GCSE lesson but could be adapted for key stage 3.
Learning intentions:
What was Elizabethan society like in the Age of Exploration?
What were the key features of Elizabethan theatre? Why did it become more popular during Elizabeth’s reign?
Fully resourced lesson that addresses the legacy of World War One in Germany. Students start the lesson by recalling all the information they can remember about WW1. They then are introduced to key phrases and a time line of key events. The plenary is a recall task based on Mock the Week that recalls the key events.
Learning objectives:
To be able to explain how Germany became a Republic after WWI.
To be able to describe the impact of WWI on Germany.
Two hours lesson on English involvement in the Netherlands after 1585. Fully resourced, with differentiated worksheets for students at different levels. The lesson includes two different starter activities to spread the resource over two lessons.
Fully resourced lesson looking at the start of Elizabeth’s reign. This is a GCSE lesson but could be modified for any secondary age.
Learning Objectives:
To be able to create a summary of potential problems Elizabeth faced when she became queen
To be able to describe the key features of Elizabethan England.
Hour long lesson looking at the problems Elizabeth faced when she became queen.
Learning objectives:
To be able to assess where the greatest challenge to Elizabeth came from: home or abroad?
To be able to identify the problems Elizabeth faced when she became queen in 1558.
GCSE LEsson that could be adapted for key stage 3.
Learning intentions:
What were the threats against Elizabeth?
What were the causes, events and consequences of the Spanish armada?
Lesson looking at Elizabethan Government. There is a ‘describe’ question breakdown for the teacher to go through with the students.
Lesson intentions:
What were the key features of Elizabethan government?
What aspects of Elizabethan government had the most authority?
Fully resourced lesson addressing the Treaty of Versailles. This lesson includes a tangled time line starter and an inference question with a model answer. This is a GCSE lesson but could easily be adapted for key stage 3.
Learning objectives:
To be able to explain why the Treaty of Versailles was so unpopular in Germany.
To be able to identify the key terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Fully resourced lesson assessing the early threats to the Weimar Republic. The lesson could be split into two one hour lessons, one looking at left wing risks the other looking at right wing risks.
Learning outcomes:
To be able to evaluate the extent of the threat posed by left and right wing groups to the Weimar Republic.
To be able to identify left and right wing threats to the Weimar Republic.
Fully resourced lesson that introduced the Weimar Constitution to GCSE history students. The lesson focuses on historians’ interpretations of the constitution.
Learning objectives:
To be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution.
To be able to define the term constitution.
Lesson looking at the problems the Weimar Republic faced in 1923. The lesson has an source inference question at the end with an question guide and a model answer.
Learning outcomes:
To be able to explain why the Weimar Republic faced significant challenges in 1923.
To be able to describe the key features of the French occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation.
Two 1-hour lessons looking at the standard of living in Weimar Germany. These lessons focus on historians’ interpretations and has a exam practice question with a model answer which the teacher will go through with the class.
Learning objectives:
To be able to evaluate the extent of change in the standard of living for the German people 1924 – 1929
To be able to explain the changes in standard of living for the German people 1924 - 1929.
To be able to explain why historians have different views about the changes in the standard of living in Germany, 1924-29.
To be able to identify why historians have different views about the changes in the standard of living in Germany, 1924-29.
First lesson of two that addresses the economic recovery of the Weimar Republic between 1924-1929, with a provenance question to consolidate knowledge.
Learning outcomes:
To be able to evaluate the success of the policies Stresemann introduced between 1924 - 1929.
To be able to explain the reasons for economic recovery between 1924 - 1929.
Lesson that addresses the foreign policy of the Weimar Republic between 1924-1929. The lesson is fully resourced and has an interpretation practice question.
Learning outcomes:
To be able to evaluate the impact of Stresemann’s foreign and economic policies for Germany between 1924-29.
To be able to identify the key features of Stresemann’s foreign policy between 1924-29.