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Blue Mountain Math's Shop

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I like an active classroom where everyone is busy. If you stop in one day it will look like chaos, but it is a carefully orchestrated chaos that cleverly disguises all the learning that we are doing. I use a lot of activities -- and keep the kids moving. Research says that if anyone sits for more than 15 minutes, their brain disengages and learning is not happening. So I design a lot of activities to get kids moving, talking, thinking and participating.




I like an active classroom where everyone is busy. If you stop in one day it will look like chaos, but it is a carefully orchestrated chaos that cleverly disguises all the learning that we are doing. I use a lot of activities -- and keep the kids moving. Research says that if anyone sits for more than 15 minutes, their brain disengages and learning is not happening. So I design a lot of activities to get kids moving, talking, thinking and participating.
Corner Collaboration--Special Right Triangles

Corner Collaboration--Special Right Triangles

Corner Collaboration is a Kagan strategy also called 4 Corners where students work in their home group to solve problems and then at teacher signal, go to pre determined corners to compare answers with a new group and get a different perspective on solving problems. In this activity, students will find 2 sides of special right triangles: both 45-45-90 right triangles and 30-60-90 right triangles. Students will use formulas to find those missing sides lengths. There are 4 different worksheets with 6 problems each. Each group will get a different version of the worksheet as identified by a musical symbol. I allow about 15-20 minutes for the students to complete (your class may need more) and then when the timer goes off, students go to the corner with the symbol matching their sheet. They can compare answers and discuss any errors. When the timer goes off again, we meet as a group to discuss any difficult or confusing problems, and this gives me an idea to reteach or move on. Great for promoting discourse in the classroom.
Similar Triangles Partner Practice

Similar Triangles Partner Practice

Practice finding side lengths of similar triangles with 2 different pairs of collaborative worksheets for students. Pairs of students complete different worksheets of 8 problems each that have the same answers. Great activity for students to check their work, and promote problem solving skills. ⭐Use on one day for different levels of learners in the classroom or different days. You can also use as homework checks using one of the versions and follow up with the matching version the next day to have students check their homework answers. Also included are 6 different exit tickets to assess student understanding. Use different versions on the same day, on subsequent days or as warm ups. ⭐Answer keys for all are also included.
Slope from Two Points Partner Practice

Slope from Two Points Partner Practice

Practice finding slope from two points with 2 different pairs of collaborative worksheets for students. Pairs of students complete different worksheets of 10 problems each that have the same answers. Great activity for students to check their work, and promote problem solving skills. Use on one day for different levels of learners in the classroom or different days. You can also use as homework checks using one of the versions and follow up with the matching version the next day to have students check their homework answers. Also included are 3 different exit tickets to assess student understanding. Use different versions on the same day, on subsequent days or as warm ups. Answer keys for all are also included.
Percent of Change Matching Card Set

Percent of Change Matching Card Set

Students practice finding the percentage change in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. The set includes 1 deck of 18 pairs of cards, one side with two numbers with the other side having the percentage change of those numbers. Great practice and great for differentiation for students. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students or use as a station/group activity. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Fraction Operation Domino Bundle

Fraction Operation Domino Bundle

Students practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions in a game format. This bundle includes 4 different sets of dominoes for each fraction operation for a total of : 4-8 Domino sets, 4- 12 Domino sets, 4- 16 Domino sets and 4- 24 Domino sets. The smaller sets are great for pairs or even a student who likes to work alone. The larger sets are good for groups of 3 or 4. This is a great activity for review and practice. Dominoes are cut apart, placed face down and students draw all dominoes equally. Student with "start" places the first domino and then student with the answer/fraction problem in their hand plays the next. This continues until one student is out of dominoes and is declared the winner. I usually give 5 points per domino left in other students hands and keep a running tally. Students love playing games in the classroom and this set will give them the opportunity to practice working with fractions. BONUS: I have include a bonus set of dominoes with this bundle. 2 additional sets of 24 dominoes one set with addition and subtraction mixed and the other set with multiplication and division mixed.
Fraction Addition Domino set

Fraction Addition Domino set

Students practice solving adding fractions in a game format. Set includes 4 different sets of dominoes: 8 Dominoes, 12 Dominoes, 16 Dominoes and 24 Dominoes. The smaller sets are great for pairs or even a student who likes to work alone. The larger sets are good for groups of 3 or 4. Dominoes are cut apart, placed face down and students draw all dominoes equally. Student with "start" places the first domino and then student with the answer/problem in their hand plays the next. This continues until one student is out of dominoes and is declared the winner. I usually give 5 points per domino left in other students hands and keep a running tally. Students love playing games in the classroom and this set will give them the opportunity to practice adding fractions.
Partner Practice Two Step Equations

Partner Practice Two Step Equations

Great collaborative activity where students practice solving two step equations. Partner A works out his problems while Partner B works hers. When they have finished, they compare answers. If the same--move on, if different, they work together to review their work and find the error. Have an odd number of students? No problem, just have 2 A Partners or 2 B partners and three students can work together, Included are two verions so they can be used different days, and an exit ticket to assess student understanding.
Decimal Addition and Subtraction Puzzle Set

Decimal Addition and Subtraction Puzzle Set

Students practice adding and subtracting decimals in this puzzle set. Set includes 4 different puzzles with 2 different levels of difficulty for students. Two of the puzzles practice adding decimals and the other two are subtracting puzzles. Puzzles have 2 levels for differentiation in the classroom and answer keys are included for all. Puzzles finish at approx 9 inches square. In the simpler level, the outside edges are blank, so if students are having difficulty, have them arrange the pieces so the blank sides are on the outside. In the more challenging level, the edges have additional problems/answers in the border to make solving a little more difficult. You can use the puzzles on different days, at stations or give the struggling students the simpler variation.
Integer Mazes

Integer Mazes

Looking for a quick and fun way to practice integers without using another boring worksheet? Students will love beginning each maze at the "start" position, solving a problem to find the next place to move until they reach the place marked "end". 3 versions of mazes with adding and subtracting integers with answer keys included as well. I like to have students work in twos (or threes) if you have an odd number in the class, give each student a different version and have them work and help each other.
Two Step Equation Matching Card Set

Two Step Equation Matching Card Set

Students practice two step equations in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students. The set includes 18 pairs of two step equations that have the same solution. You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Finding Angle Measures by Solving for X Matching Card Set

Finding Angle Measures by Solving for X Matching Card Set

Students practice finding the measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent angles in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students. The set includes 18 pairs of matching cards—one side with diagram of angles, the other side a measure. In this deck, algebraic expressions describe angle relationships. Students must write an equation to find the value of x that will give the correct angle measures. Great practice with finding angle measures while reviewing solving one variable equations. You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Segment Addition Postulate Matching Card Set

Segment Addition Postulate Matching Card Set

Students practice using the segment addition postulate in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students. The set includes 18 pairs of matching cards—one side with diagram of segments, the other side a value of x that solves for the measure. Students will need to write an equation from these expressions to solve for the value of x that gives the correct measure. Students will have opportunities to practice identifying different types of segment problems and solving for the measures. You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Triangle Sum Matching Card Jumbo Set

Triangle Sum Matching Card Jumbo Set

Students practice using the triangle sum theorem in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students. The set includes 24 pairs of matching cards—one side with diagram of angles, the other side a measure. In this deck, half the cards have a diagram of a triangle with the missing angle measure identified. Students will view the diagram and find the angle measure that matches it. You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Scientific Notation Matching Card Set

Scientific Notation Matching Card Set

Students practice write numbers in decimal notation and scientific notation by matching these 18 pairs of cards. This is a great collaborative activity in either pairs or groups—working to master several skills in one activity. In the 18 pairs of cards, one side has the number written in decimal notation and the other side is the number written in scientific notation. There are also many other ways to use these matching cards in the classroom. See my free product on ways to use matching cards in the classroom for creative ways to use these cards as a quick warm up or simple assessment.
Linear Inequality with Graphs Matching Card Set

Linear Inequality with Graphs Matching Card Set

Students practice writing linear inequalities from a graph and matching with the correct inequality in this matching activity which can be used in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students or use one of the whole class activities suggested. The set includes 18 pairs of matching cards—one side with a linear inequality, the other side with a graph of an inequality Kids identify key points from the graphs to match to the inequality. You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Solving Proportions Matching Card Set--2 Deck Set

Solving Proportions Matching Card Set--2 Deck Set

Students practice solving proportions in this matching activity, The set includes 2 different sets of matching cards. In each set are 18 pairs of matching cards. In one set one half the cards have a proportion and the other half of the cards has the answer to a proportion. In the other set, students will have 18 pairs of proportions that have the same solution. You can use in a variety of ways.You can use to pair up students for other activities. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. You can use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students. Or you can laminate and use as a warm up on a daily basis. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
Triangle Proportionality Theorem Matching Card Set

Triangle Proportionality Theorem Matching Card Set

Students practiceusing the Triangle Proportionality Theorem by using ratios to find missing sides in this matching activity to use in a variety of ways. Cut apart and use for a single student or pair of students or use as a station/group activity. The set includes 18 pairs of cards, one side with the diagram of the triangle and the other side with the calculated side measure. You can also use these cards as a ticket in the door or ticket out the door. Additional uses for these cards are explained in the directions or download my free resource.
October Sampler Freebie

October Sampler Freebie

Looking for a quick idea for unexpected absences or early finishers? Here is a word search with a secret message, a graphing activity with a Halloween theme and a cut and paste puzzle for students plus a blank October calendar for planning. Answer Keys for all included. Have a great October
July Sampler Freebie

July Sampler Freebie

Enjoy a patriotic word search, a back to school activity, a blank July calendar for planning and some label templates to organize supplies. Perfect activities for unexpected absences and to get classroom set up for the new school year.
Free System of Equations Domino Set of 8

Free System of Equations Domino Set of 8

Playing games in the classroom is always so much fun, especially when it forces students to practice important solving skills. This set has systems of linear equations which the students will need to solve to match with the solution given. This domino set contains 8 rectangular dominoes. Students work in pairs to cut them apart, turn face down and mix up and then each draw 4 dominoes. The students with "start" goes first and puts down his domino, then whoever has the solution for that domino places the next, until one student is out of dominoes and is declared the winner. Answer Key is included showing the correct order of the dominoes.