All resources
Btec Tech Award in Enterprise Component 1 Learning Aim B
All the resources I have used to teach Learning Aim B Market Research . I am uploading all of my resoures as I am retiring.
Btec National Business Unit 5 Learning Aim E Resources
Bundle of resources
Btec National Business Unit 5 Learning Aims A and B Resources
Bundle of resources
Btec National Business Recruitment and Selection Resources
Bundle of resources for recruitment and selection :)
Btec Tech Award in Enterprise Component 3 Finance Resources
All the resoucres I have used to teach Finance (Break Even, Cash Flow, Sources, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Consolidated Income)
Btec National Business Unit 1 Learning Aim A & B Resources
A zip file full of the resources I have used to deliever Unit 1 Exploring Business, Learning Aims A and B :)
Btec Tech Award in Enterprise Component 3 Promotion
All the resources I have used to teach Component 3 Promotion. I will also be putting up all my other resources I have used to teach for this qualification + others.
Btec National Business Unit 1 Learning Aims C & D Resources
A pack of the resources I used to deliver this unit