This includes three worksheets
Worksheet A
This worksheet is meant to revise what are complementary, supplementary angles. Sum of angles in a straight line, sum of angles in triangle, sum of angles from a point, exterior and interior angles of triangles. Angles in parallel lines, angles in equilateral and isosceles triangles
Worksheet B
There are 14 past questions in this worksheet on angles in triangle and quadrilaterals.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Worksheet C
There are 15 questions from past papers on angle properties of parallel lines.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes three worksheets
Worksheet A
There are 15 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Worksheet B
There are 18 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P4 worksheet meaning use of calculator is allowed.
Worksheet C
There are 10 word problem questions in this worksheet.
Knowledge of converting sum of algebraic fractions into one fraction and solving quadratic equation from quadratic formula and factorization must be already known.
It is a P4 worksheet meaning use of calculator is allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes two worksheets
Worksheet A
It summarizes the topic with shapes of polygon shown , formulas needed in the worksheet are indicated and a quick practice of finding sum of interior angles , an interior angle and exterior angle of regular polygons is included.
Worksheet B
There are 28 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed (except in the last question).
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes three worksheets
Worksheet A
It states the list of formulas of shapes included in syllabus.
Worksheet B
There are 20 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed
Worksheet C
There are 10 questions in the worksheets.
It involves area and perimeter plus algebra to find values of the variables.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
There are 12 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed. Last 2 questions are P4 questions so calculator can be used.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes two worksheets
Worksheet A (Map Scales)
There are 14 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Worksheet B (Construction and scale drawing)
There are 14 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes two worksheets
Worksheet A
There are 30 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Worksheet B
There are 20 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P4 worksheet meaning use of calculator is allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
First page of worksheet has conversion flow charts for lengths, area, volume and time conversions
There are 22 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes two worksheets
Worksheet A
There are 16 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Worksheet B
There are 16 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P4 worksheet meaning use of calculator is allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
First page of worksheet has conversion chart from am/pm to 24 hours.
There are 20 questions in this worksheet.
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This worksheet covers a broad range of sub topics from IGCSE Math 0580 Extended syllabus.
The subtopics are mentioned below
Significant Figures (14 questions)
Round of to nearest 10 , 100 and thousand (12 questions)
Estimation (16 questions)
It is a P2 worksheet meaning use of calculator is not allowed.
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit
This includes three worksheets
It includes 9 worksheets
Worksheet A (Expand and Simplify)
27 questions from past papers.
Worksheet B (Factorize)
33 questions from past papers
Worksheet C (Simplification of algebraic fractions)
25 questions from past papers
Worksheet D (Simplify as single fraction)
14 questions from past papers
Worksheet E (Making Subject)
Over 30 questions from past papers
Worksheet F (Solving algebraic equations)
15 questions from past papers
Worksheet G (Simultaneous Equations)
Both linear (13 questions)
One linear and one quadratic (6 questions)
Worksheet H (Word problems (P2))
10 questions
Worksheet I (Word Problems P4)
10 questions (calculator allowed)
These are P2 worksheets meaning use of calculator is not allowed (except last worksheet)
Questions included are carefully picked from past papers ranging from year 2010 to march 2023.
The year of past paper the question is taken from is mentioned at the end of the question.
The questions are in increasing order of difficulty.
Writing space in given with every question.
Answers are included at the end.
To purchase un-watermarked complete syllabus IGCSE 0580 worksheets in PDF please visit