Leave a 5***** review and get an extra resource up to the same value for free!!!
Enjoy these well-designed, interactive, fun and colourful resources designed for an exciting classroom :-)
Leave a 5***** review and get an extra resource up to the same value for free!!!
Enjoy these well-designed, interactive, fun and colourful resources designed for an exciting classroom :-)
Whole lesson and worksheet based on the Expo 2 lesson ‘Le weekend’
Key vocab
Jouer au sport
Ecouter la musique
Aider mes parents
Acheter du chocolat et des bon bons
Regarder des séries
Téléphoner à mes amis.
Voir mes amis
Sortir avec mes amis
Faire mes devoirs
Faire la fête
Sentences built with these:
Jouer au sport
J’aime écouter la musique
Je n’aime pas aider mes parents
J’aime téléphoner à mes amis parfois
Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est voir mes amis
Ma chose favorite, c’est regarder des séries
Franchement, j’adore acheter du chocolat
J’adore faire la fête tout le temps, c’est fou!
EXT: Write down any new words. Franchement = frankly
Chose = thing Tout = all Fou = crazy. Parfois = sometimes
Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est= What I like the most, is
Conversation exercise at the end:
Tu fais quoi les weekends?
Franchement, moi j’adore regarder la télé!
Ouais, c’est chouette ça!
(et) ma chose favorite, c’est de téléphoner a mes amies et faire la fete tout le temps!
Moi j’adore aussi! Nous sommes trop cools!
Mais…je n’aime pas aider mes parents …
Bof ça craint!
Et toi?
A lovely literacy mat that I created.
It includes a penguin icon to make the poster exciting.
A ‘British’ penguin shows the English rules,
And there are his French, Spanish German and Urdu buddies too on the second poster.
Engaging and destined to draw your pupils eyes to the various exciting punctuation features across 5 languages.
Available as a Powerpoint download - when the file is downloaded, please delete the red ‘preview’ boxes :)
Spanish tenses are all the various grammatical conjugations you need to apply to a verb in order to communicate correctly at any level. Enable your students to communicate at KS3, GCSE and A-level with this useful revision resource!
A resource for your pupils to use as revision of all the tenses and irregular verbs.
Includes every single tense and mood:
-Present, Present participle (gerund)
-Preterite, Imperfect, Perfect
-Conditional, Future
-Subjunctive - present, perfect, pluperfect and imperfect.
Simply enter your students’ names and their performance from a drop down menu and you will get a totally randomised comment based on that performance, which you can then adapt to suit your student.
Press ‘enable content’ or ‘enable macros’ if a yellow message at the top of the screen asks you to do so.
Enter the names of your students.
Choose an option for each student - Key stage / performance (KS3 available now - KS4 is in beta-testing)
Press the button ’ View your auto-generated reports ’ - Excel
Copy your report into whatever software your school use - double check and customise your report if you need to.
Don’t like an auto-generated comment? Try the green button again to reproduce a new one.
Remember - these are auto-generated. Stay professional and check through your reports carefully, using these as a basis but then adapt for each child!
A bank of questions for the AQA French Writing Paper, for both higher and foundation
40 words - 6 questions
90 words - 14 questions
150 words - 10 questions
One document condenses the questions onto as few pages as possible, as a revision guide.
Another document has one question per page, with space to write a response beneath, as a practice-style booklet.
Hope you find it useful.
French opinions and sophisticated phrases are essential for your students to receive a high grade in their final GCSE Exams. This worksheet that aims to help students to design opinions of this level:
“J’adorefaire de la voile avec mon père le weekend, vu que je peux
passer du temps avec lui, parler de la vie et réspirer de l’air,cependant
je n’aime pasjouer aux jeux-vidéosétant donné que ça peut gâcher du temps”
You can try this with your highest year 8 sets, or any set in year 9 onwards.
Example of opinions:
Je préfère
Ce que j’adore faire, c’est
Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est
Mon activité favorite, c’est
Mon activité préférée, c’est
5 booklets that will get your classes through those last few weeks of Spanish! Also a great summer homework !
All the basic topics covered that are taught in Year 7
Number, Colour, Adjectival agreement, Tener/Ser + regular verbs, Family, Pets, School, Presentations, Appearance, Personality, and so on …
A lesson that uses characters and a video from the film ‘Up’ to explain to students how to use Me gusta Te gusta Le gusta
Example constructions in the lesson:
A Russell ______________ el chocolate.
A Kevin ______________ el chocolate.
A Russell ______________ el ave Kevin
A Sr. Fredrickson ______________ el ave Kevin
A Kevin _____________ Russell
A Kevin ______________ Sr. Fredrickson
A Russell ______________ los perros. (plural!)
A Kevin ______________ el perro
A Sr. Fredrickson ______________ los perros. (plural!)
EXTENTION: A mi , ___________ porque es ___________
Easter is a popular spring time celebration and eggs are a major symbol used throughout the season. Make the most of that with this excellent little egg emoji style game for all subject plenaries.
You will be working in teams, your teacher will decide how many and who is in which.
Your teacher will ask teams a question, in turn. If you get the answer right, you can choose an Easter egg. Your teacher will then click the egg.
Under each emoji-egg, you can find:
A coin – your team wins 1 point
Chocolate – your team wins 2 points
Easter Rabbit – your team wins 4 points
A white cross – your team wins 0 points
The team with the most points wins!
The Spanish Alphabet, or Abecedario or Alfabeto contains a few difficulties for students, especially more complex letters such as the double L, or N “enye” and G/H/J/X/Y/Z seem to pose particular difficulties. Teach the alphabet to your Spanish class with this fun interactive lesson which covers these tricky areas through a fun game and comes complete with a crazy song they are sure to love!!
This is and Individual lesson, complete with writing tasks at the end of the alphabet presentation. The entire series of lessons is available from Monsieur MFL’s shop!
Starter - matching sample words for their meaning, common easy identifiable words
Song - sing along and dance
Consolidation dialogues follow allowing students to practise the letters they learnt through the song.
Minesweeper is a very popular game where players have to avoid exploding hidden bombs in the sea. Do the same in school and end your lessons with a bang !
Use this game as a plenary activity. This can be used for any subject and any year. E.g. MFL – translation of vocabulary Maths – answers to sums. History – dates, facts
I personally have used it for pupils to translate vocabulary covered in a topic, scaffolding questions, starting with single words and then building up to more complex sentences.
How to run the activity:
Split the class into two groups or more.
Teacher asks a question to each group.
Teacher selects by hands up (or miniwhiteboards, or team discussion).
Teacher selects a pupil to give the answer.
If the answer is correct – pupil can choose a mine.
If there’s a coin under the bomb - one point for your team
If there’s an explosion under the bomb - lose one point
If there’s a super bomb - the rubber duck of the evil clown - lose 2 points.
The team with the most points wins!!!
Resource designed to develop listening and pronunciation skills.
Airport announcements and script. Tracks imbedded into the powerpoint.
Authentic airport and airplane feel with background noise to help students get used to the real environment.
Can be used with absolutely any year group in many ways.
Looking for a fun, interactive plenary game? Try the EVIL PENGUIN GAME
Possibly the best ever plenary game - ever
Why is it evil? Because you can win points and lose points and never know when! dun dun dun!
Choose a game and then ask and answer questions in teams that your teacher asks.
Then pick a square. You can win or lose points.
You can also be teleported into CRAZY EVIL MINI GAMES!
Make sure to put on the creepy background music (click the title on the title slide!)
Minigames include:
Mario Kart
Halloween House
The Evil Card Hearts
Don’t get the ducky
*Edit - minor error corrected; music link added on first slide
A total of 9 powerpoints that will be more than enough for your entire half term’s work with year 7! Includes worksheets, interactive games and plenaries!
13 - School subjects
14 - Opinions
16- Timetable
17 - Food, drink
18 - Transport
19 - Facilities
20 - My bag
21 - Christmas game
Minesweeper game
Treasure Hunt
This resource is designed to follow on from TOPIC 1 = ME AND MY FAMILY - please check out my shop for that topic, or for the bundle for both these units together.
2 complete lessons
Focus on the verb IR in the present, voy a / en / con
IR in the past tense.
All tasks, games, plenaries and ideas for listening activities included.
A simplified guide to all the Spanish tenses - great tool for review before a big exam or as a quick check in class.
Near future
A lesson demonstrating the dangers of smoking and other poor habits.
Students learn vocabulary for the main vices and then give reasoning as to why they are poor choices.
The material should cover anywhere between 1 and 2 hours, depending on the ability of your students.