Teacher for 10 years in the UK and abroad.
Current Head of Humanities, GCSE/ A-Level Geography teacher. Experience teaching AP Human Geography, AP European History, Modern History, iGCSE History & Economics.
Materials are designed to include all materials needed to cover course material and allow you to modify instruction for your students depending upon their prior knowledge, S.E.N.D members of the class or overall ability/ language proficiency.
Teacher for 10 years in the UK and abroad.
Current Head of Humanities, GCSE/ A-Level Geography teacher. Experience teaching AP Human Geography, AP European History, Modern History, iGCSE History & Economics.
Materials are designed to include all materials needed to cover course material and allow you to modify instruction for your students depending upon their prior knowledge, S.E.N.D members of the class or overall ability/ language proficiency.
Full Unit pack for CIE AS Physical Geography Unit 5: Migration
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE AS Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
19 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Mexico to U.S migration stream, Internal; and International movements review sheet
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 24 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
5.1 - Migration and population change
5.11 - Intro to Migration Streams Activity
5.12 - Introduction to movements - push and pull
5.13 - Causes of Migration
5.14 - Recent approaches to migration
5.15 - Role of constraints and obstacles to Migration
Migration Review Homework
World Map for Migration Streams activity 5.1
5.2 - Internal Migration
5.21 - Introduction to internal Migration
5.22 - Causes of Internal Migration
5.23 - Socio-economic impact of Internal migration
5.24 - Political & Demographic Impacts of Internal migration
5.25 - Other Types of Urban Movements
Causes of Internal migration
Impacts of Internal Migration Table
5.3 -International Migration
5.31 - International Voluntary Migration
5.32 - International Forced Migration
5.33 - Socio-Cultural & Economic Impact of International migration
5.34 - Political & Environmental Impact of International migration
5.35 - Refugee Flows
Impacts of International Migration Table
International Migration Worksheet
Make a Refugee Infographic
Migration Homework
5.4 - Case study of international migration
5.41 - What is the U.S - Mexico Migration
5.42 - Causes of the U.S - Mexico Migration
5.43 - Impacts on Source areas Mexico to U.S
5.44 - Impacts on Destination areas - Mexico to U.S
ESPEN Mexico sheet
Mexico Migration-A3-sheet
Migration case study review sheet and notes
Full Unit pack for CIE AS Physical Geography Unit 4: Population
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE AS Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
20 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for China’s one child policy, Sudan food shortages, issues of youthful and ageing population essay sheets. Malthus & Optimum Population sheet
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 24 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
4.1 - Natural increase and population change
4.11 - Recent demographic change
4.12 - Factors affecting morality
4.13 - Population Pyramids and sex ratio
Aging population Japan case study notes
Factors Affecting Mortality Essay
population pyramid activity
4.2 - Demographic transition
4.21 Intro to the Demographic Transition Model
4.22 Criticisms of the model and changes over time
4.23 Issues of aging populations
4.24 - Issues of youthful populations
4.25 - Population and development
Ageing population Japan case study notes
DTM Essay Review
Issues of aging population
Japan and Gambia worksheet
Youthful population notes case study the Gambia
4.3 - Population resource relationships
4.31 - Food Security
4.32 - Causes & Impacts of Food Shortages
4.33 - Technology & Food Production
4.34 - The role of constraints in sustaining populations
4.35 - Carrying Capacity
4.36 - The Concept of Carrying capacity today
4.37 - Overpopulation & Malthus
4.38 - Optimum Population
Optimum population is difficult to achieve Worksheet
Food security worksheet
Food security
Food Shortages reading and notes worksheet
Wealth putting pressure on food production essay sheet
Make a Food security or carrying capacity Infographic
The concept of carrying capacity is irrelevant in
The consequences of food shortage are always negative worksheet
4.4 - The management of natural increase
4.41 - The management of natural increase
4.42 - The Need for a population policy - Case study China
4.43 - Impacts of the population policy
4.44 - Evaluate the relative success of the population policy
AS booklet case studies
China case study review sheet
Population Revision Booklet
Notes for China population policy essay
**Full Unit pack for CIE A2 Human Geography Topic 13: Global Interdependence **
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE A2 Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
23 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case information sheets for NAFTA, Aid, International Debt Crisis, Impacts of Tourism & Sustainable tourism
Worksheets & activities for each chapter
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 25-30 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
13.1 - Trade flows and trading patterns
13.11 - Types of trade and global patterns
13.12 - Factors affecting global trade
13.13 - Change over time in Global trade
13.14 - Trade agreements & factors affecting global trade
13.15 - The World trade organization
13.16 - Fair trade and trade in tea case study
Assess the effects of changes in global market
Relative importance of factors affecting global inequalities
Success of the World Trade Organization
Does free trade have limited benefits worksheet
Factors Affecting Global Trade
Nafta Case study information sheet
Research project for patterns
13.2 - International debt and International aid
13.21 - International debt
13.22 - Causes of the international debt crisis
13.23 - Solutions to the international debt crisis
13.24 - Types of Aid
13.25 - Water aid case study
13.26 - International aid case study: Chinas BRI
A2 Review presentation
Aid and development case study review sheet
Discussion and debate, Trade vs debt vs aid
The international debt crisis case study
13.3 - The development of international tourism
13.31 - Introduction to international tourism
13.32 - The development of tourism
13.33 - Growth of international tourism
13.34 - Social Impacts of tourism
13.35 - Economic Impacts of tourism
13.36 - The Life Cycle Model of tourism
13.37 - The Development of Eco-tourism in Ecuador
Factors affecting the development of tourism tables
A Level Article Homework
Jamaica Case study sheet
13.4 - Jamaica and the management of a tourist destination
13.41 - Jamaica as a tourist destination
13.42 - Impacts of Tourism on society in Jamaica
13.43 - Impacts of Tourism on the economy in Jamaica
12.44 - Sustainable Tourism in Jamaica
Full Unit pack for CIE A2 Physical Geography Topic 9: Hazardous Environments
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE A2 Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
23 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Montserrat/ Mt St Helens Volcanic eruption, Haiti/ Tohoku Earthquake case study, Mass movements in the alps, Italy & Hong Kong, Hurricane Katrina & Maria & Sustainable management of Geo-materials in Malaysia
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 30 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
*Powerpoints *
9.1 - Hazards resulting from tectonic processes
9.11 - Global distribution of tectonic hazards
9.12 - Causes of Earthquakes
9.13 - Earthquakes Hazards & Scales
9.14 - Factors affecting Earthquake Damage
9.15 - Earthquake Preparedness, prediction & Hazard Mapping
9.16 - Tsunamis and earthquake secondary hazard
9.17 - Haiti Case Study LIC
9.18 - Japan Case Study HIC
9.19 - Volcano Types & Causes of Eruptions
9.110 - Volcanic Hazards
9.111 - Mt St Helens & Montserrat
A2 Geography Case Study Presentation
Earthquakes & Volcanoes review sheet notes for essays
Hazard Mapping World Map activity
Information sheet template
9.2 - Hazards resulting from mass movements
9.21 - The Nature and causes of mass movements
9.22 - Hong Kong & Italy Case Studies
9.23 - Prediction, Preparedness, Monitoring & Hazard Mapping
9.24 - Avalanches case study
Mass movements essay review
Mass movements test
9.3 - Hazards resulting from atmospheric disturbances
9.31 - Factors affecting the formation of LSADs
9.32 - Impacts of Large scale atmospheric disturbances
9.33 - Hurricane Maria case study - reducing impacts
9.34 - Hurricane Katrina- reducing impacts
9.35 - Factors affecting the formation of Tornadoes
9.36 - Tornado Damage, Impacts & Case Study
Hurricane Maria and Katrina Review sheet
Risk from Hurricanes poster activity
9.4 - Sustainable management of hazardous environments
9.41 - Sustainable management using Geo-materials in Malaysia case-study
9.42 - Sustainable Management – Essay Review Lesson
Detailed case study information sheets on all major case studies and major topics for CIE AS Geography, both human and physical. Contains all the relevant information to answer key 15 mark essays.
All are 2-4 pages in length, tied to specific past paper questions and are very detailed.
The Following are included:
Physical Geography (Rivers, Atmosphere, Rocks)
Unit 1: Bangladesh Major flood event case study
Unit 1: Hard & Soft engineering case study (Bangladesh/ Kisimee river restoration
Unit 2: Causes of Global warming essay review sheet
Unit2: Impact of global warming case study sheet
Unit 2: Impact of Human activity on London Case study
Unit 3: Types of plate boundary and associated landforms essay sheet
Unit 3: Slope Stability: Natural Vs Human (Hong Kong/ New Zealand) case study review sheet
Human Geography (Population, Migration, Settlement Dynamics)
Unit 4: Aging population in Japan case study notes
Unit 4: Impacts of a Youthful population: the Gambia
Unit 4: Is wealth putting pressure on food production review sheet?
Unit 4: Carrying capacity essay review case study
Unit 4: China’s One child policy case study review sheet
Unit 5: Mexico to the U.S Major Migration stream Case study review sheet
Unit 6: Rural decline case study sheet: Isle of purbeck
Unit 6: Residential segregation in urban areas essay review sheet
Unit 6: Heliopolis case study sheet
How I use them:
Give these out for a timed essay question to allow the students to write a good essay
Have the students read, make a plan using the sheet and take that into a test
Give out the sheets for Homework and have students write the essays on the sheet or make plans/ mind maps
These are all found in my full unit packs, along with other worksheets & powerpoints on my store page
Detailed case study sheets on all major case studies and major topics for CIE A2 Geography, both human and Physical. Contains all the relevant information to answer key **20 mark essays.
All are 2-8 pages in length, tied to specific past paper questions and are very detailed.
The Following are included:
Physical Geography Units 8 & 9 (Coastal Environments & Hazardous Environments)
Unit 8: Role of Marine, sub-ariel & geology in the formation of coastal cliffs essay review sheet
Unit 8: Role of Marine, sub-ariel & geology in the formation of coastal landforms
Unit 8: Sustainable management of coasts: Holderness coasts case study review sheet
Unit 9: Earthquakes essay review sheet (Japan & Haiti)
Unit 9: Volcanoes essay review sheet (Montserrat & Mt St Helen’s)
Unit 9: Mass movements essay review sheet (Italy, Hong Kong & the Alps)
Unit 9: Prediction & Preparedness for Hurricanes essay review sheet (Katrina & Maria)
Unit 9: Sustainable management of a natural environment (PPT) Malaysia
Human Geography Units 11 & 13 (Production, location & change & Global Interdependence)
Unit 11: Factors affecting agricultural land use essay review sheet
Unit 11:Extensive production case study review sheet (Australian sheep farming)
Unit 11: Intensive production case study review sheet 9 Rice farming Bangladesh)
Unit 11: Jamaican agricultural change major case study review sheet
Unit 11: EPZs case study (PPT)
Unit 11: Manufacturing industry Change case study in India
Unit 13: Essay review sheets on Free trade & inequalities in trade flows
Unit 13: Aid & development major case study (Uganda, water aid & BRI
Unit 13: International debt crisis case study review sheet (HIPC & Jubilee in Uganda)
Unit 13: Sustainable management of a tourist destination (Jamaica)
Unit 13: Impacts of tourism on Jamaican economy, society & environment essay
How I use them:
Give these out for a timed essay question to allow the students to write a good essay
Have the students read, make a plan using the sheet and take that into a test
Give out the sheets for Homework and have students write the essays on the sheet or make plans/ mind maps
These are all found in my full unit packs, along with other worksheets & powerpoints on my store page
Full Unit pack for CIE AS Geography, ALL 6 UNITS
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Features of this full Unit plan
100+ Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Included are the 6 core topics for CIE AS Level Geography
Topic 1: Hydrology & Fluvial geomorphology
Topic 2: Atmosphere & weather
Topic 3: Rocks & Weathering
Topic 4: Population
Topic 5: Migration
Topic 6: Settlement Dynamics
For each Topic there are:
Powerpoints - Broken down into subtopics with a warm up, course content and plenary
Case studies
Diagrams and maps
Also included in the pack:
Full unit review guides for students
Exam skills and breakdown Powerpoints
Review sheets
Organisation & Course set-up
Full Unit pack for CIE A2 Physical Geography Topic 8: Coastal Environments
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE A2 Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
25 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Sustainable management of the Holderness Coast, Sub-ariel & Marine Processes and coral reefs- Worksheets & activities for each chapter
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 30 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
**Powerpoints **
8.1 Coastal Proceeses
8.11 - Introduction to coasts and waves
8.12 - Waves and Tides
8.13 - Coastal Erosion
8.14 - Coastal Transportation and deposition
8.15 - Longshore drift & Sediment cell small case studies
UK Map
Sub-ariel processes sheet
8.2 - Charachteristics and formation of coastal landforms
8.21 - Cliffs, Arches, Stacks & Stumps
8.22 - Wave Cut Platforms
8.23 - Depositional Landforms - Beaches
8.24 -Formation of Spits
8.25 -Bars, Tombolos & Barrier islands
8.26 - Sand Dunes
8.27 - Saltmarshes & Mudflats
8.28 - Mangroves
8.29 - Eustatic & Isostatic Sea Level Change
8.210 - Sea level change and Coastal Landforms
8.211 - Sea level change andThe Holderness Coast
Assess the influence of sub-aerial processes in the formation of coastal landforms.
Assess the extent to which the characteristics of coastal cliffs are the result of marine processes.
8.3 - Coral reefs
8.31 - Coral Reefs and conditions for growth
8.32 - Coral Reef Types and formation theories
8.33 - Threats to Coral Reefs
8.34 - Great Barrier reef case study and management of reefs
Threats to coral reefs
Coral reefs essay sheet
Coral reefs worksheet
8.4 - sustainable management of coasts
8.41 - Sustainable management of coasts
8.42 - Holderness Coast Issues & solutions
8.43 - Holderness Coast solutions
8.44 - Holderness Coast Problems solved evaluation
8.45 - U.S eastern seaboard Extra case study (Holderness main)
A2 Essay Breakdown for Sustainable management
Holderness coast case study review sheet
Coastal Threats worksheet
Holderness coast guided notes sheet
Simple checklist of all case studies covered for iGCSE Geography, can be edited to put in your own that you cover, but contains all of the required topics as per the CIE Cambridge Syllabus & teacher guide.
Guided unit reviews, students can fill out the document for each unit using the textbook. Made using the Scheme of Work for CIE A Level Geography and the approved textbook.
Contains all 6 units
Unit 1: Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology
Unit 2: Atmosphere and Weather
Unit 3: Rocks and Weathering
Unit 4: Population
Unit 5: Migration
Unit 6: settlement Dynamics
Powerpoints & worksheet unit pack for Theme 3 of iGCSE Geography for Cambridge International Education (CIE). Made utilizing the syllabus and teacher guide for CIE to cover Development, agriculture, industry, tourism, energy, water and environmental risks.
3.1 - Development (4 PPTs + 7 Worksheets)
3.2 - Food production (5 PPTs + 5 Worksheets)
3.3 - Industry (3 PPTs + 5 Worksheets)
3.4 - Tourism (4 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
3.5 - Energy (4 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
3.6 - Water (4 PPTs + 3 Worksheets)
3.7 - Environmental risks of economic development (8 PPTs + 6 Worksheets)
Total: 32Powerpoints, comprising over 35 lessons & multiple projects and case study research activities to complete all of these topics in one semester.
Each PowerPoint Contains a Warm up/ Fun fact, core content with pictures and key information & summary activities/ plenaries at the end.
Multiple powerpoints on case studies for all units and worksheets to work through the powerpoints.
Powerpoints & worksheet unit pack for Theme 1 of iGCSE Geography: Population & Settlement for Cambridge International Education (CIE). Made utilizing the syllabus and teacher guide for CIE to cover** Population, Migration and Settlements. **
1.1- Population Dynamics (7 PPTs + 5 Worksheets)
1.2- Population & Migration (4 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
1.3- Population structure (3PPTs + 2 Worksheets)
1.4- Population Density & Distribution (3 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
1.5- Settlements and service provision (3 PPTs + 5 Worksheets)
1.6- Urban settlements (5 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
1.7- Urbanisation (4 PPTs + 4 Worksheets)
Total: 29 Powerpoints and 32 worksheets/ activities, comprising over 35 lessons & multiple projects and case study research activities to complete all of these topics in one semester.
Each PowerPoint Contains a Warm up/ Fun fact, core content with pictures and key information & summary activities/ plenaries at the end.
Multiple powerpoints on case studies for all units and worksheets to work through the powerpoints.
Full Unit pack for CIE AS Physical Geography Unit 3: Rocks & Weathering
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE AS Exams. Supplement with your own materials and I hope it helps.
Features of this full Unit plan
14 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Plat tectonic landforms, Slope management in Hong Kong and New Zealand
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 21 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 205-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
3.1 - Plate Tectonics
3.11 - Evidence for plate tectonics and plate boundaries
3.12 - Tectonic Processes
3.33 - Tectonic Landforms Fold Mountains & Divergent boundaries
3.34 - Tectonic Landforms at Convergent Boundaries
Tectonic Landforms worksheet
Type of Plate boundary, type of landform question
3.2 - Weathering and Rocks
3.21 - Physical Weathering
3.22 - Chemical weathering
3.23 - Factors affecting type and rate of weathering
Chemical Weathering
3.3 - Slope processes
3.31 - Slope processes and classification
3.32 - Causes of mass movements
3.33 - Types of mass movement
3.34 - New Zealand case study
Rocks and weathering Unit 3 Homework poster
Types of mass movement sheet
3.4 - The human impact
3.41 - Slope stability
3.42 - Hong Kong Case Study
3.43 - Natural and Human Causes of Landslides in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Case Study Review sheet
Mass Movements Case study guided worksheet
Mass Movements Case study guided worksheet
Slope Stability Natural Vs Human Case study review sheet
Full Unit pack for CIE AS Physical Geography Unit 6: Settlement Dynamics
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE AS Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan
20 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for The Isle of purbeck rural settlement, Heliopolis, Cairo Transport Network and Residential segregation in London
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 24 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
6.1 - Changes in rural settlements
6.11 - Changing Rural environments in the UK
6.12 - Counterurbanisation and the rural landscape
6.13 - Issues with Rural settlements
6.14 - Issues of Rural settlements in LICS
6.15 - Rural settlement characteristics & issues - Isle of Purbeck Case Study
6.16 - Causes of Rural decline
6.17 - Attempted solutions to rural decline
Introduction to key concepts in Settlements
Isle of Purbeck Case Study Section B 30 Mark Essay
6.2 - Urban trends and issues of urbanisation
6.21 - The development of the urban environment
6.22 - The cycle of Urbanisation - Suburbs
6.23 The cycle of urbanisation
6.24 - Competition for land and changes
6.25 - Global World Cities
Example student response essay - residential segregation
Suburbanisation questions sheet for image analysis
Urbanisation and World city activity
6.3 - Changes in urban settlements
6.31 - Urban Models
6.32 - Factors affecting the location of urban activities
6.33 - Changes to the Central Business District
6.34 - Residential Segregation in Urban settlements
Changing CBD and Residential Segregation
Changing location of services in the urban area
Residential segregation in urban areas review sheet
Sector Model Worksheet
6.4 - Management of urban settlements
6.41 - Introduction to Squatter settlements
6.42 - Issues Faced in Heliopolis
6.43 - Attempted Solutions to issues faced
6.44 - Provision of Transport in Cairo Case study
Heliopolis case study guided review sheet
Heliopolis Review notes and questions to answer
Settlement Dynamics case study presentation
Full Unit pack for CIE A2 Physical Geography Topic 11: Production, Location & Change
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE A2 Exams.
Features of this full Unit plan**
22 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Agricultural change in Jamaica, Industrial Change in India, factors affecting agricultural land use case study
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 30 class periods. Any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 2025-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
Full Contents
**Powerpoints **
11.1 - Agricultural systems and food production
11.11 - Physical Factors affecting agriculture
11.12 - Economic Factors affecting agriculture
11.13 - Political, Social and Cultural Factors affecting agricultural land use
11.14 - Agricultural Systems
11.15 - Pastoral farming Australia case study
11.16 - Bangladesh Intensive rice farming case study
11.17 - Environmental Challenges
11.18 - Agricultural Technology & the Future
Extensive production case study review sheet
Factors affecting agricultural land use essay review sheet
Intensive rice production
11.2 - Jamaica and the management of agricultural change
11.21 - Agricultural issues faced by Jamaica
11.22 - Attempts at Agricultural Change
11.23 - Evaluation of Kew Park Farm Local Scale
Jamaica and Agricultural Change case study
Jamaican Agricultural change review notes sheet
Timeline poster
11.3 - Manufacturing and related service industry
11.31 - Raw Materials, Energy & markets - Factors affecting the location of manufacturing industry
11.32 - Transport, Land & Capital
11.33 - Labour & Economies of Scale
11.34 - Government Policy & Industrial Inertia
11.35 - Industrial Agglomeration
11.36 - Export Processing Zones Case Study
11.37 - Formal & Informal Sector Manufacturing
11.38 - Informal Sector Character & Case Studies
Advantages and disadvantages of EPZs and Industrial Estates
EPZ Examples & Case Study Review
Informal Vs Formal Sector
11.4 - India and the management of change in the manufacturing industry
11.41 - Issues Faced By India
11.42 - Manufacturing Change Undertaken by India
11.43 - Evaluate the success of change by India
Case Study Review sheet
India - Major Case Study Information Sheet
Production case study review
Production case studies exam
**Full Unit pack for CIE AS Physical Geography Unit 1 Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology
!!! UPDATED FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR !!!
Teaching using these materials gives you a solid foundation to improve your practice and focus more on aiding students with exam skills and essay writing required for high level CIE A2 Exams. Supplement with your own materials and I hope it helps.
Features of this full Unit plan
17 Powerpoints covering all key content all made using official Cambridge documents and guidance
All Powerpoints contain a Warm up, Main content with pictures/ graphs and plenary’s
Integrated in Powerpoints are exam question breakdowns and discussion topics
Major Case study information sheets for Bandgladesh River floods, Kisimee river restoration project and river landforms
Taught comfortably with time for essay writing and assessment in approximately 21 class periods. I will be teaching this using these materials in the 2024-25 school year again, any reviews, messages or notes for what you would like will be appreciated, I plan on updating this by the end of the 205-26 year and adding even more material, so check back after purchase.
**Full Contents
1.1- The Drainage Basin System
1.11 - The Drainage Basin system - Intro and Outputs
1.12 - The Drainage Basin System - Stores
1.13 - The Drainage Basin System - Flows
Infiltration Rate Worksheet
Key Terms and basics worksheet
1.2- Discharge relationships within drainage basins
1.21 - Discharge relationships within drainage basins
1.22 - Factors affecting the Storm Hydrograph
Complete Factors affecting hydrograph
Factors affecting hydrograph table worksheet
Factors affecting hydrograph
Hydrograph Past Year Qns
Quick questions drainage basin and hydrograph
1.3- River Channel processes and Landforms
1.31 - Erosion, Transport and Deposition
1.32 River flow patterns and channel type
1.33 - Erosional & Depositional Landforms
1.34 - River Deltas
Landform past year questions - answers
Landform past year questions
Landform Project
Landform questions sheet
Meanders Worksheet
Review on Flows & Channels
1.4- The Human Impact
1.41 The Human Impact on Drainage Basin
1.42 - Dams & Flooding
1.43 - Flood Prevention
1.44 - River restoration case study
1.45 - Bangladesh - Causes of river floods
1.46 - Causes of Floods essay review
1.47 - Bangladesh - Impacts of river floods
1.48 - Bangladesh - Attempts at reducing impact
Bangladesh flood event case study sheet
Hard & Soft engineering reducing flood impacts essay review sheet
Soft and Hard Engineering homework
iGCSE Geography Topics all taken from the Cambridge guiding documents and put into a long list with a table to allow the students to revise one topic a day.
Useful during the revision period
Full Revision checklist for students to complete for homework or in class to understand what they need to study for the upcoming AS exams
Checklist taken from the learner guide and put into a checklist format for easy digestion and understanding and easier classroom use
Map Worksheet for multiple grade levels. Helps teach about
Population distribution
World Cities
Global distribution of Urbanization
Questions Tailored to GCSE and AS level Geography Core content