I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
KS2 Reindeer Power-point lesson. Whole lesson of 35 slides which include geography and mapwork, paired activities. Pupils will need access to maps and globes to identify the Arctic Circle and regions. Activities also include written tasks (completing sentences, writing definition in own words, solving a warm up riddle, watching a short information clip on Youtube and a follow up quiz with written answers). There is a linked maths measuring task and an information table with linked questions. Also includes photographs of real (not cartoon!) reindeer. There are supporting worksheets/templates for pupils to write a non-chronological report about reindeer using the information they have learnt in the power-point.
Learning Objectives
• To identify where reindeer live in the world.
• To use information about reindeer to work out how they have adapted to their habitat.
• To use specific geographical and scientific vocabulary.
• To write a non-chronological report about reindeer using the information I have learnt.
Florence Nightingale pack of 8 worksheets.
I used this set of worksheets with class of KS1 pupils.
Includes A4 factsheet of her life with pictures. Great to help pupils start their own research or to use as an information source for writing diaries/letters/newspaper article etc.
Template and simple scaffolding for a handwashing leaflet for children to personalise. (Note will need to be cut and pasted onto landscape format for pupil use).
Worksheet of Florence with speech bubbles to argue her case for being a nurse. This is a good introduction in preparation for drama or a hot seat activity.
Scutari hospital improvements worksheet.
‘Cut and Sequence’ sentence activity of Florence’s life.
Sort and stick the Victorian/modern day hospital items activity.
Improvements Florence made to the hospitals worksheets with question space to formulate questions for Florence. Also good for preparation for a drama activity. I used this for groups of 4 pupils (in role as 2 reporters + Florence + modern day nurse) with the reporters interviewing Florence about her impact on hospitals and the modern-day nurse saying how Florence’s work has continued today.
Hospitals and germ prevention pupil worksheet.
Volcanoes: Series of 5 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to talk about volcanoes, take notes from a YouTube clip, look up geographical vocabulary in a dictionary, watch short clips of volcanoes in action including recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland and the Roman eruption of Vesuvius, compare composite and shield volcanoes, use maps and atlases to locate decade volcanoes and tectonic plates. The final 2 lessons of the series are a research task to investigate their own volcano. There is an extension activity to write a short True/False quiz which could be used as an assessment activity at the end of the unit. Each set of slides contains images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for volcanoes and their locations.
Links with cross curricular topics such as ‘Earth’, ‘Disasters’, ‘Weather’, ‘Extreme events’, ‘Our Planet’, ‘Fire’.
Lesson 1
(Pupil worksheet 1: Label cross section of volcano, Worksheet 2: Viscosity experiment, Worksheet 3: Compare composite and shield volcanoes)
Learning Objectives
To recognise the features of volcanoes by their formation and shape.
To explain the differences and similarities between volcanoes.
To locate volcanoes on a map and identify countries where volcanoes are located.
To understand why volcanoes erupt and the effects of a volcanic eruption.
To know the names and locations of well- known volcanoes in the world.
Lesson 2
(Pupil worksheet 4: Order the stages of an eruption)
Learning objectives
To explain how a volcanic eruption happens in my own words.
To use key vocabulary and understand their meaning.
To label a diagram of a volcano correctly.
To know what tectonic plates and fault lines are.
How tectonic movement causes volcanoes.
Lesson 3
(Pupil worksheet 5: Effects of volcanic eruptions)
Learning Objectives
To explain the positive and negative effects of a volcanic eruption.
To know the definitions of the geographical terms ‘active ‘and ‘dormant’.
To understand how volcanoes are monitored.
To know how prediction and planning are used to keep people safe.
Lesson 4 and Lesson 5
(Pupil worksheet 6: Decade volcanoes mapwork, Worksheet 7: Research worksheet PLUS 18 volcano fact cards, Worksheet 8: Quiz questions template.
Learning objectives:
To research a well- known composite (stratovolcano) and a well- known shield volcano and its eruption.
To use the research template as a guide to make sure your research covers important information.
To use the information found to make an information booklet.
To add facts, data information, images and a quote to your booklet.
The Solar System. KS2 power-point of 31 slides (including worksheets).
This power-point can be used as a complete stand-alone lesson or as an additional spin off to related topics which encourage the pupils to think about the Solar System and the planets. I have kept the information simple with a mix of slides and activities including a short youtube clip, paired talk activities, 7 worksheets.
Learning objectives
• To know that the sun is the centre of the solar system.
• To know some interesting facts about the sun.
• To name the eight planets which orbit the sun.
• To organise the planets in order of closeness to the sun.
• To know the names of other cosmic bodies in the solar system.
Worksheet 1: Facts about the Sun.
Worksheet 2: Ordering the planets mnemonic.
Worksheet 3: Ordering the planets cut and stick activity.
Worksheet 4: Labelling the planets.
Worksheet 5: Cosmic objects in the Solar System.
Resource 6: Planets fact cards.
Worksheet 7: Planets research activity grid.
Each slide includes pictures which illustrate the key learning points.
Useful alongside lessons or topics on sun safety, summer, space and planets etc.
Brazil today: Series of 4 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Brazil’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Brazil as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in Brazilian (Portuguese) at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘South America’, ‘Rainforests’, ‘Weather’, ‘The Amazon’.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find Brazil in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of Brazil.
I could describe where Brazil is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of Brazil.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
To identify the different climate zones in Brazil.
To describe and explain the climate found in each zone. Geographical vocabulary (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, equator, Tropic Cancer/Capricorn).
To explain the temperature in different locations.
To interpret a climate data and temperature chart.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and suggest reasons for how the physical features affect where people live in Brazil.
I could compare population information and explain how the population has changed in Brazil over 50 years.
EY/KS1 Signs of Autumn Powerpoint Four lessons.
Learning Objectives:
Lesson 1
To know the names of the Autumn months.
To recognise the signs of Autumn around me.
Lesson 2
To describe weather changes in the Autumn season.
To explain how the autumn weather affects some animals.
To know what the word ‘hibernate’ means.
To list animals that hibernate.
Lesson 3
To name the grains which grow at Autumn time.
To name some foods which are made with grains.
To sequence the stages of making bread.
Lesson 4
To be able to name different autumn fruit and vegetables and say where they grow.
The slides include photographs of animals which hibernate (dormouse, bat, frog, grass snake etc) and do not hibernate but sleep at Autumn/Winter (squirrels, badgers, rabbits/hares). At specific points there are short paired talk activities and simple class activities with worksheets (and answers) for each lesson.
There are BBC links – making bread and a survey worksheet for an Autumn walk.
Cross curricular KOW /Science work on topics of ‘Seasons’, ‘Autumn’, ‘Animals’, ‘Nature’.
This Autumn bundle has 10 worksheets for KS1 pupils:
Autumn acrostic poem templates. Autumn Acrostic poetry templates. Four blank templates with the headings Autumn, Scarecrow, Leaf and Farmer. Each poem has a corresponding word mat of Autumn words help pupils start a new line of their poem. The shorter poem templates can be used with younger or SEN pupils.
Autumn months sentence work and an Autumn label to decorate.
Fruit and vegetables. Matching to labels and saying where the vegetable grows (ground, tree, bush, hedge, field).
Autumn survey for an autumn walk
Autumn clothes ordering the clothes in the correct boxes (Autumn or Summer).
The journey of bread. Picture sequencing.
Grain foods. Listing food made from wheat, oats and corn (labelled image to help).
Breadmaking ordering the statements.
Hibernating animals. Dictionary definition work and cut and stick animals into categories.
Activity mat. Fun mat with jumbled autumn words, a maze, symmetrical drawing, wordsearch.
Useful to build into a lesson or for early finishers.
Set of 60 (covering one term) ‘Five a Day’ maths challenges. Aimed at Y1 and some YR these challenges can be used as a simple daily warm up, a quick test, early finishers task or a small group task.
The challenges cover a range of simple number and shape space and measures and become more challenging as the children move through the 60 days. The exercises are presented in a similar way to help children to get used to what is asked of them in recorded format. The exercises include:
Counting in ones, twos and later in 5s and 10s.
More/less than.
Number lines and picture/number sequences.
Simple addition and subtraction to 10 then 20+.
Making sets and pairs.
Ordinal numbers. Positional vocabulary: before, after.
Length in cm
O clock and half past.
2D shapes: circle, square, rectangle.
Half and whole.
Simple tally graphs.
KS1/Y3 Powerpoint lesson (s) of 65 slides on the topic ‘Norman castles.’
Learning Objectives:
• To recognise and name the features of castles.
• To explain who William of Normandy was, where he came from and what he was famous for doing.
• To compare the similarities and differences between motte and bailey and stone built castles.
• To explain how the first castles were made.
• To give reasons why castles were built in specific places and in specific ways.
• To recap the features of a castle using the correct historical words.
• To know that castles were gifts or rewards in Norman times.
• To make a non-fiction booklet about castles.
The slides are easy to follow and devised to encourage partner/trio discussion and collaboration through key questioning and small group activities. The slides can be divided easily into four separate lessons (following the learning objectives) or interchanged depending on how quickly or in depth you want to take over each aspect of this topic. Slides 1-5 use pupil knowledge as a starting point assessment through a ‘what am I?’ activity. Slides 6-13 focus on features of castles. Slides 14-22 focus on William the Conqueror and include a paired map activity using atlases. Slides 23-36 look at early motte and bailey castles and include a short clip from Youtube. Included is a simple DT planning sheet for pupils to design then build a motte and bailey castle and a separate comparison worksheet. Slides 37-45 focus on castle defences and include a labelling worksheet and an ‘attack and defence’ activity. Slides 46-48 encourage pupils to consider the purposes of castles in war and peace time. Slides 49-59 can be used as a castle features class quiz or a paired assessment. Slides 59- 63 look at famous castles belonging to Normans. Slide 64 is a non-fiction template for pupils to use to make notes about their knowledge of Norman castles. The final slide offers a suggestion for making a ‘castle’ booklet.
England today: Series of 5 KS1 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a BBC clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), use maps and atlases to locate England’s within the UK and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of England.
Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, United Kingdom, Seaside, All about me, Local Study.
Lesson 1
Learning objectives
To find England in an atlas.
To recognise the key features of England.
To describe the location of England using geographical vocabulary.
Tasks: Atlas and globes needed, country matching activity.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
To recognise the main geographical (physical) features of England.
To find and label the physical features of England on a map.
To describe the physical features of England using geographical vocabulary.
Tasks: Atlas work, label a map, self-evaluation task.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
To identify the different settlements in England.
To describe the characteristics of different English settlements.
Task: Dictionary definition, ordering settlements, worksheet.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
To identify the physical features of seaside areas in England and say whether they are natural or human.
To describe the characteristics of different English seaside places.
Task: Identifying seaside features. 2 worksheets.
Lesson 5
Learning Objectives
To know the capital city of England.
To explain what a capital city is.
To identify the physical features of cities in England and say whether they are natural or human.
Tasks: comparing features of different places. Worksheet.
Famous people set of 10 fact sheets.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used these factsheets with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used them with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Seaside Geography bundle.
Bundle of cross curricular resources to support a topic on the seaside. Most of the pupil worksheets are aimed at KS2 and the research is for higher ability Y5/6. Intended to be used as a compliment to lessons on the seaside.
Two A4 factsheets about seaside towns of Brighton and Blackpool.
Set of 24 Geographical features cards: includes bay, beach, cave coastline, pier, island dunes, promenade, stack, arch, causeway, headland, fun fair, gift shop, arcade etc.
Blank postcard template.
Features of Scarborough – label the features worksheet
Features of Ilfracombe – label the features worksheet
Human geographical features in Scarborough – Venn diagram activity decide which features are for tourists/locals/both.
Identify and categorise jobs into primary, secondary, tertiary worksheet.
Research template of seaside and inland town.
Seaside survey – a worksheet for a trip to the beach.
Seaside word mat.
Seasonal and non-seasonal jobs worksheet.
Label the lighthouse (external).
How to write a biography. Upper KS2. Set of five complete lessons with all worksheets and pupil resources. Includes a Biography checklist, sample biographies about Queen Victoria and Nelson Mandela, a blank biography spider-gram, blank planning templates (scaffolded) and a fact sheet about Mary Anning. The series of lessons include opportunities for pupils to give peer feedback and analyse two sample biographies.
I have used these with Y5 and Y6 and have also extended the unit to include famous people which the children asked for or who we were covering in topic work eg Louis Pasteur, famous explorers/sports achievers.
Learning objectives.
Lesson 1
• To explain what a ‘biography’ is in my own words.
• To name people who have had a biography written about them.
• To list the features of a biography.
• To identify the features in a short biography of a famous person.
Lesson 2
• To explain what a ‘biography’ is in my own words.
• To recall the features of a biography.
• To plan then write a biography about someone in my family and use the checklist to include the main features.
• To give helpful feedback to my partner.
Lesson 3
• To read a biography about Nelson Mandela.
• To use the Biography Checklist and identify whether the main features have been included in the biography about Nelson Mandela.
• To identify areas where the biography could be improved.
Lesson 4
• To choose a famous person for a biography.
• To plan your ideas on a writing frame and listen to the feedback about the features from your partner.
• To write an interesting biography which includes all of the main features.
Lesson 5
• To use the factsheet about Mary Anning, taking out information which would be interesting in a biography.
• To write an interesting biography about Mary Anning which includes all of the main features of a biography.
Improving inference skills for reading. KS1 pack of 34 short activities.
Each story activity is based around a simple everyday task or activity. The information is implied within the text to encourage pupils to extract meaning from clues and draw conclusions. I wrote these activities to help my class of Y1 pupils improve their ability to extract relevant information from text but I have also used them with older and SEN pupils. Can be used as a lesson warm up with the whole class, in a small guided group or with a target group and a TA.
12 Short story paragraphs (What is happening?) with prompts to develop pupil understanding of meaning within text based upon a character’s behaviour, conversation or actions.
10 short story paragraphs with prompts to develop pupil understanding of where people are or where something happened through inferred conversation and description.
12 picture prompt/ choices for pupils to extract an action or activity (using picture and text clues) linked to a simple question or sentence.
Series of 6 Y2 and KS2 powerpoint lessons on the topic of Easter. Each lesson includes the timings for each activity at the top of each slide. There are opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively in every lesson and record and share their ideas and knowledge.
Lesson 1: (30 mins) focuses on celebrations and Easter as a celebration and begins with an initial assessment based on pupil starting points. Pupils work in small groups of 2 or 3 and create a Spider diagram and Mind Map to record their knowledge. There is an opportunity for group feedback at the end of the lesson.
Lesson 2: (30 mins) focuses on the Easter story told through a link to a story on YouTube. The pupils raise questions about the story and have a P4C debate. There are Teacher notes on slides 14 and 15 to help shape the debate session.
Lesson 3: (30mins) focuses on Holy Week through images and key questions on each slide. There is a short YouTube clip on how to make a Palm cross. The pupils will need green activity paper or card and glue.
Lesson 4: (40 mins) focuses on Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. There is a 20 min research activity based on the painting ‘The last Supper’ (naming the disciples and finding out their responses to Jesus). Pupils will need access to books about this subject and the internet. There are opportunities for pupils to explore responses and feelings to different aspects of the story leading into the Resurrection. A template on slide 35 can be printed for pupil recording.
Lesson 5: (60 mins) focuses on the Christian symbol of the cross with a 45min Hot Cross Buns baking activity which can be either as a Teacher demonstration or as a group task.
Lesson 6: (40 mins) focuses on how Easter is celebrated today and explores some of the traditions such as Easter Bunny, lambs, chocolate eggs, daffodils etc. There are key questions for pupils to discuss in small groups and an end of unit assessment using all the information they have learnt in lessons 1-6 in the design of an Easter poster.
The final slide offers an additional Easter creative activity for pupils to follow instructions to make an Easter sheep for a card or a display. I used activity with the class when a group was completing research (Lesson 4) and a group were making Hot cross Buns (from Lesson5) with a Teaching Assistant).
I have also included a blank easter egg colouring template and an easter bunny and chick colouring template.
Africa today: Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Africa’s countries and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Africa as well as simple information such as greetings flags of countries in the different regions at the beginning of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as Continents, Deserts, Weather, Animals, Tourism etc.
Lesson 1 There are 4 supporting pupil worksheets with this lesson.
Learning Objectives
I must find Africa in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the countries and features of Africa.
I could describe where Africa is in the world using geographical words
Lesson 2 Two supporting worksheets and a short class warm up quiz.
Learning objectives
I can explain the 5 main areas of Africa.
I should find and label some of the countries from each region on my map.
I can shade a map showing the features of Africa.
Lesson 3 There are 2 supporting pupil worksheets with this lesson.
Learning Objectives
To identify the different climate zones in Africa.
To describe and explain the climate found in each zone.
To explain the temperature in different locations.
To interpret a climate data and temperature chart.
Lesson 4 : 1 pupil worksheet and mapwork
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and identify the challenges for living in Egypt.
I could compare population graphs for Egyptian cities and explain population issues.
Lesson 5: 1 pupil worksheet and discussion activities.
Learning Objectives
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘desert climate’ and ‘weather’.
I should explain how the geography of Africa determines where people settle.
I must be able to say how Africa’s natural resources helps people make a living.
I should explain how tourism supports the African people.
I could name important African exports.
Lesson 6
Learning Objectives One pupil worksheet. Research task with grid and quiz task.
I must identify some features of natural beauty in Africa.
I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from Africa.
I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from Africa.
China today: Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate China’s key cities and geographical features. Each lesson has supporting worksheets, written tasks and paired ‘talk’ activities. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of China as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in Mandarin at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘Ancient civilizations’, ‘Asia’, ‘Weather’.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find China in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of China.
I could describe where China is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of China.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
To identify the different climate zones in China.
To describe and explain the climate found in each zone.
To explain the temperature in different locations.
To interpret a climate data and temperature chart
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and identify how the physical features affect where people live in China.
I could compare population information and explain how the population has changed in China over 50 years.
Lesson 5
Learning Objectives
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘climate’ and ‘weather’.
I must order the ten most populated cities in China.
I should explain how the location of Chinese cities affects population size.
I could explain how the weather and climate affects the lifestyle of the Chinese people.
Lesson 6
Learning Objectives
I must identify some features of natural beauty in China.
I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from China.
I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from China.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Egypt’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Egypt as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in Egyptian Arabic at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Ancient Egyptians, Deserts, Myths and Legends, Early civilizations etc.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find Egypt in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of Egypt.
I could describe where Egypt is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of Egypt.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
I must describe a desert climate.
I should explain the temperature in different locations.
I could interpret the climate data and temperature chart for each month.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and identify the challenges for living in Egypt.
I could compare population graphs for Egyptian cities and explain population issues.
Lesson 5
Learning Objectives
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘desert climate’ and ‘weather’.
I must order the ten most populated cities in Egypt.
I should explain how the location of Egyptian cities affects population size.
I could explain how the weather and climate support the lifes of the Egyptian people.
Lesson 6
Learning Objectives
I must identify some features of natural beauty in Egypt.
I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from Egypt.
I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from Egypt.
Australia today: Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities with supporting worksheets and maps. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Australia’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Australia as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘Indigenous people’, ‘Rainforests’, ‘Weather’, ‘Deserts’ etc.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find Australia in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of Australia.
I could describe where Australia is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of Australia.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
I must describe a tropical climate.
I should explain the temperature in different locations.
I could interpret the climate data and temperature chart for each month.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and identify the challenges for living in Australia.
I could compare population graphs for Australian cities and explain population issues.
Lesson 5
Learning Objectives
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘tropical climate’ and ‘weather’.
I must order the ten most populated cities in Australia.
I should explain how the location of Australian cities affects population size.
I could explain how the weather and climate support the life of the Australian people.
Lesson 6
Learning Objectives
I must identify some features of natural beauty in Australia.
I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from Australia.
I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from Australia.
Fiction Writing Genres. Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.
Template genres include: Horror, Dilemmas, Adventure, Comedy, Fables, Greek Myths, Flashbacks, Fantasy, Playscripts, Sci-Fi, Historical (Knights), Raising issues, Mystery, Conversations.
Each template includes a bullet point reminder list of the rules for writing in a specific genre and spaces for pupils to develop ideas, character description, setting, the problem and the structure of their stories. Depending upon the genre there are prompts for descriptive vocabulary and phrases, character emotion and responses.
The templates can be used to develop story writing linked to most cross curricular topics and drama particularly Celebrations, Famous People, Explorers, Fairytales and stories, Animals, Greece etc.
I have used these templates with Years 3 to 6 and with HA Year 2 pupils.