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Grá an Léinn

Welcome to my resource hub! Resources are a mixture of Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert Irish.




Welcome to my resource hub! Resources are a mixture of Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert Irish.
Nathracha agus Dréimirí

Nathracha agus Dréimirí

Snakes and Ladders as Gaeilge! Use this resource along with some dice. Cúpla smaointe: Write numbers in each box and have a corresponding sheet next to it. Students must do the task that corresponds with that number when they land on it. Irish oral work: Students to come up with their own oral questions in pairs and put them into 3/4 of the boxes leaving some blank. Students play game as normal and must answer any irish oral question they land on to their partner.
Cuardach Focal

Cuardach Focal

Cuardach Focal! Wordsearch as gaeilge Have your students create their own wordsearch for their partner to complete.