The game can be played in pairs or small groups or with 1 to 1 adult support. Lots of opportunities for discussion and speaking and listening. There are 3 worksheets for different abilities. Children write 4 items they can purchase at each shop. Children cut out and make pairs of items e.g. shoe shop and a pair of trainers. Children write the name of the shop or write a sentence about the shop and what you can buy there. Extend by adding prices to the items to have a shop corner or money game.
Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

9 Resources
A collection of resources on to the theme of Shopping . There are 9 resources with a cross curricular link e.g to money, data handling, number, sorting, toys, food, list writing, labelling, maths gamse and comprehension. Something original here for all your children at different ability levels from early learners to KS1 and SEND children.
Sports Bingo Game with Symbol Boards

Sports Bingo Game with Symbol Boards

This ‘Sports’ Bingo Game resource provides a fun and engaging way to spend a wet play indoors or to supplement your topic on Sports Day, Sports, Physical Education, Healthy Living and Health and Wellbeing. Children will have fun playing a themed Bingo game using symbols associated with Sports. Make your own game using the plan provided or use the 6 ready-made symbol boards and/or the blank template. The resource features: Game Planning Guide: Step-by-step instructions on how to set up and play the Sports Bingo Game ; Objectives and resources needed. Ready-Made Bingo Boards: Six pre-designed Bingo boards featuring a variety of colour ‘Sports’ symbols. Each board has a unique arrangement of symbols, ensuring a different experience for each player. Boards are colour coded with different colour borders. Boardmaker licenced