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History Help Resources

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(based on 1465 reviews)

Welcome to the History Help TES shop. My resources are of high quality and will save teachers valuable time. I have a variety of resources for both KS3 and KS4 History as well as PSHE. I’m a full time History teacher with over 8 years teaching experience. All my materials have been made by myself with the aim of being engaging and accessible to students. Please feel free to have a look around and leave feedback.




Welcome to the History Help TES shop. My resources are of high quality and will save teachers valuable time. I have a variety of resources for both KS3 and KS4 History as well as PSHE. I’m a full time History teacher with over 8 years teaching experience. All my materials have been made by myself with the aim of being engaging and accessible to students. Please feel free to have a look around and leave feedback.
Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Germany lesson analysing Nazi propaganda, includes a detailed worksheet and a paired task exploring forms of propaganda the Nazi party used. This can be used to link to how propaganda helped the Nazis maintain control. Also includes a task discussing the features of propaganda posters on the powerpoint to go through with the whole class and then an activity worksheet to facilitate the development of this independently This resource has been adapted since earlier reviews
Henry VIII and his six wives

Henry VIII and his six wives

A lesson to introduce the 6 wives of Henry VIII, it includes various activities for students to engage in to explore the personalty of Henry VIII and also his wives
Rise of Hitler

Rise of Hitler

Intro lesson about Adolf Hitler’s early life pupils can design a facebook page based on his early life and rise to power to gain a brief insight into Hitler. The lesson also then covers the factors that enabled the Nazi party to secure more votes and Hitler to rise to power with worksheets to support Ideal for KS3 students
Execution of Charles I

Execution of Charles I

A variety of resources on the execution of Charles I This pack includes at least 3 lessons of work including a memory game task to discover about the execution, a newsaper written report task, a group work news broadcast task. Great to explore the execution, includes good resources for SEN students
Recruitment WW1

Recruitment WW1

A lesson that focuses on analysing various propaganda posters with a source analysis table and designing poster task with clear instructions. Also includes a worksheet on conscription


A powerpoint and 2 worksheets with questions and tasks to explain the German WW2 tactic of Blitzkrieg In addition the powerpoint contains information of the stages of Blitzkrieg alongside two activites- one which is a persuasive officer report and the second a spy task to describe the effects of Blitzkrieg


PowerPoint and chronology card sort activity on the topic Titanic to introduce the details of the ship Other work sheets relating to why the titanic sunk and who was to blame investigation card sort and worksheet
Tudor Life

Tudor Life

Lesson based on students working in groups to research aspects of Tudor Life then design a leaflet on the four main areas of Tudor Life researched. Includes powerpoint with clear instructions 4 worksheets- Crime and Punishment, Tudor entertainment, Tudor Food and Tudor Towns and Tudor worksheet for students to write into. Extension activity includes students designing an advert as a role play of one of the aspects of Tudor life
Warsaw ghetto

Warsaw ghetto

A variety of resources on the Warsaw ghetto during the holocaust- this lesson includes 2 lessons, one on the conditions in the ghetto and the other on the uprising. Lesson 1 on everyday life in the ghetto alongside various images and a worksheet with lots of information for students about the ghetto. I use this lesson alongside clips from the film the pianist. Lesson 2 is a lesson focused on the Warsaw uprising to illustrate Jewish resistance with a powerpoint and worksheet. There is also a good starter activity linked to case studies showing Jewish resistance. This resource is good to link into Jewish resistance so they are not seen as just victims.
Atomic Bomb- Hiroshima

Atomic Bomb- Hiroshima

Lesson on the dropping of the Atomic bomb- the powerpoint includes why, what happened and the impact. Activity sheet focuses on the effects using a card sort. The other worksheet contains primary source accounts of the effects of the bomb worksheet.
Olympics games- ancient to modern

Olympics games- ancient to modern

An introduction to the ancient olympics and modern olympics, this lesson covers the history of the olympic games It also has a countries research task for students to do There is also a long term project for students to design their own olympic games as a host nation These resources are useful for student to learn about the Olympics before the Brazil 2016 Olympic games this summer.
The Spanish Armada

The Spanish Armada

A full lesson on the invasion of the Spanish Armada in 1588, this lesson is for KS3 students and includes a group role play task for students and a worksheet to support the planning of a cause and consequence assessment on the failure of the Spanish Armada.
Causes of WW1

Causes of WW1

Three lessons on WW1 Lesson 1 is an introduction to the conflict using primary source images to analyse key aspects of WW1 Lesson 2 lesson includes a intro to the causes of WW1 with one powrpoint being able to deliver it in one lesson, with worksheet and various task on the powerpoint also card sort task Lesson 3 is a Powerpoint with an assessment lesson, this includes a PEA paragraph planning grid and also assessment levels and a un-model example for students to improve and develop.
Roman Villa

Roman Villa

Roman villa lessons lesson one-Introduction to Roman Villa and key features Then a long term task pupils design a Roman estate agent booklet by being a Roman estate agent (word doc) The PDF is a 5 page booklet of roman villa budget task, students have a budget of 7,000 denarii to budget building a villa with rooms and fetures and then students produce a booklet to describe the villa (good for numeracy and literacy-pursuasive writing) PDF can be photopied in to an A5 booklet for pupils to plan their own villa. Explains key rooms, extras and features of Roman Villas
Roman army

Roman army

A series of three lessons on the Roman Army- based on recruitment and why the army was successful. Includes three tasks labelling, card sort, spy task, recruitment advert task. Lots of high quality resources for KS2 and KS3 students
The life of a slave

The life of a slave

This lesson is a group led task led lesson that enables students to use 4 worksheets with information about life for slaves (plantation, big house, free time and housing) The students then fill in as the walk around to different information stations or fill in after to see how much was learnt.
Henry VIII

Henry VIII

Intro lesson on Henry VIII which goes though his personality with a memory exercise Worksheets includes one with sources to explore what type of man Henry was with source analysis exercises and questions. Second one is a worksheet and a paired task to explore an overview of Henry VIII life and consider why he is famous Third worksheet is getting students to explore Henry's problems in his early reign and be an agony aunt- this will lead in to a lesson on Henry VIII great matter.
James Stuart I

James Stuart I

James I lesson that uses sources to allow pupils to understand what kind of man James I was using sources to make inferences. Using sources students have to then analyse what they can learn from the sources and then draw a sketch of James using the detail from the sources Fun task for lower ability students
The New Deal

The New Deal

Used for KS5 FDR and the New Deal Powerpoint Handout goes through the second New Deal agencies