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Resources and planning take time and effort, so save yourself a little time and effort. You deserve it! (Please do not forget to rate my resources)

Resources and planning take time and effort, so save yourself a little time and effort. You deserve it! (Please do not forget to rate my resources)
What do astronauts eat in space?

What do astronauts eat in space?

A lesson about astronauts and what they eat in space. The only thing you will need is the powerpoint and to purchase astronaut ice-cream (pictures in the powerpoint). Lots of fun…
WWI Lesson Plans Year 5/6 (English & History)

WWI Lesson Plans Year 5/6 (English & History)

Curriculum objectives: Lesson 1: L.O: To describe the nations involved in WWI and the roles they played Lesson 2: L.O: To investigate the causes of WWI and the soldiers they fought. Lesson 3: L.O: To write an informal letter home to loved ones. Lesson 4: L.O: To write a newspaper report, reporting on the Christmas Day ceasefire during WWI. Lesson 5: L.O: To write a diary entry, using my senses, about what the Battle of the Somme might have been like. Lesson 6: L.O: To create a factfile / poster that describes the purpose and role of the Accrington Pals. Very detailed and extensive information to share with your class. Lessons can be extended as the powerpoint covers lots of different areas of learning / research.
The Viewer - Gary Crew and Shaun Tan

The Viewer - Gary Crew and Shaun Tan

15 lesson PowerPoint, with resources, grammar help, figurative language help and questions. This is a comprehensive PowerPoint going through the whole book. It cover writing narratives such as: diary entry, poetry, prediction / inference, research, balance arguement (simple debate), final big write. It is aimed at year 6
The Great Kapok Tree (English Planning and Resources)

The Great Kapok Tree (English Planning and Resources)

This is a complete planning and resources for the book, The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. Over 90 slides (PowerPoint and PDF version). Aimed at KS1 and LKS2. Slide 2: The Great Kapok Tree blurb. Slide 4: Lesson 1 – What do you already know Slide 12: Lesson 2 - Forming a discussion / bullet pointing facts / gathering information Slide 28: Lesson 3 - Introduction to our book – using imagination and inference Slide 30: Lesson 4 - Using learnt information – extending learning using imagination and inference Slide 32: Lesson 5 - Using onomatopoeia Slide 35: Lesson 6 - Creating a fact file Slide 38: Lesson 7 – Alliteration Slide 43: Lesson 8 – Collective nouns Slide 46: Lesson 9 - Prepositions and direction Slide 52: Lesson 10 - Design your own rainforest animal Slide 56: Lesson 11 – Reading comprehension Slide 61: Lesson 12 - Why are plants important? (research) Slide 64: Lesson 13 - Five ways I can help our Earth (using my learning) – recap rainforest lesson 2 (trees) Slide 68: Lesson 14 - Testing you environmental awareness & completing surveys (using my learning) Slide 70: Lesson 15 - Other cultures fact file Slide 80: Lesson 16 – Rainforest riddles Slide 84: Lesson 17 - Using descriptive vocabulary and my senses Slide 89: Lesson 18 - The Great Kapok Tree story recount Slide 92: Lesson 19 - What did the man do? (inference – story paragraph)
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson (Complete English planning and resources)

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson (Complete English planning and resources)

A complete set of planning and resources for Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. It contains over 90 slides (PowerPoint and PDF). Covers English language / grammar / literature, along with Art. Covering the book and the topic on dinosaurs. Aimed at KS1 and LKS2. Lesson 1: slides (2 – 6) – What can we tell from the front and back covers Lesson 2: slides (7 – 12) – Descriptive writing using expanded noun phrases Lesson 3: slides (13 – 17) – Descriptive writing using expanded noun phrases (continued) Lesson 4: slides (18 – 26) – Verbs, adverbs and past tense Lesson 5: slides (27 – 32) – Using rhyming words Lesson 6: slides (33 – 36) – Comparing characters Lesson 7: slides (37 – 46) – Comparing characters (continued) Lesson 8: slides (47 – 58) – Dinosaur Art Lesson 9: slides (59 – 64) – Using similes Lesson 10: slides (65 – 78) – Making a dinosaur poster using factual information Lesson 11: slides (79 – 87) – Creating a storyboard idea Lesson 12: slides (88 - 91) – Story recount Lesson 13: slides (92 – 93) – Planning a simple dinosaur story Lesson 14: slides (94 – 98) - Writing a simple dinosaur story
Fact File on Kenya

Fact File on Kenya

A fact file I put together from internet sources giving information about all aspects of Kenya (Geograph, History, Climate, People, Traditions, Culture, Wildlife, Nature, Ecotourism, Climate Change, Population, Food, Interesting Facts, Language, Music & Dance, Art, Tourism, Government, Economy & Maps. Made for KS2 but could easily be used for KS3.
The Black Dog - Levi Pinfold

The Black Dog - Levi Pinfold

Lesson ideas (worksheets) - PDF and word doc (so you can edit) to cover the book: Easy to produce a plan around each activity Front cover and blurb analysis Overcoming your fears Inferencing Emotions and Feelings Philosophy Question Witness Statements Diary Entry Write a quote
James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach

This set of 14 lessons using a number of sources of information (book, Taika and friends (Youtube) and the film). It includes resources and lesson plans to cover year 3/4. This could be adapted to cover other year groups. I have taught this to years 3/4 and years 5/6.
Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Information and Activities)

Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Information and Activities)

A series of activities to cover the following AQA’s AQA 70474 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes AQA 70885 - Volcanoes AQA LE4335 - Introduction to volcanoes These could be used as stand alone activities for lessons that cover the national curriculum. Lots of information on Volcanoes and Earthquakes for pupils is included and these can be edited as required. They cover the following. Volcano Labelling Activity Stages of a Volcanic Eruption Activity Summarise learning through different sources of information Instructions to create your own volcano. With activity for pupils to summerise their learning Independent research activities Layers of the Earth labelling activity Naming the 7 major tectonic plates activity Plotting the most dangerous active volcanoes mapwork / independent research Ring of fire colouring activity Earthquake Information gathering activity Earthquake cross-section activity