Providing hundreds of easy to use French and Spanish resources for schools, non-language specialist primary teachers, tutors and home educators.
My resources...
- complement Scotland's 1 plus 2 approach to Modern Languages but will be useful to Modern Language teachers worldwide
- aim to support non-language specialists with audio (provided by myself!) in the PowerPoints and clear and simple vocabulary and grammar information
- are specially designed to support dyslexic pupils
Providing hundreds of easy to use French and Spanish resources for schools, non-language specialist primary teachers, tutors and home educators.
My resources...
- complement Scotland's 1 plus 2 approach to Modern Languages but will be useful to Modern Language teachers worldwide
- aim to support non-language specialists with audio (provided by myself!) in the PowerPoints and clear and simple vocabulary and grammar information
- are specially designed to support dyslexic pupils
Nine worksheets on numbers 1-10 and age in Spanish. Different levels to allow for differentiation.
*Note: The gap fill activities require the teacher to provide some dialogue. There are three levels of sheet so one activity can be completed in a mixed ability classroom.
*Note - this includes a Vimeo video link.
Designed to fit in to the SQA’s New Higher French employability unit, this resource would also be useful for high ability GSCE pupils and AS level students needing to work on their listening skills and build their confidence in this area.
This resource comprises of a video (and identical audio if you’ve not got fast broadband) of a native French speaker talking about preparing for a job interview. The recording is 2:03 in length - the longest of the lovelanguage ekute videos - and is accompanied by a workbook and answer booklet.
The activities include three different types of gap fill, dictation, comprehension questions, true/false questions and translation as well as some extension activities. The resource aims to not just build confidence in listening but also practise dictionary skills, increase grammar awareness and work on translation.
Pupils can get creative by designing their own football shirt for the World Cup!
This can be used in conjunction with the World Cup PowerPoint (see bundle).
For more great resources, visit my shop (click on the bee!)
This bundle introduces pupils to eight animals and their babies as well as nine habitats and five animals living in each in French.
Included is:
- PowerPoints (dyslexia-friendly and with audio to support non-language specialists)
- clear vocabulary list
- high quality labelled photo flashcards for games or display
- vocabulary cards
- matching games
- create your own word searches and crossword sheets
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
Introduce your pupils to six environmental issues (11 provided in additional vocabulary list) in French.
This fantastic bundle includes:
- PowerPoint (dyslexia-friendly and with audio to support non-language specialists)
- suggested poster project and basic editable success criteria
- vocabulary lists
- images to support poster project
- spinners
- sentence builders
- vocabulary cards in three formats
- five worksheets
- flashcards and labelled display images
- environmental issues booklet in two formats
- make your own word searches and crosswords templates
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
Over 40 files included! Introduce pupils to Monet, teach them to describe works of art using colours, shapes and features and write a basic review.
* The font used is a free font called SF Cartoonist Hand and might be more user-friendly for some dyslexic students. If it is not already on your computer it can be downloaded from the internet. This is not the font that appears in the preview but the cover image.
Designed to fit in to the SQA's New Higher French society unit, this resource would also be useful for high ability GSCE pupils and AS level students needing to work on their listening skills and build their confidence in this area.
This resource comprises of a video (and identical audio if you've not got fast broadband) of a native French speaker talking about becoming an adult. The recording is 1:43 in length and is accompanied by a workbook and answer booklet.
The activities include three different types of gap fill, dictation, comprehension questions, true/false questions and translation as well as some extension activities. The resource aims to not just build confidence in listening but also practise dictionary skills, increase grammar awareness and work on translation.
This 54-slide PowerPoint is a basic introduction to the 2018 World Cup in English. It is also available in French.
*** Please note, the image in the preview might look a little different to the actual PowerPoint as TES seems to have changed the font etc. and made it look a little odd. ***
It talks about where the World Cup is this year, when it takes place and which countries are involved in each group.
Pupils then have the chance to guess the flags (according to each group) and design a football shirt or supporter’s face paint for a country of their choice.
Worksheets are also available to complement the design activities (see bundle).
For more great resources, visit my shop (click on the bee!)
This bundle includes:
This 54-slide PowerPoint is a basic introduction to the World Cup in English (this is also available in French).
*** Please note, the image in the preview might look a little different to the actual PowerPoint as TES seems to have changed the font etc. and made it look a little odd. ***
It talks about where the World Cup is this year, when it takes place and which countries are involved in each group.
Pupils then have the chance to guess the flags (according to each group) and design a football shirt or supporter’s face paint for a country of their choice.
The bundle includes the worksheets for the shirt and face paint designs to make your life a little easier.
This 54-slide PowerPoint is a basic introduction to the World Cup in French - la Coupe du monde.
*** Please note, the image in the preview might look a little different to the actual PowerPoint as TES seems to have changed the font etc. and made it look a little odd. ***
It talks about where the World Cup is this year, when it takes place and which countries are involved in each group.
Pupils then have the chance to guess the flags (according to each group) and design a football shirt or supporter’s face paint for a country of their choice.
Worksheets are also available to complement the design activities (see bundle).
For more great resources, visit my shop (click on the bee!)
This resource comes with the following:
• resource summary with suggested uses
• dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint providing an example dialogue of a simple café role play with audio to support non-language specialists
• clear vocabulary list with the dialogue from the PowerPoint
• three differentiated menus (food items are the same, prices are differentiated)
Suggested use:
1. Act out the role play from the PowerPoint with another member of staff and get pupils to guess what each part means.
2. Give each pupil the appropriate menu for their level. Go through it with them, identifying the foods and practising pronunciation.
3. If suitable for the age and stage, provide pupils with the vocabulary. Practise pronunciation.
4. Pupils either act out the dialogue provided or create their own using the menus.
• Pupils design their own menus.
• Get pupils to dress up, act out and film the role plays.
• Include numeracy by:
> making your own euros for pupils to use
> create some maths worksheets based on the prices on the menus
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
This resource comes with the following:
• resource summary and suggested uses
• dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint introducing basic quantities and packaging in French. Also provided is an example dialogue of a simple market role play with audio to support non-language specialists
• clear vocabulary list with the dialogue from the PowerPoint
• high quality, illustrated flashcards of basic quantities and packaging
• basic quantities and packaging matching cards
Suggested use:
1. Introduce basic quantities and packaging with either the PowerPoint or the flashcards.
2. Play games using the flashcards to reinforce the vocabulary (guessing games, chanting, corners, etc.)
3. The matching activity can be used to support weaker pupils as each pair of cards has a unique edge to facilitate the matching.
4. Act out the role play from the PowerPoint with another member of staff and get pupils to guess what each part means.
5. If suitable for the age and stage, provide pupils with the vocabulary. Practise pronunciation.
6. Pupils either act out the dialogue provided or create their own.
• Pupils make their own food items to buy.
• Get pupils to dress up, act out and film the role plays.
• Pupils create their own pairs games, increasing the vocabulary covered (e.g. a packet of biscuits/pasta etc.)
• Include numeracy by:
> making your own euros for pupils to use and correctly exchange.
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
The “Life Cycle of a Butterfly – French” unit comes with the following:
• unit summary with suggested uses
• dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint introducing the four stages of a butterfly, the word for “becomes” and simple sentences outlining the life cycle of a butterfly
• clear vocabulary list
• set of four labelled illustrated flashcards showing the different stages of the life cycle
• four colouring sheets showing each stage
• two differentiated cutting, sticking and colouring sheets
• life cycle of a butterfly matching cards
• two differentiated colouring and matching worksheets
• sentence writing worksheet
Suggested use:
1. Use the PowerPoint to introduce the life cycle and check for comprehension (slide 3). Use slides 4-7 to introduce the four stages of the life cycle in French. Using slide 8, see if pupils can guess the meaning of “devient”. If the class is coping well, use slides 914 to introduce the five stages in sentences. *Make sure you have the “notes” section visible for additional vocabulary support if you need it.
2. Slide 15 onwards can be used as an identification game. Show the class the photos and see if they can identify in French which part of the life cycle is shown.
3. Flashcards can be used as part of a wall display or as a stimulus for an art-based project for pupils to create their own images.
4. The colouring sheets can be completed using a range of media.
5. The matching and cutting and sticking worksheets can be used to check comprehension. There are different levels available to allow for differentiation.
6. Matching cards are a more supported comprehension activity as each part of the life cycle has a unique edge to help with matching.
7. The sentence writing sheet can be used with or without the central information.
8. FOLLOW UP: Pinterest has some amazing craft ideas to create beautiful butterflies. If your classes make anything fabulous, please send me photos at
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
The “Life Cycle of a Frog – French” unit comes with the following:
• unit summary with suggested uses
• dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint (with audio) introducing the four stages of a frog, the word for “becomes” and simple sentences outlining the life cycle of a frog
• clear vocabulary list
• two sets of high-quality labelled photo flashcards (one with the four stages, the other set with simple sentences)
• cutting, sticking and colouring worksheet of the four stages of a frog
• make your own lily pad craft activity
• life cycle of a frog matching cards
• life cycle of a frog booklet
Suggested use:
1. Use the PowerPoint to introduce the life cycle and check for comprehension (slide 3). Use slides 4-7 to introduce the four stages of the life cycle in French. Using slide 8, see if pupils can guess the meaning of “devient”. If the class is coping well, use slides 9-13 to introduce the four stages in sentences. *Make sure you have the “notes” section visible for additional vocabulary support if you need it.
2. Slide 14 onwards can be used as an identification game. Show the class the photos and see if they can identify in French which part of the life cycle is shown.
3. Photo flashcards can be used as part of a wall display or as a stimulus for an art-based project for pupils to create their own images.
4. Use the cutting, sticking and colouring worksheet to check for comprehension of the order of the life cycle.
5. Matching cards are a more supported comprehension activity as each part of the life cycle has a unique edge to help with matching.
6. Both the lily pad craft activity and the frog booklet can be used to create beautiful items to be used as part of a display to exhibit what the class has been doing.
For more French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
Pupils choose 8 rays to describe an important man in their life, decorate them and glue them to the sun template. The centre says “My dad is” but also has options for step-dad, carer and a blank option.
This is a great activity for working on dictionary skills, adjectives and personal descriptions. Pupils could even trace the rays and come up with their own descriptions for their father figure.
These could be made into a lovely personalised card.
Also available: Personalised Mother’s Day Flower Card.
For amazing French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.
This activity is taking more of a creative approach allowing pupils to design their own flag. It comes in three forms: blank flag, English writing and French writing so pupils can work on whichever skill they need. For example, a pupil who loves football could draw himself playing football or a football pattern and underneath write, “Ce drapeau me représente car j’adore le foot. Je le joue avec mes copains…” etc.
If you wanted to go all out you could find some old pillowcases, get the fabric paints out and turn these designs into real flags to hang around the school. Wouldn’t that be fun?!
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European Day of Languages Board Game
European Day of Languages QR Code Quiz
For amazing French and Spanish resources visit lovelanguage.