
El Chocolate (IB ab initio-past papers incl.)
This resource is for exam revision for the Topic: Comida y Bebida. It contains: a Pdf file with an activity for exam revision.
Teacher guide: Starts with a Warm up activity: ¿Te gusta el chocolate? Then, there is a task for Reading Comprehension (adapted from past papers , June 2012). Also included is a guide for practising Role play (In the Café) and finally a summary of most useful grammar points for the topic. Suitable for tutoring online
To learn more about my work check out my latest post at: lorenazurbano.blogspot.co.uk

Euro 2016 Final- All about Football (latest update June 2016)
Ideal for revising numbers and colours (grammar: noun-adjective agreement).
Very motivating for keen footballers, girls and boys. Suitable for schools as well as home schoolers. The task introduces names of clothes. For more enthusiastic learners, a follow up task: design your ideal school uniform.
If you find it useful please please please leave a review. There are 428 downloads on this resource and a much apprenciated 2 reviews. I have updated it hoping to verify if the changes are good and the resource useful! Gracias
To learn more about my work follow my edublog: lorenazurbano.blogspot.co.uk

Euro2022 Final-All about Football
Ideal for revising numbers and colours and key vocabulary and sentences.
Very motivating for keen footballers, all genders. Suitable for schools as well as home-schoolers.
The task introduces names of clothes.
For more enthusiastic learners, a follow up task: design your ideal school uniform.
If you find it useful please please please leave a review- there are 428 downloads on the free resource and warmly appreciated 3 reviews.
Inspired by the incredible English women’s team I have updated it hoping to verify if the changes are good and the resource useful for fellow teachers of MFL. ¡Gracias miles!
All funds raised will support the hardship fund at MetaforlearningCic .

Español sin fronteras
This set of materials includes the following documents: a Teacher’s guide, lesson plan, a Powerpoint presentation and student worksheets. Materials included have been adapted for learning purposes from authentic sources. Suitable for classroom as well as private tutoring. Planning includes differentiation. Level: B1 (European framework for language learning)

Una comida riquísima
This set of materials includes the following documents: a Teacher’s guide, Lesson plan, a Powerpoint presentation and Student worksheets. Materials included have been adapted for learning purposes from authentic sources.
Suitable for whole classroom as well as tutoring. Planning includes differentiation.