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My Handwriting Practice Book

My Handwriting Practice Book

This is a fun Handwriting workbook to practice A to Z Letters Improving fine motor skills and handwriting Lowercase and uppercase letters contains 30 pages Zaner Bloser Font
Spanish Color Posters

Spanish Color Posters

This product contains Spanish color posters Azul Rojo Verde Amarillo Anaranjado Morado Rosado Marrón Gris Negro Blanco


This product contains 116 Spanish Alphabet posters A : araña - abeja - avión - astronauta B : ballena - banana - bola - bus C : carro - conejo - caballo - cometa CH : chivo - choza - chocolate - chef D : delfín - diente - dado - dragón E : escalera - escoba - elefante -estrella F : flamingo - fuego - foca - frutas G : gato - gorra - gallo - gallina H : hilo - hongo - hormiga - helado I : indio - iglesia - iglú - iguana J : jamón - jugo - jabón - jirafa K : koala - kilo - kiwi - karate L : libro - luna - lápiz - león LL : lluvia - llanto - llanta - llave M : mermelada - manzana - media - mono N : nube - naranja - nido - nariz Ñ : ñame - ñandú - ñoquis - ñeque O : oso - oveja - ojo - oreja P : pulpo - pizza - pera - paraguas Q : quince - queso - quemar - querer R : rey - rosa - ratón - robot S : serrucho - sol - sapo - serpiente T : tomate - tortuga - taza - taxi U : uvas - uniforme - uña - unicornio V : volcán - violín - vestido - vaca W : Winnie Pooh - Wendy - wafles -Washington X : xilófono Y : yegua - yogurt - yema - yo-yo Z : zapato - zorro - zoológico - zanahoria


This cute alphabet frog banner contains 5 banners A to Z Zaner Bloser Font letters to create an ABC banner in your classroom. these are PNG so you can resize them and PDF legal size Files
Mi Cartilla de Pre-escritura

Mi Cartilla de Pre-escritura

This is a fun Handwriting workbook in Spanish to practice A to Z Letters Improving fine motor skills and handwriting Lowercase and uppercase letters contains 30 pages Zaner Bloser Font


Kids get to practice writing and reading CVC words by placing these resource posters on bulletin boards This product contains 26 Word Family Posters PDF and PNG Format and 5 Blank posters to create your Own Word Family a at poster ........ bat - cat - hat - mat ar poster ........ .jar - bar - car - far ab poster ........ lab - cab - tab - dab ag poster ........ bag - rag - tag -wag an poster ........ can - fan - man - van ap poster ......... cap - nap - tap - map ad poster.......... bad- dad-sad-mad am poster.......... jam- ham- ram-yam Word Family e en poster .......... hen-men-pen-ten et poster .......... jet- net - pet - wet ed poster .......... bed- fed - led - red eg poster .......... leg - beg - peg - meg Word Family i ix poster ........ fix - mix - six ig poster ........ big - dig - pig - wig in poster ......... bin - fin - pin - win ip poster .......... dip - hip - sip - tip it poster .......... fit - hit - pit - sit id poster .......... hid - kid - lid - rid Word Family o og poster .......... dog - fog - jog - log ot poster .......... cot - dot - hot - pot op poster .......... cop - hop - mop - top ob poster .......... cob - job - mob - rob Word Family u un poster .......... fun - nun - run - sun um poster .......... gum - hum - sum - yum ug poster .......... bug - hug - mug - rug ub poster .......... cub - rub - sub - tub
English Alphabet Flash Cards

English Alphabet Flash Cards

This product contains 26 flash cards A : apple B : bear C : cat D : dog E : elephant F : fish G : grapes H : horse I : igloo J . jet K : kite L : letter M : mouse N : nurse O : owl P : pig Q : quail R : reindeer S : seal T : turkey U : umbrella V : veterinarian W : watermelon X : x-ray Y : yak Z : zebra


This product contains 26 posters A : apple B : bear C : cat D : dog E : elephant F : fish G : grapes H : horse I : igloo J . jet K : kite L : letter M : mouse N : nurse O : owl P : pig Q : quail R : reindeer S : seal T : turkey U : umbrella V : veterinarian W : watermelon X : x-ray Y : yak Z : zebra
Spanish ABC Frogs Banner

Spanish ABC Frogs Banner

This cute alphabet frog banner contains 6 banners A to Z Zaner Bloser Font letters to create an ABC banner in your classroom. these are PNG so you can resize them and PDF legal size Files. This banner includes CH - LL _ Ñ


These Cute set of Spanish Teddy Bears Alphabet letters and Numbers headers are perfect for a word wall but could also be used in so many other ways such as your classroom signs This product contains 84 teddy bears headers A to Z capital and lowercase letters and question mark Numbers from 0 to 20 and 1 blank Teddy Bear PNG AND PDF Format


FUN CARROT THEME Great For Your Bulletin Board KIDS WILL LOVE IT !! This product contains Carrot Cliparts Carrot Garden Cliparts Alphabet Carrots Upper and Lowercase Letters Numbers 0 to 20 Tally Marks Carrots 0 to 20 Word Family Carrots PDF and PNG Format and Blank carrots to create your Own CVC Word Family a at ........ bat - cat - hat - mat - fat rat - sat ar ........ .jar - bar - car - far ab ........ lab - cab - tab - dab ag ........ bag - rag - tag -wag - gag - nag an ........ can - fan - man - van -tan - pan - ran ap ......... cap - nap - tap - map- gap - sap - lap ad .......... bad- dad-sad-mad - pad am ......... jam- ham- ram-yam - Dam - Mam CVC Word Family e en .......... hen-men-pen-ten - den et .......... jet- net - pet - wet- met - set -vet ed .......... bed- fed - led - red - wed eg .......... leg - beg - peg - meg CVC Word Family i ix ........ fix - mix - six ig ........ big - dig - pig - wig - fig - rig in ......... bin - fin - pin - tin - win ip .......... dip - hip - lip - rip - sip - tip - zip it .......... bit - fit - hit - kit -pit - sit id .......... hid - kid - lid - rid CVC Word Family o og .......... dog - fog - hog - jog - log ot .......... cot - dot - hot - pot op .......... cop - hop - mop - top - pop ob .......... cob - job - mob - rob - sob CVC Word Family u un ..........bun - fun - nun - run - sun um .......... gum - hum -mum - sum - yum ug .......... bug - hug -jug - mug - rug ub .......... cub - rub - sub - tub
Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns

Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns

These Fun Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters Only 1 sheet of paper per child! SIMPLE instructions 1. One zig zag line cut 2. fold 3. glue And you will have a perfect Crown. Vocabulary Aa - apple - airplane - ant - alligator Bb - bear - bee - bat - boat Cc - camel - cat - car - cow Dd - dinosaur - dolphin - duck - dice Ee - egg - elephant - eagle - earth Ff - fire - fish - fan - frog Gg - gorilla - goat - guitar - giraffe Hh - helicopter - horse - house - hat Ii - iguana - igloo - island - ice cream Jj - ham - jellyfish - jam - juice Kk - koala - karate - kayak - kiwi Ll - ladybug - lion - lamp - log Mm - mouse - mask - moon - monkey Nn - nest - net - nurse - nose Oo - owl - orange - octopus - onion Pp - pig - pear - penguin - pencil Qq - quail - quiet - queen - quilt Rr - ring - robot - rabbit - rainbow Ss - seal - sun - snake - star Tt - tiger - turtle - table - tomato Uu - uniform - unicorn - umbrella - umpire Vv - volcano - vase - violin - vest Ww - wagon - watermelon - whale - window Xx - Xylophone - X-ray Yy - yarn - yogurt - yoyo - yolk Zz - zebra - zoo - zipper - zero and a Complete A to Z alphabet letter crown
SPANISH A to Z Alphabet and Numbers Bears and Teddy Bears

SPANISH A to Z Alphabet and Numbers Bears and Teddy Bears

These Cute set includes both Bears and Teddy Bears Alphabet letters and Numbers headers they are perfect for a word wall but could also be used in so many other ways such as your classroom signs This product contains 167 bears headers A to Z capital and lowercase letters and question mark Numbers from 0 to 20 PNG AND PDF Format
Spanish Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns

Spanish Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns

These Fun Spanish Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters Only 1 sheet of paper per child! SIMPLE instructions 1. One zig zag line cut 2. fold 3. glue And you will have a perfect Crown. Vocabulary Aa - abeja - araña - anillo - avión Bb - ballena - bola - bote - bebé Cc - caballo - cama - canguro - caracol Ch - chocolate - choza - chupo - chivo Dd - delfín - dados - dinosaurio - diente Ee - enfermera - escoba - elefante - estrella Ff - familia - frutas - fuente - fuego Gg - gorila - gallina - guitarra - gato Hh - helicóptero - hueso - hoja - hilo Ii - iguana - isla - imán - iglú Jj - jirafa - jabón - jamón - jaula Kk - karate - koala - kayak - kiwi Ll - loro - león - luna - lobo LL - llorar - llave - lluvia - llama Mm - mesa - mariposa - manzana - moto Nn - naranja - nube - nariz - nido Ññ - ñoquis - ñame - Ñoño - ñandú Oo - oveja - olla - ojo - oso Pp - perro - pito - pulpo - pato Qq - quimica - querubín - queso - quince Rr - rinoceronte - ratón - rana - regalo Ss - sapo - sombrero - sol - serrucho Tt - tortuga - tambor - tiburón - taza Uu - uvas - unicornio - uniforme - uña Vv - violín - vaca - vestido - volcán Ww - Washington - wafles - Winnie Pooh - Wendy Xx - xilófono - rayos X Yy - yogurt - yate - yema - yoyo Zz - zoológico - zapatos - zanahoria - zorro y una corona extra con todas las letras del alfabeto


This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes Your Kids will love it!! The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves This product contains - Alphabet mask 26 pages - Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages - Shapes mask 11 pages - the shapes include - circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon - trapezoid - star - heart CVC Words Mask 22 pages the word families include: Short a - ad - ag - am - an - ap - at short e - ed - eg - en - et short i - ig - in - ip - it short o - ob - og - op - ot Short u - ub - ug - um - un


This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes Your Kids will love it!! The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves. Each mask contains - Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages - Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages - Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages - the shapes include - circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon - trapezoid - star - heart - circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón - Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages - ba - be - bi - bo - bu - ca - ce - ci - co - cu - cha - che - chi - cho - chu - da - de - di - do - du - fa - fe - fi - fo - fu - ga - ge - gi - go - gu - ha - he - hi - ho - hu - ja - je - ji - jo - ju - ka - ke - ki - ko - ku - la - le - li - lo - lu - lla - lle - lli - llo - llu - ma - me - mi - mo - mu - na - ne - ni - no - nu - ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu - pa - pe - pi - po - pu - que - qui - ra - re - ri - ro - ru - sa - se - si - so - su - ta - te - ti - to - tu - va - ve - vi - vo - vu - wa - we - wi - wo - wu - xa - xe - xi - xo - xu - ya - ye - yi - yo - yu - za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Spanish Preschool Alphabet Crowns

Spanish Preschool Alphabet Crowns

These Fun Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters Only 1 sheet of paper per child! SIMPLE instructions 1. One zig zag line cut 2. fold 3. glue And you will have a perfect Crown. vocabulary Aa - abeja - araña - anillo - avión Bb - ballena - bola - bote - bebé Cc - caballo - cama - canguro - caracol Ch - chocolate - choza - chupo - chivo Dd - delfín - dados - dinosaurio - diente Ee - erizo - espejo - elefante - estrella Ff - foca - fresa - flor - fantasma Gg - gorila - gallina - guitarra - gato Hh - helado - hormiga - hacha - hipopótamo Ii - iguana - iglesia - indio - iglú Jj - jirafa - jabón - jamón - jaula Kk - karate - koala - kayak - kiwi Ll - limón - león - luna - lámpara LL - llorar - llave - lluvia - llama Mm - mano - mariposa - manzana - mono Nn - naranja - nube - nariz - nido Ññ - ñoquis - ñame - Ñoño - ñandú Oo - oveja - oreja - ojo - oso Pp - perro - paraguas - pulpo - pato Qq - quimica - querubín - queso - quince Rr - rinoceronte - robot - rey - reloj Ss - sapo - serpiente - sol - silla Tt - tortuga - tambor - tiburón - tomate Uu - uvas - unicornio - urraca - uña Vv - ventana - vaca - vestido - volcán Ww - Washington - wafles - Winnie Pooh - Wendy Xx - xilófono - rayos X Yy - yogurt - yate - yema - yoyo Zz - zoológico - zapatos - zanahoria - zorro y una corona extra con todas las letras del alfabeto
English BUNDLE  Crowns

English BUNDLE Crowns

These Fun BUNDLE Crowns are great for your Kids Only 1 sheet of paper per child! SIMPLE instructions 1. One zig zag line cut 2. fold 3. glue And you will have a perfect Crown. Preschool Alphabet Crowns Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns Numbers 1 - 20 Crowns Shapes Crowns Holiday Crowns


This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes Your Kids will love it!! The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves There are 4 different Superhero mask so you can select a different mask for each student Each mask contains - Alphabet mask 26 pages - Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages - Shapes mask 11 pages - the shapes include - circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon - trapezoid - star - heart CVC Words Mask 22 pages the word families include: Short a - ad - ag - am - an - ap - at short e - ed - eg - en - et short i - ig - in - ip - it short o - ob - og - op - ot Short u - ub - ug - um - un