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Head of Biology at a secondary school in Watford (5 years) Teaching science (specialised in Biology) for 11 years




Head of Biology at a secondary school in Watford (5 years) Teaching science (specialised in Biology) for 11 years
Powerpoints for AQA Biology GCSE

Powerpoints for AQA Biology GCSE

An amalgamation of all of the slides from lessons for the Biology GCSE, grouped into topics. Questions, answers, video links included. A good starting point for anyone looking to teach the course or for some ideas for how to present the information. Could also be given to students for revision.
How Science Works (HSW) starter slides for Biology

How Science Works (HSW) starter slides for Biology

HSW/ How science works starter slides to practice skills such as calculating means/ identifying anomalies, referring to validity/ resolution/ accuracy etc. according to AQA Biology specification. Answers included in following slides
Biology key terms and definitions list for AQA GCSE

Biology key terms and definitions list for AQA GCSE

A list of all Biology GCSE AQA key terms with their definitions, worksheet included (including Bio only). Students can read the definitions and then fill in the correct key term to learn them. Answers and list of the key words (on a powerpoint) included.
Scaffold- how to write a science method SEN support

Scaffold- how to write a science method SEN support

A scaffolded resource for writing a science method for a practical. Includes good and bad examples of methods, a scaffolded sheet for student to fill in different sections of a method and a presentation to go with it. The starter of the presentation is used to demonstrate to students that vague instructions can lead to a range of different interpretations and therefore results.
AQA GCSE Biology mini review/mini test/quiz

AQA GCSE Biology mini review/mini test/quiz

Mini reviews for the AQA Biology GCSE. Use as a mini diagnostic tool instead of book marking. Get students to complete the reviews in 15 minutes, then get them to peer mark/ self mark their sheets. Take the work in and then see how your students did and give them specific EBI codes to action and help them improve in their areas of weakness. Included in this batch: Cells and microscopes, Diffusion/active transport/ osmosis, Health and disease Disease and plant tissues
Revision Quiz for AQA Biology- 4 card quiz

Revision Quiz for AQA Biology- 4 card quiz

A revision game of multiple answers (4 answer quiz) for Biology AQA GCSE. Student to have 4 coloured cards to choose from to answer each question. Try having students in pairs with 4 colour cards inbetween them. Students have to compete with eachother to grab the correct answers before their partner
Y8 Science marking- mini review/ quiz/ assessment

Y8 Science marking- mini review/ quiz/ assessment

Mini reviews for the KS3 topics such as waves, muscles and bones, light, respiration. Use as a mini diagnostic tool instead of book marking. Get students to complete the reviews in 15 minutes, then get them to peer mark/ self mark their sheets. Take the work in and then see how your students did and give them specific EBI codes to action and help them improve in their areas of weakness. Answers included
Science Y7 mini reviews/ quiz for marking

Science Y7 mini reviews/ quiz for marking

Mini reviews for the KS3 topics such as reproduction, particles, energy, forces. Use as a mini diagnostic tool instead of book marking. Get students to complete the reviews in 15 minutes, then get them to peer mark/ self mark their sheets. Take the work in and then see how your students did and give them specific EBI codes to action and help them improve in their areas of weakness. Answers included