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Kings coronation primary school lesson ideas / assembly
Kings coronation primary school lesson ideas / assembly
maths, english, history, geography, RE and art / crafts ideas.

United Kingdom - KS1 (Year 1 and 2) fact file / case study. Geography
Case study focusing on UK and the capital cities. Interactive lesson for ks1 children including facts and leaflet to complete.
Include facts about each country and capital citie and powerpoint.

Find and Copy Comprehension - Practise Skill- KS1 SATS
Find and Copy Comprehension Skill. Practise for KS1 SATS.
Books needed:
Elmer and Wilbur
Over in the Meadow
Caterpillar Diary
All Join In

African Drum - KS1 - DT TOPIC
Create an African Djembe drum for a KS1 DT project. Explore, design, create and evaluation with step by step instructions and vocabulary.
Can I explore a range of existing products?
Can I generate, develop and model my ideas through talking, drawing and ICT?
Can I select from and use a wide range of materials?
Can I evaluate my idea and product against my design criteria?

KS1 STATS questions - Year2 - focusing on position and direction
All previous KS1 stats questions complied into on document all focusing on position and direction. Useful for KS1 SATS preparation and revision.

KS1 SATS questions - Year 2 - Length and height
All previous KS1 stats questions complied into on document all focusing on length and height. Useful for KS1 SATS preparation and revision.

KS1 SATS questions - Year 2 - Focusing on Mass and capacity
All previous KS1 stats questions complied into on document all focusing on mass and capacity. Useful for KS1 SATS preparation and revision.

KS1 SATS questions - focusing on shape. Year 2
All previous KS1 stats questions complied into on document all focusing on shape. Useful for KS1 SATS preparation and revision.

KS1 - Year 2 SATS questions - focusing on statistics
All previous KS1 stats questions complied into on document all focusing on statistics. Useful for KS1 SATS preparation and revision.

QR code - Locate Nelson Mandela Story using google maps.
Can I use Google maps to locate key places in the Nelson Mandela story?
Soweto – Grandma Zindzi’s house.
Swaziland – Nelson Mandela’s boarding school.
Bizana – Where Winnie Mandela (Nelson Mandela’s Wife) was born.
Mvezo – Where Nelson Mandela was born.
Qunu – Where Nelson Mandela grew up.
Robben island , Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison - Where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
Cedara, a small town near Howick – Where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.

phase 3/5 outside phonics hunt ks1
phase 3/5 outside phonics hunt ks1
pick a picture, say it aloud, write the world. How many words can you write?

continents QR booklet passport - KS1
Scan the QR code and what an informational video all about one of teh 7 continents. Colour the continent in on the world map and write a fact. Fun and interestive - computing cross curricular.

7 continents tour - Passport Booklet - QR codes KS1
take a trip around the the 7 continents and scan the QR code as you go to watch factual videos!

homework year 2 - emergency - activities to do at home
home learning pack for whilst school is closed

Can I write sentences using the –ed suffix? The Bog Baby
Can I write sentences using the –ed suffix? The Bog Baby

Can I make predictions about a character based only on an illustration - Year 2 The Bog Baby
Can I make predictions about a character based only on an illustration - Year 2 The Bog Baby

numberline and collumn addition year 2
numberline and collumn addition year 2 differentiated worksheets

Can I add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together using a number line?
Can I add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together using a number line? Year 2