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M1ssR's Shop ~ All things English

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English Language & Literature Resources for KS3/4/5 - Posters - Card sorts - Student booklets - Interactive games - Displays -Learning mats - Powerpoints - Worksheets




English Language & Literature Resources for KS3/4/5 - Posters - Card sorts - Student booklets - Interactive games - Displays -Learning mats - Powerpoints - Worksheets
Poetry Terms Jeopardy Game! NEW 2020 GCSE English Literature Spec.

Poetry Terms Jeopardy Game! NEW 2020 GCSE English Literature Spec.

A fun and interactive Jeopardy PowerPoint game that helps students to learn poetry terms. Useful for GCSE English Literature. I find that all my classes love playing this and often ask when they can play it again. I have found it extremely effective at helping students to learn poetry terms. The competitive element motivates students to memorise each term and definition. Poetry terms include: stanza end-stopping sonnet ambiguity caesura rhyme internal rhyme free verse strcuture volta half-rhyme rhyming triplet rhyme scheme sibilance rhyming tetrameter layout rhyming couplet syllable metre mood tone iambic pentameter blank verse consonance narrator rhythm form enjambment assonance
Literary devices/ language techniques CARD SORT

Literary devices/ language techniques CARD SORT

15 techniques with easy to understand definitions and examples. Colour-coded to make it easier to see which category each card belongs to. The examples cards can be removed for lower ability students or added as an extension.
Language Techniques/ Literary Devices Display Cards

Language Techniques/ Literary Devices Display Cards

Big, bold and easy to read from across the classroom. Ready to print A4 sized cards containing the name of the language technique, a student friendly definition and a short, memorable example of its use. These can be used as flashcards or displayed on the wall to create a language techniques display. My students find these very helpful to refer to when analysing language. Displaying them on the wall helps students to memorise them. Language techniques include: Personification, metaphor, alliteration, imagery, foreshadowing, symbolism, oxymoron, juxtaposition, hyperbole, allegory, emotive language, onomatopoeia, repetition, rule of three, irony, dramatic irony, pathetic fallacy, antithesis and analogy.
Fun Language techniques/ Literary terms Jeopardy Game!

Fun Language techniques/ Literary terms Jeopardy Game!

A fun and interactive Jeopardy PowerPoint that helps students to learn language techniques/literary devices. Useful for GCSE English Language/Literature. I find that all my classes love playing this and often ask when they can play it again. I have found it extremely effective at helping students to learn language techniques. The competitive element motivates students to memorise each technique and definition. Techniques include: Alliteration Foreshadowing Ambiguity |magery Hyperbole Antithesis Repetition Personification Metaphor Oxymoron PAthetic Fallacy Rule of Three Simile Emotive LAnguage Sibilance Allegory Imagery Euphemism Soliloquy Juxtaposiition Symbolism First Person Perspective Formal Pun Analogy Consonance Onomatopoeia Irony Dramatic Irony Assonance
Poetry Terms/Techniques Display Cards

Poetry Terms/Techniques Display Cards

Very useful for the new 2015 onwards English Literature Poetry exam. Big, bold and designed to be read from across the classroom. Ready to print A4 sized cards containing the name of the poetry term, a student friendly definition and a short, memorable example of its use, where applicable. These can be used as flashcards or displayed on the wall to create a display. My GCSE students find these very helpful to refer to when analysing the language, structure and form of a poem. Poetry terms include: Ambiguity, assonance, blank verse, caesura, consonance, end-stopping, enjambment, form, free verse, half-rhyme, iambic pentameter, internal rhyme, iambic tetrameter, layout, metre, mood, sonnet, stanza, structure, volta, syllable, rhyming couplet, rhyme scheme, rhythm and sibilance .
Writing Learning Mat - Basic & Advanced- For New GCSE English Language 2017

Writing Learning Mat - Basic & Advanced- For New GCSE English Language 2017

A visual, A3 sized, double- sided writing mat (one side is basic and the other is advanced). I have laminated copies for students and they find this very helpful with different types of writing. It targets common writing mistakes that students tend to make. Provides writing support for students, helping them to practise the skills needed for Section B of Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the English Language GCSE. Also useful for younger years. Basic side includes: - types of punctuation and how to use them - how and when to paragraph - sentence types (simple, compound, complex) with examples - difference between "there/ their/ they're", with examples - difference between "your/ you're" with examples - how to use apostrophes, with examples - a range of connectives, split into categories The advanced side includes: - sophisticated vocabulary e.g. synonyms for big, happy, sad, small, a lot of, said - over 30 tricky spellings that students tend to misspell - a range of persuasive techniques/ definitions (to help students with Paper 2: Section B) - 6 different ways to start a sentence, with examples - language techniques, with definitions and examples (to help students with Paper 1: Section B)
GCSE English Language Paper 2- Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives Learning Mat

GCSE English Language Paper 2- Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives Learning Mat

A useful learning mat for Paper 2 of GCSE English Language. Includes the marks, suggested timings, sentence starters, writing frames and broken down mark schemes for each question. Enables students to get on independently with practice papers. A helpful revision tool. Paper 1 mat available: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-gcse-english-language-paper-1-creative-reading-and-writing-learning-mat-11493710
NEW GCSE English Language- Paper 1: Creative Reading & Writing- Learning Mat

NEW GCSE English Language- Paper 1: Creative Reading & Writing- Learning Mat

Learning mat for Paper 1 of the AQA English Language GCSE (new spec 8700) I find that students struggle to remember the format/marks/ top tips for each question, particularly in Section A: Reading. Instead of having to constantly remind them how to approach each question, I give them a laminated copy of this A3 sized mat. It's also useful to give to students to take home, as they can use it to practise exam questions at home. This mat includes: - Sentence openings for each question (1-5) to help students to remember the formats - Simplified A0s for each question so that students know how they are being assessed - Writing frames for Q2 and Q4 so that students know how to structure their answers - Examples of structural features for Q3 to help students with their analysis - A students friendly checklist for Q5, based on the mark scheme, so that students can check their writing - The marks available for each question plus recommended timings for each question so that students can practise timing themselves
A LEVEL English Language frameworks/levels of analysis- learning mat

A LEVEL English Language frameworks/levels of analysis- learning mat

An A3 sized, double sided learning mat. It defines the 7 frameworks (lexis, semantics, phonology, graphology, pragmatics, grammar and discourse). It groups a range of terms (with definitions) under each language framework to enable students to use subject terminology in their analyses. I have laminated copies for my students and they find it very useful. Over 64 subject terms , visually presented.