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La tienda de Señora R.

Resources for Spanish teaching at primary and secondary level from a teacher with 10+ years of Spanish teaching at secondary level. I teach the AQA GCSE and A-Level syllabi. Shop opened September 2024 - all resources created from September 2024 to present.

Resources for Spanish teaching at primary and secondary level from a teacher with 10+ years of Spanish teaching at secondary level. I teach the AQA GCSE and A-Level syllabi. Shop opened September 2024 - all resources created from September 2024 to present.
GCSE Spanish Foundation vocabulary

GCSE Spanish Foundation vocabulary

A vocab testing booklet with vocabulary from the new AQA specification ‘general’ vocabulary section. Ideal for revision of handy words that appear in papers, but are not necessarily covered in the topic vocabulary lists. First set of activities is a ‘choose the correct translation’ and the second set of activities is ‘write the English for’. Easily adapted for different abilities or could be divided up further to create a starter or plenary activity.
KS3 Spanish: los saludos (greetings)

KS3 Spanish: los saludos (greetings)

A PPT with seventeen slides, for introducing greetings in Spanish, ideal for KS2 or KS3. Vocabulary for simple conversations (greetings, saying your name and age, saying where you are from). Activities include: Call and response Fill in the blanks Correct the spellings Roleplays Read aloud in Spanish Could be used alongside: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13117671
KS2 / 3 Spanish basics

KS2 / 3 Spanish basics

10 Resources
A set of ten resources for teaching Spanish basics: Greetings (ppt and worksheet) Colours (ppt and two worksheets) Days and months (ppt and worksheet) Numbers to 31 (ppt and worksheet) Numbers to 1000 (ppt) Would be useful for a KS2 introduction to Spanish or the first term of Spanish at KS3.
KS3 Spanish: La comida / food

KS3 Spanish: La comida / food

A powerpoint with 19 slides to teach food items in Spanish, give opinions on food, practise adjective agreement, and talk about meals. Activities include: Adjective agreement practice Correct the phrase Read aloud Translate Dictation Vocab bingo / pictionary Memory tester Would be best used as a teaching resource for a unit on food - activities can be expanded and adapted as required.
Spanish Grammar: Imperfect Tense

Spanish Grammar: Imperfect Tense

A PowerPoint for introducing and practising formations and uses of imperfect tense in Spanish. Regular endings Three irregular verbs (ser / ir / ver) Reflexive formation Activities include: Translations Conjugating verbs Read aloud / one dice speak Deciding why to use the imperfect tense. Ideal for GCSE teaching or revision.
GCSE Spanish Vocabulary Revision bundle

GCSE Spanish Vocabulary Revision bundle

8 Resources
A bundle of eight packs of worksheets for practising key vocabulary from a range of GCSE topics, based on the new AQA GCSE syllabus (2024). Each pack contains three or four worksheets on the topic. These worksheets are intended for vocabulary practice, so would be ideal for revision or a cover lesson. Exercises include: Fill in the gaps Match the Spanish to the English Unscramble the words / phrases Translation into both Spanish and English Reading comprehension Choose the correct translation. Answers provided.
GCSE Spanish: Holidays, Travel and Tourism

GCSE Spanish: Holidays, Travel and Tourism

A set of four worksheets based on vocabulary for describing travel and tourism from the new AQA Spanish syllabus (2024). Answers provided. These are intended for vocabulary practice, so would be ideal for when teaching a topic, a cover lesson, or as part of a revision pack. Uses present / past / future tenses but not overly complex grammar so would suit mixed ability. Can be easily adapted for stretch or support groups. Activities include: Match the Spanish to English Write the Spanish for Gap-fills Unscramble the phrases Choose the correct translations Reading comp Present / Past / Future multichoice Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
GCSE Spanish: Identity and relationships

GCSE Spanish: Identity and relationships

A set of three worksheets for vocabulary about personality and relationships based on vocabulary from new AQA GCSE syllabus. This could be used for introducing vocabulary, a cover lesson, or as revision material. As it is vocab based, the focus is on vocabulary rather than covering complex grammar, but these worksheets could easily be adapted. Answers included. Worksheets: Personality adjectives Nouns linked to relationships Key verbs for talking about relationships Exercises include: Match the Spanish to English Read and respond Unscramble the sentence Translate into English Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
GCSE SPANISH: El trabajo

GCSE SPANISH: El trabajo

A set of five worksheets for the topic of ‘Education and Work’ for new AQA GCSE syllabus (2024). Answers included. These are intended for vocabulary practice so could be used during topic teaching or as revision material for GCSE. Worksheet 1: Jobs vocabulary Worksheet 2: Jobs vocabulary Worksheet 3: Words linked with applying for jobs Worksheet 4: Words liked with the world of work Worksheet 5: Important verbs for the topic of work Activities include: Match up the vocabulary Fill in the missing word Unscramble vocabulary Translations Choose the correct word from the definition
GCSE Spanish: Customs, Festivals and Celebrations

GCSE Spanish: Customs, Festivals and Celebrations

A set of four worksheets using vocabulary from the new AQA GCSE syllabus (2024) for topic of Theme 2 topic ‘Customs, Festivals and Celebrations’. Intended focus is topic vocabulary so could be used as part of topic teaching or good for GCSE revision packs. Answers included. Activities include: Match Spanish to English Translate into English Fill in the missing word Unscramble the word / phrase Find the definition Choose the correct translation Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
AQA GCSE MFL: new spec speaking guide

AQA GCSE MFL: new spec speaking guide

A resource for teachers to use to familiarise themselves with the new spec (2024) speaking exams for MFL. A simple breakdown of format of exam plus timings for preparation and during the exam itself. Some key points to note when marking / preparing as a teacher for the different sections of the exam. A marksheet to be used for mock exams, with boxes for marks and feedback. A condensed marksheet for all sections for Foundation and Higher level. Some tips that may be useful, especially for trainee or first time exam teachers - these are based on advice given by the exam board for the current speaking examination, as the first exams for the new spec have not been conducted. Please note: this has been written with reference to the AQA Spanish speaking examination; other MFL exams may have slight variations so it is important to check the information provided on AQA website.
GCSE Spanish: El medioambiente / the environment

GCSE Spanish: El medioambiente / the environment

A set of four worksheets to practise the vocabulary linked to the topic of ‘the environment’. Exercises include: Match the vocab Translate into English Complete the sentence with the missing words Unscramble the phrase Find the Spanish These are made in line with the new AQA GCSE Spanish syllabus vocabulary for the topic ‘The enviornment and where people live’. The worksheets are intended for vocabulary introduction / retrieval and help students to work out meanings of words from context / previous knowledge. Answers are included. Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
KS3 Spanish - el cuerpo / the body

KS3 Spanish - el cuerpo / the body

A worksheet for practising parts of the body and the verb ‘doler’ in the 1st person present. Label the picture Find out what parts of the body these are and write the English (could be taught or done as a dictionary activity) Choose me duele or me duelen (explanation included) Created in 2024.
Spanish Grammar focus: using passive and 'se'

Spanish Grammar focus: using passive and 'se'

Two worksheets with explanation pages and answers for teaching the use of passive with ‘ser’ and ‘se’. Worksheet 1: using ser + partiple versus using ‘se’ + 3rd person verb Worksheet 2: recognising use of passive with ser / se versus the active. Changing sentences from passive to active / use of se. Most suitable to a high ability GCSE class or A-Level students, although the tenses used do not go beyond present and preterit tense.
GCSE Spanish: Celebrity Culture - AQA

GCSE Spanish: Celebrity Culture - AQA

A set of four worksheets to practise the vocabulary linked to the new topic of ‘Celebrity Culture’ for AQA GCSE Spanish. Exercises include: Vocab matching / Vocab into Spanish and English Gap fills Translation into Spanish and English Reorder the sentences. Could be used for lesson content when teaching the topic or could be ideal for revision packs for vocabulary retrieval. Tenses used are present tense, preterit, present perfect and near future with the idea that the focus remains on vocabulary practice - the exercises could be easily adapted to include further tenses. Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
GCSE Spanish: La tecnologia

GCSE Spanish: La tecnologia

A series of four worksheets to introduce key vocabulary for the topic of ‘La tecnologia’. These are intended for vocabulary practice - the grammar does not go beyond present, preterit and future so that it does not introduce more complex tenses. Worksheet activities include: Match Spanish / English vocabulary Translations of sentences into Spanish and English (using present, preterit and near future tenses) Gap fills Work out the word from the descriptions. Translate a paragraph. Vocab based on the Unit 7 Media and Tech topic for AQA Spanish GCSE. Other GCSE topics available on my shop or as a bundle through this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13210366
Spanish grammar: demonstrative adjectives

Spanish grammar: demonstrative adjectives

A worksheet to introduce demonstrative adjectives in Spanish with two exercises. Intended for a general grammar lesson so vocabulary included is from a range of topics. Exercise 1: Fill in the missing demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence. Exercise 2: Choose the correct demonstrative adjective from two options. Could be adapted for more advanced students by removing the scaffolding in both exercises ( translations ) Answers included.
Spanish grammar focus: question words

Spanish grammar focus: question words

A worksheet for introducing and practising question words in Spanish. Two activities: Fill in the missing question word Match the question to the answer Could also be adapted for translation practice with exercises too. Question words: ¿qué? ¿cómo? ¿cuándo? ¿dónde? ¿adonde? ¿por qué? ¿quién? ¿cuál? ¿cuánto/a? ¿A quién / quiénes? ¿De quién / quiénes? ¿Cuántos/as?
Spanish grammar focus: the preterit past

Spanish grammar focus: the preterit past

A set of differentiated worksheets for practising regular and key irregular verbs in the preterit tense. Introduces and practises regular verb endings (AR / ER / IR) Introduces and practises irregular verbs (Tener / Estar / Ser / Ir / Hacer) A worksheet that summarises use of both with correct the errors, gap fill, and write sentences.