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Does it Matter, Siegfried Sassoon Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser for the poem ‘Does it Matter’ by Siegfried Sassoon. Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to promote individual accountability.

Dulce et Decorum Est, Wilfred Owen Knowledge Organiser
This complete knowledge organiser for the poem ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ by Wilfred Owen is designed to help students of English Literature study and revise the poem. This resource is suitable for all learners and can be used to fit any exam board. This sheet is also useful in supporting teachers to identify the main ideas and techniques used by the poet. The worksheet is divided into the following eight sections:
What happens in the poem?
What is the context of this poem?
What is the significance of the title?
What are the central ideas in this poem?
Key vocabulary
Key quotes
Writer’s craft (techniques)
Key images
Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to assist students.

Counter Attack, Siegfried Sassoon Knowledge Organiser
This complete knowledge organiser for the poem ‘Counter Attack’ by Siegfried Sassoon is designed to help students of English Literature study and revise the poem. This resource is suitable for all learners and can be used to fit any exam board. This sheet is also useful in supporting teachers to identify the main ideas and techniques used by the poet. The worksheet is divided into the following eight sections:
What happens in the poem?
What is the context of this poem?
What is the significance of the title?
What are the central ideas in this poem?
Key vocabulary
Key quotes
Writer’s craft (techniques)
Key images
Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to assist students.

WW1 poem, The Soldier by Rupert Brooke Knowledge Organiser
This complete knowledge organiser for the poem ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke is designed to help students of English Literature study and revise the poem. This resource is suitable for all learners and can be used to fit any exam board. This sheet is also useful in supporting teachers to identify the main ideas and techniques used by the poet. The worksheet is divided into the following eight sections:
What happens in the poem?
What is the context of this poem?
What is the significance of the title?
What are the central ideas in this poem?
Key vocabulary
Key quotes
Writer’s craft (techniques)
Key images
Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to assist students.

Key quotes GCSE English Literature
10 key quotes with context for JEKYLL AND HYDE, MACBETH, AN INSPECTOR CALLS and POWER AND CONFLICT POETRY. These quotes have been carefully selected for high quality analysis.

In Flanders Field, John McCrea Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser for the poem ‘In Flanders Field’ by John McCrea. Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to promote individual accountability.

WW1 poem The Dead, Rupert Brooke Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser for the poem ‘The Dead’ by Rupert Brooke. Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to promote individual accountability.

WW1 poem, The Poet as Hero by Siegfried Sassoon Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser for the poem ‘The Poet as Hero’ by Siegfried Sassoon. Information on how to revise from the knowledge organiser is also provided to promote individual accountability.

Anthem for Doomed Youth annotations
This is a comprehensive annotation of Wilfred Owen’s WW1 poem, Anthem for Doomed Youth. Each poem is annotated and these notes are suitable for all abilities and will help students to understand what happens in each poem, relevant context, form and formatic features, key themes, structural devices, linguistic devices and poetic methods.

'Rebecca' Genre Conventions
What are gothic conventions and how do they apply to ‘Rebecca’?
Fully resourced lesson with a starter on themes (recap), explanation of a genre with Frayer Model vocabulary slide, conventions of the gothic genre (spooky, uninhabited settings, gloomy, good vs evil, mystery , psychological and literal imprisonment, involves the past, creates, feelings of tension/fear/terror , hints of the supernatural), and backs to the board main task with questions assessing students’ understanding.
Made for an interview so fully resourced.

Example speech - ideas and methods
Persuasive speech (extract) by David Lloyd George - ‘The pinnacle of sacrifice’ with key vocabulary and comprehension questions. Suitable for any exam board but specifically designed for AQA English Language specification.
Powerpoint with a starter, learning objectives, main task instructions and a plenary. Main task is a mingle and swap activity, designed to assess students’ understanding of rhetorical devices and ability to identify methods in Lloyd George’s speech.
Made for an interview so fully resourced.

WW1 Poetry Knowledge Organiser
A collection of WW1 Poetry Knowledge Organisers. The organisers contain poem summaries, key context, title significance, central ideas, key vocabulary, key quotes, writer’s craft and key images. A document explaining how to revise from the knowledge organisers is also provided.
Poems included:
Does it Matter
Dulce et Decorum Est
In Flanders Field
The Dead
The Poet as Hero
The Soldier

Robert Browning Poetry Annotations
This collection of annotations is designed to help teachers of AS English Literature deliver high quality lessons on the poetry of Robert Browning. These poems are from the Cambridge International AS English Literature course. Each poem is annotated and these notes are suitable for all abilities and will help students to understand what happens in each poem, relevant context, form and formatic features, key themes, structural devices, linguistic devices and poetic methods.
Regarded as one of the most important English poets of the Victorian period, Robert Browning is best known for his dramatic monologues (dramatic readings delivered by one character). His poetry explores themes of love, nature, religion, fate and death and pride. When I taught this unit to my classes, I annotated each poem beforehand and created questions for my students to answer. Each question was based on my notes. I could then feedback the answers using my annotations.
I have also included an introduction to the Cambridge International AS English Literature course with a breakdown of the units and grades. Thank you for downloading my resources.
Robert Browning poems included in bundle:
*A Light Woman
*A Toccata of Galuppi’s
*A Woman’s Last Word
*Among the Rocks
*How they Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix
*Life in a Love
*Love in a Life
*Meeting at Night
*My Last Duchess
*The Bishop Orders his Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church
*The Confessional
*The Laboratory
*The Last Ride Together
*The Lost Leader
*The Lost Mistress
*The Patriot
*Women and Roses