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Maths - Bus Stop Method & Column Multiplication Posters
Worksheets explaining:
the bus stop method (with remainder) of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.
the bus stop method (no remainder) of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.
column multiplication (with exchange) of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.
column multiplication (without exchange) of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.
Please note, the documents (pdfs) you download won’t have the word ‘example’ on it.
Credit goes to missnkt for my inspiration!

The Day the Crayons Quit - Comprehension Board Game
Comprehension Board Game for ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.
I’ve designed mine for a Y3 class.

Year 4 Science - Electricity
A bundle I used during a 6 week teaching sequence on electricity in science.
Please note; you will need Notebook in order to access the main teaching slides. The slides demonstrate new learning, have the necessary links to web pages and explain how each task needs to be completed.
The documents (planning and activities) attached are word documents. Some of the images of these look a little odd - when they are downloaded, everything will go back into the correct place on the document.
Lesson/planning overview:
1 - learning what electricity is and identifying electrical & non-electrical items. Children can write/draw or cut and stick pictures and put these into a table.
2 - learning about electrical safety using a web link. They will then use this to make an electrical safety poster.
3 - using circuit equipment to make a simple circuit. This is purely a practical lesson.
4 - using circuit cards to predict if the circuit will/will not work and why. They will record these predictions down on the attached documents. Children will then test out their prediction using equipment.
5 - learning what insulators/conductors are and predicting which materials fit into which of these categories before testing it out. They will do this using a table provided.
6 - learning what a switch is and making their own switches out of everyday equipment e.g. bull dog clips, cardboard and split pins!
Most lessons have an extension.
My class LOVED this sequence and it was a great introduction for them into electricity.

A quiz I used with my Y3 class. Categories include:
Who’s behind the (covid) mask?
Guess the chocolate
Guess the country from the flag
Guess the logo
Guess the film from the picture
General knowledge
I have included both the PowerPoint without AND with the answers.

Life Cycle of a Plant
A worksheet where - after learning about the life cycle of a plant - children have to draw their own images linked with each stage and add the following key words to the sentences:

'Work Bestie' print
An A4 print for your workplace bestie.
You will need to download the pdf file and then print onto paper of your choosing.

DT - design, make and evaluate an ice lolly!
A short unit of work I did with a mixed y1/2 class which involved evaluating, designing and making their own ice lollies!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Comprehension Board Game
Comprehension Board Game based on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
I used mine with a mixed Y1/2 class.

How to make a penguin Christmas Card
A PowerPoint explaining how to make a penguin inspired Christmas card. PowerPoint includes step-by-step instructions as well as the resources needed on the last 3 slides :)

Year 4 Earth and Space Bundle
A bundle I used during a 5 week teaching sequence on Earth and Space in science.
Please note; you will need Notebook in order to access the main teaching slides. The slides demonstrate new learning, have the necessary links to web pages and explain how each task needs to be completed.
The documents (planning and activities) attached are word documents. Some of the images of these look a little odd - when they are downloaded, everything will go back into the correct place on the document.
Lesson/planning overview:
1 - exploring evidence cards linked to the shape of the Earth (flat/spherical) and having a class debate about this before learning that the Earth, sun and moon are approximate spherical bodies
2 - researching key facts about the 8 planets using the internet. Children will then have Top Trump style cards to fill in linked to the 8 planets. Facts will include; distance from sun; orbit of sun; length of day; number of moons; mass; temperature; and explaining if it’s a gas or rocky planet.
3 - learning about the heliocentric/geocentric theory. Children will then make a human model of the heliocentric theory in small groups.
4 - learning about day and night, linking this to time zones. Children will then draw a diagram and label/explain how day and night is formed
5 - learning about phases of the moon and making a ‘phases of the moon’ pin wheel.
One lesson (lesson 3) has an extension. There are scaffolds for emerging/working towards children in many of the lessons.
I have also attached some of the documents I used as part of my display board.

'Work Mum' print
An A4 print for your workplace mum.
You will need to download the pdf file and then print onto paper of your choosing.

Who was Henry VIII's best wife?
Cards for children to fill in about each of Henry’s wives including:
wife number
dates to/from they were married
how the marriage ended
information about children
and room for other interesting facts
There is also a box for children to answer the question - which wife do they think was the best and why.

Meta-cognition - resource prompts for children to use in lessons
As part of my school’s work on meta-cognition, we’ve been display large images of equipment children will need to use in lessons. This helps children in lessons and make transitions easier.
Images include:
whiteboard and pen
purple pen
black pen
colouring pencils

English and Maths support
An A4 support sheet for children in maths and English.
Maths side - sentence stems to use for explanation tasks, multiplication square and 100 square.
English side - punctuation, capital letters, conjunctions, spellings, ‘bed’ support, alphabet
Both sides have some marking feedback tailored to my school’s marking policy.
This can be adapted to suit the needs of your class/school.
if you want the same fonts, I’ve used century gothic for the body of text and goldie rainbow for the titles.

Going home checklist
An A3 poster listing the main things children need to remember to pack up at the end of the day.

Snowman fence tag
In my class, I give each child a length of wood. This is then cut to their height and decorated as a snowman (see photo example) which they get to take home and keep. Alongside this, we also attach a tag with a little slogan :)

Coloured Book Labels
Small Labels for your coloured book boxes. Following colours included:
sapphire/dark blue
black/free reader

Colours in nature
A PowerPoint illustrating different colours and shades of them/ Images from nature have been added to the slides linking to each colour - I’ve used this lots for work on similes.

Emoji fraction questions
Children need to crack the emoji questions. Can easily be adapted for different questions/year groups.

Reading tokens
Tokens to encourage your class to read more! When children have finished their card, they can trade it in for a treat (for you to decide).