
Belle et Sebastien song and film activities
Film to be watched before the sheet and song. Year 8 absolutely loved both and sang along to Zaz karaoke version of the song on YouTube.

French Black History Month
A selection of influential black history personalities with mini biographies, great as a starter or plenary in MFL lessons during BHM.

Chanson Bigflo et Oli, C'est dommage
Brilliant song for year 9-10-11-12 Listening gap fill activity, matching translation and karaoke!

Bigflo et Oli- Plus tard- song with activities
Listen to the song, fill the gaps, sing along, find the verbs and translation matching activity.

Song- Mon précieux- Soprano
This song is about mobile phone addiction and really catchy. The worksheet includes a gap-fill listening activity and true/false questions. Nice plenary or fun homework.

Mercy- Madame Monsieur- Eurovision song
A beautiful song, easy to sing along to, with a wonderful message of hope about refugee children.
Simple gap fill and links to article, video and Karaoke version with English.

Chanson: Le Pire, de Maitre Gims (l'environnement)
Song lyrics about the environment, gap fill, topic vocab task & translation.

Les cornichons chanson Nino Ferrer
Song lyrics gap fill for the classic song Les Cornichons, by Nino Ferrer.
Great for the topic of food and verbs in the past tenses.

Big Flo et Oli. Papa
Worksheet with the lyrics for the song Papa (Big Flo et Oli).
Gap fill, find the phrase and comprehension questions.

Education & work: conditional and subjunctive worksheet- translation
Translation task that explains the conditional and subjunctive moods with translation task.
Theme: education and work.

La coupe d'Europe 2024- Euro 2024
A sheet that includes activities around countries, French and English players.
Translation, gap filling exercise, ideal for Y7/8. Bonus wordsearch with countries.

La Flamme Olympique
Worksheet for Y12-13 about the Olympic Torch.
Shines a light on a multitude of aspects of the French cultural, historic & natural heritage.

La Coupe d'Europe 2021- Euro 2020
A worksheet for French football lovers, some activities around flags, countries, French players, personal details in French. Enjoy!

La famille: descriptions and ages
A double sided worksheet that helps student read and write about their family, uses language from Dynamo 1 (famille, numbers/ages, physical descriptions).

L'éducation Nationale Chanson Grand Corps Malade
A song activity with gap fill and 3 tasks about the problems of education in France.
Slam poetry, easy to follow diction.

French football song: Vegedream Ramenez la Coupe à la maison
Lyrics to the French 2018 World Cup song by Vegedream- Ramenez la Coupe à la maison, with comprehension questions about the song. Fun plenary or starter, easy to sing along to.

Wordsearch Les Sports- Dynamo 1
A wordsearch about sports, frequency phrases, weather and opinions.
Also includes a translation task and jumbled up sentences.
Goes with the Dynamo 1 textbook. Great for a bit of end of module fun.