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An Inspector Calls Essay Plans

An Inspector Calls Essay Plans

This useful resource gives points, quotes, and perceptive contextual analysis for a range of character and theme-based essay questions. It is arranged in an easy-to-read table with brief notation, summarising the main points for each question. This resource includes plans for all the characters (including the Inspector and Eva Smith) and a range of the most prominent themes (to include social class, gender, responsibility, and the generational conflict).
Of Mice and Men essay plans and page references

Of Mice and Men essay plans and page references

This useful resource gives points, quotes, and contextual links for a range of different theme-based essay questions. It is arranged in an easy-to-read table layout with brief notation summarising the main points for each topic. Themes discussed include social hierarchy, relationships, the brutality of life, loneliness, sexism, racial prejudice, Man vs Nature, setting, ageism, marriage, friendliness, treatment of the mentally handicapped, and the American Dream. There is also a full set of page references for useful quotes ordered by theme included in this pack.
To Kill A Mockingbird - Revision Notes

To Kill A Mockingbird - Revision Notes

This resource contains insightful comments and notes on many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Characters: Scout, Atticus, Jem, Aunt Alexandra, Dill, Calpurnia, Arthur 'Boo' Radley, Miss Maudie, Mr BB Underwood, Miss Gates Themes: justice, childhood & maturity, prejudice & racism, courage & conviction, education & learning, empathy & identity, conformity, loneliness, the mockingbird Events: summer with Boo Radley, snow & fire, Christmas at Finch's Landing, Mrs Dubose, Church, the Lynch Mob, the trial, the Missionary Society Context: lists many contextual reference points to draw into your essay, e.g. the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, the Scottsboro incident, lynch mobs Includes lots of quotations from the book to back-up points Aimed at GCSE students studying the book for English Literature exams
English essay bundle

English essay bundle

3 Resources
Essay plans for 'An Inspector Calls' and 'Of Mice and Men', as well as page references for useful quotes for OMAM and detailed notes on 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.