
A Christmas Carol GCSE Social Responsibility
Lesson objective: How does Dickens represent his opinion on Victorian society?
Outcomes: Analyse the theme of social responsibility, explore the character of the second spirit, identify Dickens’ use of symbolism
Match up activity, knowledge quiz, gap-fill, identifying language in an extract,
Writing PEE paragraphs. Answer slides.
Editable PowerPoint so you can adapt, dyslexia friendly background and font.

A Christmas Carol Redemption and structure
A Christmas Carol revision lesson which recaps each stave/chapter and explores language effects and techniques. The lesson explores the theme of Redemption in the novella. There are slides on the circular atructure and video clips to discuss flash forwards and flashbacks. The lesson activities include gap fill tasks, match ups and knowledge questions on themes and techniques. The lesson finishes with a model PEE paragraph.

A Christmas Carol GCSE English Lit Revision
This PowerPoint has three learning outcomes. 1) To recap the characters and structure of the novella 2)To understand the 19th century context 3) To identify some of the themes
This lesson could be used to introduce a series of revision lessons (please see my other lessons) or as a standalone to cover some of the basics for SEN students.
Includes two quizzes, a gap fill task, two match up activities and a short video with questions about the context of the novel.