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Design your very own coat of arms!
Design your own coat of arms.
Can I create a personal Coat of Arms based on the traditional colours and symbols of Middle Ages heraldry?

The Dragon Machine - using similes to describe the dragon.
differentiated activies, powerpoint and a template. Whole lesson included.

Year 2 - money observation lesson
adding 2 and 3 digit numbers. LA, MA and HA differentiated activities. Various challnges and whole lesson.

Year 2 - meerkat mail - exclamations, questions and statements
Year 2 - meerkat mail - exclamations, questions and statements. Game - dice rolling. HA and LA.

plan your own habitat! KS1 science. habitats/needs of animals
Can I describe and explain the features of a habitat and how it provides for the basic needs of an animal?
Can I describe and explain the physical conditions of a habitat?
Can I identify that living things live in habitats to which they are suited?
Can I describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals?
Can identify and name a variety of animals and their habitats?

Can I identify features of a postcard - Meerkat Mail
Can I identify features of a postcard?
Can I create my own criteria of what needs to be included on a postcard?
LA and HA, differentiated

Suffixes - Meerkat Mail
Can I find and sort suffixes?
Can I write a sentence using the suffix?
LA and HA diff

future tense, conjunctions and HA fronted adveribals - meerkat mail!
Can I use the future tense?
Can I write about why I will take it?
Can I use conjunctions to show cause and effect?
LA, MA, LA and SEN worksheets

Recognising half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Can I recognise half past, quarter past and quarter to?
Can I draw the hands on a clock to show a time given to me in words?
differentiated activities with extra challenge and extension

recognising half past, o’clock and quarter past
Can I recognise half past, o’clock and quarter past?
Can I begin to convert hours into minutes?
differentiated activities year 1/2/3

Measurement. Length using CM and M - year 2. Measuring, drawing and ordering.
Measurement. Length using CM and M - year 2. Measuring, drawing and ordering.

Handa's surprise - expanded noun phrases - 2ad sentences
Handa’s surprise - expanded noun phrases - 2ad sentences. Year 2/3.

Handa's surprise - Editing lesson. Differentiated.
Handa’s surprise - Editing lesson. Differentiated.