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A Christmas Carol Creative Writing Challenges
A series of creative writing tasks inspired by A Christmas Carol. Ideal of KS4/GCSE students. Each task includes either challenging vocab to include or language features, fitting with the AQA assessment objectives.

AQA Language Paper 1 Section B
An assessment in the style of AQA's Language paper 1 section B.
Students can choose between a narrative writing task or a descriptive piece.
Ideal as a mock for KS4 or KS3

Sign of Four essay sentence starters
A simple list of sentence starters ideal for lower ability groups helping them to begin analytical essays on Conan Doyle’s Sign of Four.
Ideal for KS4 studyinAQA ENGLISH GCSE

Jonathan Small as a criminal Sign of Four
A work sheet designed to support essay planning based on the Character of Jonathan Small and what is expected from a villain.
Sort the quotes into the table. justify choices and use to answer the question in essay style

AQA Language Paper One Section B writing to describe mock paper
AQA Language Paper One Section B writing to describe mock paper using the exemplar wording and mark distribution

Sign of Four Knowledge Check Quiz
A 5 page quiz checking the understanding of events, characters, themes and language features for The Sign of Four as preparation for the AQA GCSE exam

Of Mice and Men: Creative Writing
A selection of resources designed to engage students with creative writing tasks, using Of Mice and Men as a starting point. Includes a feedback task getting students to focus on the use of possessive apostrophes

A Christmas Carol: Preface and Stave One
A comprehensive set of resources guiding students through the preface and the first part of Stave One. These resources encourage students to recall key quotes as well as develop their own personal responses.
This would ideally be taught over the course of 3-4 lessons to allow for reading time and full class discussion and engagement.
Includes example GCSE responses to model outstanding work to students and expose them to analytical writing
Lesson includes discrete references to the AQA AOs.
Ideal of GCSE/KS4 classes

AQA Language P1 Section B
A selection of resources and lessons to support the answering of section B of the new AQA Specification.
Writing to describe and narrate.
Includes practice papers created using the AQA wording and mark distribution

A Christmas Carol AQA - Scrooge's Character Stave One
A selection of resources guiding students through analysis of Scrooge’s character in the opening stave of the novel then moving on to the haunting of Scrooge by Marley.
Includes graphics to support quote analysis and structure strips for extended essay style responses. Ideal for mid-high ability KS4. Includes support in writing exam style responses using the AQA literature specification.
Ideal for classes learning how to construct essays and exam responses.

Macbeth AQA: Themes, quotation and creative writing revision
A worksheet enabling students to revise six of the core themes of the play and encourage them to memorise quotations. Great for students who make strong visual associations with quoteations
Ideal for KS4 following the new AQA scheme with a focus on extract-whole techniques.

A Christmas Carol: Stave One the ghost story and Marley's Ghost
A fully resourced lesson designed for KS4 as preparation for the AQA literature paper.
Guides students through the reading of the stave, analysis of the language, features of the ghost story genre and writing skills.
This lesson has a specific focus on learning and recall of quotes in order to support the extract-whole nature of the exam.

Love and Friendship in the Sign of Four
A lesson supporting the study of GCSE Sign of 4 for the AQA specification for 'extract whole' exam.
Looks at key themes, language features and essay style questions.

Conventions of Detective Fiction Sign of Four SO4
A lesson adapted from other resources focusing on six key features of Detective Fiction with accompanying work sheets and suggestions for extended writing activities.
Aimed at KS4 studying English Literature - The Sign of Four

Describing a Spy Creative Writing and Inferences
A lesson enabling students to use their imagination and investigation skills to create their own spy character. An engaging and fun set of activities leaving the students in charge of their learning and development. Includes a reflective lesson encouraging students to redraft and rework their creative writing. It uses the AQA Language Paper 1 criteria as a basis for success criteria. Ideal for KS3

A Christmas Carol GCSE AQA
A selection of resources that can be used to support the teach of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in line with the AQA GCSE specification
Includes tasks to support the remainder of the AQA syllabus so that students are fully prepared for anything the exam board throws at them