I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
Key Stage 3 lesson but could be adapted to Key Stage 4. This lesson looks at the impacts of the Second World War on health and medicine.
A simple retrieval practice multiple choice quiz starts the lesson. We then watch a Disney clip created for the US army in 1945 about the importance of taking medicines. We discuss how the clip reveals the US army’s concerns about diseases during WW2. We then look at the dangers faced by the military on the front lines and analyse the kit of a medic to see why they carried what they did and what this says about the nature of the injuries. We then look at risks to health at the ‘home front’. The pupils use an impact strip to record the impacts of the war on health and medicine, they describe the impact and explain what effect it would have had on health. We then look at a source question on penicillin. A plenary pyramid finishes the lesson.
I hope that this proves useful and saves you some time.
Key Stage 3 lesson on Magna Carta. The lesson is approximately one hour long but can easily be extended. We start with a retrieval practice quiz on last lesson which was about King John, but this is easily adapted. We then introduce Magna Carta trhough watching a video clip and the pupils make use their video notes sheet to answer questions. We then look at the clauses in Magna Carta where the pupils sort the clauses into a diamond nine and explain their choices. We then complete an extended writing task. The pupils write a diary entry for King John dated the day he signed Magna Carta explaining how it limits his power and why he dislikes it so much.
In a nutshell the lesson includes.
Retrieval quiz starter
Video clip with notes sheet for the pupils
Diamond 9 ranking activity based on the clauses in Magna Carta
Extended writing exercise “Medieval Dear Diary: King John Edition”.
Emoji plenary.
Hope this saves planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the longer term causes of the Civil War before the short and long parliaments.
We start with a retrieval practice grid filled in for the P&TP Unit so far. We briefly look at James I and his relationship with Parliament. We have a look at Charles portrait and the pupils try to deduce his personality and beliefs from that, they then fill in a character profile of Charles and note his greatest strengths and weakness. We then look at the role of Parliament in the 17th Century, before looking at Parliaments grievances against Charles. The pupils complete a thermometer analysis to work out which of Charles’ actions made parliament the most angry. We then look at William Laud and his changes before completing a source question with guidance. The pupils finally complete an extentometer exercise to debate how much of Parliaments dislike of Charles is about his personality or about his politics or both.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the events of the Pilgrimage of Grace and why it failed.
We start with a game of 'Whose graves are these?. The pupils need to guess, based on the limerick on the gravestone, which historical key person it belongs to based on previous learning. We then recap using picture prompts the changes that Henry and Cromwell had made to The Church and why. We then look at the Lincolnshire uprising. The pupils have a ext extract and various tasks they need to do relating to the text including highlighting, summarising and answering questions etc. We then look at the events of the Pilgrimage of Grace after briefly looking at the symbolism on the banner. The pupils have a summarising activity and questions based on the events to complete. We then create a paragraph detailing the reasons why the pilgrimage failed, we then compare, with the help of video clips, The Peasants Revolt with the Pilgrimage of Grace using a comparison hexagon Venn diagram. There is also an Ode to Robert Aske plenary/ consolidation activity.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the events and the Impacts of The American Revolution.
We start with a retrieval practice instagram themed starter on the Pilgrimage of Grace, but works with any historical event. We begin we a recap using a source of the Boston Tea Party, the pupils have 10 mins to answer as many questions as possible on the source. We then look at how the war started and the events leading to Yorktown. We look at Yorktown in detail and the pupils complete some work on the events of the battle by summarising and answering questions. We then look at he impacts of the American Revolution for Britain, America and The World. there is a summary sheet to help with this but sometimes we spend longer conducting research on the impacts. We then compare Magna Carta with the American Revolution for similarities and differences. There are some examples, and we finish with a biographical poem on George Washington.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
GCSE Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060-87 for the new specification 2016. In this lesson we look specifically between the relationship between the Norman Kings (William I & II) and the Church.
We start with a editable retrieval practice grid, already filled in for the topic.
We then look at what William’s concerns about the Church, this is a chance for the pupils to familiarise themselves with some key vocab. We then briefly look at the Investiture Controversy (1078) and William Rufus’ accession to the throne. We study William’s fractured relationship with the Pope and Anselm. The pupils conduct a summarising activity on this topic. Pupil then create spider diagram on the overall relationship between the kings and the Church. They then use this to create a graph (a relationshipometer!) on how the relationship has fluctuated over time. We finish with a GCSE-style question with some points for the pupils to try and develop.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time!
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People Thematic Unit. In this lesson we look at what Magna Carta was, the events preceding it and its significance.
We start with a picture source showing the signing of the charter, there is a challenge grid where the pupils can create a question and then answer it.
We start the main part of the lesson recapping the aggravations of the barons. We then look at the events immediately preceding the barons revolt against John. The pupils do a simple summarising activity and answer some questions on this. This sets up the meeting at Runnymede. We then look at 6 of the clauses. The pupils complete a worksheet with a number of activities, they translate into their own words, tick who the clause benefits and shade in King John a shade of angry. The pupils write a paragraph on which clause they feel made the barons happiest (and John the angriest). We then look at the significance of Magna Carta of the years and its impact. The pupils shade in the boxes to categorise the impacts as either short or long term. We finish with a GCSE practice question “Explain the significance of Magna Carta” with some guidance on how to answer it.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the events of The Peasants Revolt and the actions of both sides.
The starter is a simple “whose graves are these?” quiz. Each grave has a limerick based around a key person in the unit so far. We then begin by looking at the causes of the Peasants Revolt in a bit of retrieval practice to set the scene. We then use a control graph to plot how much control Richard had of the situation during the revolt. The pupils will be guided through the key events of the revolt completing the graph as they go. We then look at the tactics of both sides and the pupils complete a table of the tactics using examples if possible. We finish with a source question on the execution of Simon of Sudbury from the Chronicles of Froissart.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson on the reasons why the Schlieffen Plan failed and the Battle of The Marne.
We start by looking at the early problems for the Schlieffen Plan. The pupils are asked to consider each problem, record how Moltke would react to the problem (using a visual scale) and then explain what the implications of that problem might be. We then look at the Battle of the Marne. The pupils complete a worksheet based around a timeline using a video clip and an info sheet on the battle. We then look at a source “Bravo Belgium” from 1914 and the pupils answer some questions around the source. We finally move to an evaluation of why the Schlieffen Plan failed. the pupils write an answer to a 16 mark exam question. There is some guidance on how to respond.
Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time.
Key Stage 3 lesson for a scheme of work on The Rise of The Dictators. In this lesson we look at how the Nazis were resisted. We start by introducing the types of resistance the Nazis encountered such as non-conforming, resistance and opposition. The pupils are then given several examples on a worksheet, they must classify the example into one of the three types, rate the example for seriousness to the Nazi regime and explain their rating. They then explain the most serious threat to the Nazi regime. We then look at a video clip and the pupils complete sentence starters and answer questions. We ten look at a written source on how opponents were watched and the pupils answer questions. We finish with the pupils writing a response to the statement “The main reason that resistance to the Nazis failed was the strength of the police state”. this can be done as an exam “To what extent” question, for which there is a slide with guidance and support, or a class discussion. There are retrieval practice starter and plenary quizzes.
I hope this proves useful and saves you some time.
The second lesson in a Key stage 3 unit of work on the Welfare State. The lesson covers the reasons why the decade was known as ‘The Hungry Thirties’, then we seek to assess whether the decade deserves this name or not. We start with a simple multiple choice retrieval practice starter. We then move onto the start of the thirties and briefly introduce the Labour Party. We then look at a series of photographs from the 1930’s and the pupils try to work out what is happening and what this tells us about life in Britain in that decade. We then watch a video clip on the decade and the pupils write down examples of hardship and examples of prosperity. We then look at the situation from the point of view of various types of people. Using the emoji pictures the pupils annotate the emojis based on what reaction these various people would have to their situation in the decade with an explanation. We then answer the question whether the decade deserves the nickname. This is done with the pupils responding to a ‘To what extent do you agree with the statement’ type question. A countdown plenary finishes the lesson.
I hope that this proves useful and saves you some time.
AQA GCSE History lesson as part of the Reform and Reformers Section of the Power and the People unit. The lesson is roughly one hour long. We start with a source question on the Copenhagen Fields Protest March. We then look at who the Tolpuddle Martyrs were and why they were transported. The pupils watch a video clip then read the information sheet. The main task is constructing a movie poster on the story of the Tolpuddle Martyrs. The poster is divided into sections and involves several skills such as summarising, describing and evaluating as well s being creative! There are some extension questions on the significance of the Tolpuddle Martyrs to finish the lesson off. Included is:
Starter activity on Copenhagen Fields march
Video clip on the Tolpuddle Martyrs
Movie Poster Task using an Information sheet provided
Extension questions on the siginifcance of the event
hope this helps.
AQA GCSE History Lesson from the Power & The People Unit. Reform & Reformers.
The lesson is an hour long but can be extending or shortened. In the lesson we look at the other factors that led to the abolition of slavery such as rebellions, the anti-abolitionists and the economy. The pupils complete a wheel of life worksheet on the factors and then we look at what the impact of the abolition of slavery was? the pupils then evaluate how important each factor was before passing judgement on how influential William Wilberforce was in abolishing slavery. Included is:
Info sheet on the factors that led to abolition
Worksheet activity & Wheel of Life
Source practice question
Exit ticket plenary.
Hope this helps.
Reform and Reformers Power & the People Lesson for AQA GCSE History. First lesson on this unit. The lesson introduces why so many people felt there were problems with elections during these years with several activities around this, The pupils then go on to learn who the Radicals were and what protests were undertaken and by whom. There is also a source interpretation question with guidance included and video clips.
Lesson features:-
Video clips
All resources needed and photocopying files.
GCSE style source interpretation question with guidance.
Hope this helps.
Key Stage 3 Lesson which is approximately one hour long, but can be extended into two lessons. We start with a quick retrieval practice starter. The pupils then take part in a reading activity to set the scene for what post-plague England was like in 1350. We then look at the types of impact the plague had on England. The pupils are given various quotes about the impacts and they are asked to classify them in a number of ways including, social, economic, political, positive and negative, long-term and short-term. They also grade them according to their seriousness. We then briefly look at the Statute of Labourers 1351 before the pupils completing a podium analysis. Here the pupils arrange the types of people onto a podium to show who came out on top after the Black Death.
In a nutshell the lesson includes:
Retrieval practice starter
Class reading activity
Classifying the impacts activity using worksheet
Discussion task using the Statute of Labourers 1351
Podium Analysis: Who benefited most after the Black Death
Emoji Plenary.
Hope this saves valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson on the war at sea, the Germans use of U-boats and unrestricted U-boat warfare and America’s decision to enter the war. For the Conflict & Tension 1894-1918 unit.
We start with a simple retrieval practice quiz. We then look at the U-boat threat in detail, firstly by looking at the design and function of the U-boats and then by watching a video clip where the pupils answer questions about how they were used. The pupils then consider how the British responded to the threat and what innovations were adopted. We then progress to look at the sinking of the Lusitania and the pupils complete a tensionometer to record the rising tensions between the USA and Germany. We look at a source “Destroy this Mad Brute” and the pupils answer questions. There are two plenary options to assess the impact or potential impact of America entering the war.
Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson on the Hundred Days Offensive and the ending battles of WWI.
We start with a simple ‘if this is the answer, what is the question?’ retrieval practice quiz. We then have a brief recap of the events of the failed Ludendorff Offensive and Germany’s precarious position. We then look at Foch’s plan for the offensive in a video clip and the pupils think about Germany’s preparedness for the offensive. We then follow events in a series of event slides. The pupils read the information on the board and record the German army’s level of control at that point on the Western Front. This could be done as a round the room or carousel activity. The pupils reflect on what the critical events were. We then use a source comparison question as consolidation and finish with the pupils writing a bio-poem to General Ludendorff.
Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the events after the Pilgrimage of Grace, the continued dissolution of the monasteries and the significance of the rebellion.
We start with a game of an instagram style starter with a source on the signing of Magna Carta. We have a quick recap on the previous lessons content where the pupils have to put the events on order leading up to Askes execution. Following this we look at the events of the dissolution form 1536-40. The pupils use a worksheet to answer questions regarding the events. We then consdier the significance of the rebellion through using a ‘wheel of life’. There is a video clip to help with this. We then tackle an 8 mark source question, or a significance question or both! There is some guidance for the pupils on how to tackle the question too.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson for The Power & The People thematic unit. In this lesson we look at the relative power balance between government and trade unions after General Strike and the events and outcomes of the Miners Strike.
We start with a historabble retrieval practice starter, a bit like scrabble but pupils must find Power & The People related words. We then look at the nationalisation of industries after WWII. Pupils then complete a road timeline “The Road to Unrest” using information cards and also create a power balance line graph to show the shifting balance of power between the Government and trade unions. We then look at the Miners Strike in more detail. The pupils then compare the Miners Strike with The General Strike for similarities and differences using a Venn diagram. The pupils then create a bio poen for either Arthur Scargill or Margaret Thatcher. We also have an extentometer plenary.
I hope that this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE history lesson on how the Moroccan crises increased political tension amongst the political powers in Europe.
We start with a quick retrieval practice quiz. We then look at the importance of Morocco to the various European powers. We look at two sources on the Kaiser’s trip to Tangiers and the pupils answer some questions on the sources. We then look at various happenings during the crises and the pupils complete a visual scale to show how much tension there is between Germany, France and Britain, then explain. Further on we look at the impacts of the crises and rank them in order of seriousness in the political sphere of Europe. We thank look at an exam style question on a narrative of the Moroccan Crises, the pupils have some prompts to help answer this. We finish with an ‘extentometer’ on the the level of humiliation felt by Germany after the crisis.
Hope you find this useful and it saves you some planning time.