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A teacher of Key stage 2 having had nearly 18 years teaching experience and counting !




A teacher of Key stage 2 having had nearly 18 years teaching experience and counting !
English improve sentence Homework

English improve sentence Homework

A short English homework (or starter!) to improve sentence construction and language work, ideal for adding word classes and being creative in your writing ! Quick, punchy, and immediate engagement - ideal for all children in KS2 and some in Year 2 also ! Enjoy !
Robin Hood Comprehension (general)

Robin Hood Comprehension (general)

A Robin Hood comprehension activity that is a general comprehension with levelled activities attached- This I have done with my mixed aged (Year 3-Year 6) class with great success pitching the more able children at which ever activity is suitable to them like the mild, chilli, spicy, hot, very hot approach with children progressing at their own pace - this is a stand alone lesson but would fit ideally with reading and legends and myths as a class and has intitiated great discussion and debate as many of the class are fully aware of the legend of Robin Hood ! I hope this helps and is ideal as I say for a one off lesson !
Sword in the stone reading and writing comprehension ideal for KS2

Sword in the stone reading and writing comprehension ideal for KS2

Sword in the stone reading and writing comprehension ideal for KS2 particulary mixed aged class ( mine!) this activity/lesson went really well to improve reading skills ! Different children read different parts then we discussed key words and phrases - then all of the children completed the attached activties within this Powerpoint identifying word classes intially to improve SPAG skills then developing their reading comprehensive skills with some inference also - Headteacher walked in mid lesson and really liked what she saw ! I hope this helps as a stand alone reading activity or English lesson !
Converting nouns adjectives into verbs suffix work

Converting nouns adjectives into verbs suffix work

A powerpoint on how to change words from nouns or adjectives to verbs with progressive activity sheet to build upon children knowledge with whiteboard activity also ! Worked very well with my mixed age Key Stage 2 class ! Hope it is of some use to you too!
National Curriculum Grids 2014  for all years  resource excel Spreadsheet

National Curriculum Grids 2014 for all years resource excel Spreadsheet

National Curriculum Grids for all years resource excel Spreadsheet for all primary school years covering the core subjects reading writing and maths and all the objectives - all excellent way of seeing what you have to cover in all years and is helpful when teaching mixed aged classes. This is my bible and I must use this everyday in planning and assessment and I use it as a great go to ! I wish I had this when I was training !
River Nile comprehension Geography

River Nile comprehension Geography

River Nile comprehension Geography lesson/powerpoint which ready to go all you need to do is print/photocopy or show on the screen Ideal for Ancient Egypt topic on a geography lesson looking at what and how the Nile is used - ideal for year 5 and 6 but would also suit y7/8 and possibly Y9 at secondary level - A good stand alone lesson from off the shelf
Climate lesson - cross curr

Climate lesson - cross curr

This stand alone lesson is basically a note taking one, where a short video (enclosed) is played then the class take notes then following this the children are given 3 levels of writing yellow blue red and they have criteria to cover in each. This was done in a geography lesson but would be ideal for cross curr writing in English and did bring out a lot of technical vocab from the group and good writing was produced -
Mountain climate activity sheet with questions

Mountain climate activity sheet with questions

Three slides with information on and a range of activities to complete in comprehensive style on mountain climate - ideal for Upper Key Stage 2 geography in addition to y7/8 also Ideally for 1 lesson and is good to download print then photocopy - went very well for my class !
Tourism - pro or con focus on Snowdonia

Tourism - pro or con focus on Snowdonia

A stand alone lesson in regard to the pros and cons of tourism in Tourism - this I did to a Year 6 class on the topic on mountains within a Geography lesson - enclosed video also and for points of discussion with the plenary part of this - if the video doesn`t play I can send you this seperatley - Basically a stand alone lesson which worked well and could easily fit Key Stage 3 also
Perseverance assembly - Climbing a mountain

Perseverance assembly - Climbing a mountain

Perseverance assembly - Climbing a mountain This is an assembly of mine I did to all of Key Stage 2 over 200 children in the hall to talk to them about the idea of Perservance and what this meant and was all about - the opening slide is a video one and I got them to try and guess the title of the assembly as they came in and watched it - the other slides are for points on discussion and information in regard to this and resilience also - this went very well and the children did get the message !
Choices assembly - Using rugby advert on this as the focus

Choices assembly - Using rugby advert on this as the focus

A choices assembly ideal for children or Years 5 and upwards to year 9 or so - It is a bit basic and was a bit off the cuff however, having done this to a large year group of top heavy boys who were very sporty, it did very much appeal to them and the activties within in it in regard to choices and the choices we make in life. The video is based on a Guiness advert but does not really reference this and is done as a documentary style Ashwin Willemse: The Right Path tells the story of a man who had a choice of two paths when growing up. One dictated to him by a notorious Cape Town gang, and one he would need to make for himself, to follow a path to the pinnacle of rugby. The film celebrates the choice that he made to defy his circumstances, and with the encouragement of those around him, he became who he really wanted to be, eventually winning 19 caps for his country and becoming a World Champion in 2007. The video is emebeded in the powerpoint and should work ! Any problems do give me a shout - this would be ideal for a pick up and go assembly ! Enjoy !
Iron Man English and theme resources - Bundle ! Ideal for Years 3 and 4 teaching !

Iron Man English and theme resources - Bundle ! Ideal for Years 3 and 4 teaching !

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes English and other topics bundle ! Ideal for any teacher who as either never taught the story before or a more experienced teacher looking for some fresh ideas to teach this - I have also done this with a Year 5 class ! Although this bundle is mainly English and Guided reading related there a couple of topic bits that would certainly fit Geography, Art or DT ! This includes at least 3 Big write lessons that would work either stand alone or a couple of days before to build up to as well as a lesson called Ask it which I did as a lead in for the first lesson on this topic which got the children asking a range of questions about a short piece of opening text which was used in addition to the BBC short animated clip on the Iron man also - this was used to great success ! In addition to leveled comprehension questions that once popped into books show progression over time in both guided reading and English books. I believe this to be a great bundle of resources in order to hit the ground running ! Any queries etc do message away - The kids and SMT did like the structure within these lessons and activties here !
Friend or Foe Bundle - Ideal for Year 5 and 6 !

Friend or Foe Bundle - Ideal for Year 5 and 6 !

A bundle of resources for the study of the story Friend or Foe by Micheal Morporgo - This is a selection of resources which I have used for the story of the book to Year 5 and 6 - the resources include a video resource to use an introduction to the story and put it in context, various comprehension resources which are leveled for different abilities and as a result of these you will see in the childrens books progress over time in addition to levelled (via coloured criteria ) Big writing work also a short scheme of work to this to show the link between guided reading and English study in regard to the learning objectives at Year 5 and 6. Although there is only a small amount here I beleive this would be a great start for someone new to the book and the resources here would be an ideal starting point for someone having never done this before - The hook “ask it” lesson was great at stimulating ideas to provide a hook for the children following the included video also - I am sure this would be very useful to any teacher teaching top end students and may even be useful to Year 7-Year 9 teachers ! Any queries do feel free to message !
There`s a Pharoah in our Bath  Bundle

There`s a Pharoah in our Bath Bundle

A bundle of lessons and pack of activties etc for a study in English of the popular story There`s a Pharoah in our Bath by Jeremy Strong - over 12 ideas, lessons, comprehension ideas and Big writing including story, diary and newspaper article work - these can be edited or adapted to suit your classes and goes from chapter 1 (including comprehension activties) that could be used for guided reading sessions - This will save you a lot of work and could easily be used for a half term of lessons or beyond also includes a drama lesson - This would be idea for someone new to the topic and used in conjuction with the topic of Ancient Egypt - A great bundle ! Any questions queries etc do ask !
Stone Age and Cave boy Bundle

Stone Age and Cave boy Bundle

A bundle of resources ideal for both the Stone Age Boy book and Cave Boy book and Stone Age topic in general This is includes reading and writing (English and guided reading) resources, differentiated resources and whole lessons via the powerpoints here in addition to levelled comprehensions ideal for years 3 and 4 as I have taught - can be easily adapted to suit your classes !! This also includes 3 big write stand alone lessons with examples and information which would easily see you a half term or more ! There is also a few other bits I have edited for other DT Geog based or topic based within this. This would be ideal for an NQT to use or a more expereinced teacher looking for somewhere to start with such a new topic ! I do hope this is useful !
There`s a Pharoah in our Bath- comprehension lesson and activities

There`s a Pharoah in our Bath- comprehension lesson and activities

There`s a Pharoah in our Bath comprehension lesson and activities - levelled and 3 stages within this - you can differentatie accordingley as it contains blank sections to longer answers to do with inference in the later challenges - attached Powerpoint and worksheet - I have done this with Year 3 and year 4 and it has gone very well and gets the children working more than you ! I hope this will help for your English lesson on this fantastic themed book !
There`s a Pharoah in our bath themed English or guided reading lesson 1

There`s a Pharoah in our bath themed English or guided reading lesson 1

There`s a Pharoah in our bath themed lesson 1 - ask it game style lesson ideal for an introduction to the text and topic of Ancient Egypt - easily accessible and a fantastic resource for anyone new to this book ! Do look at my other resources on this as this is great short book but will do for a half term or beyond !
Time lesson - Lesson 1 !

Time lesson - Lesson 1 !

A great starting point for teaching time this goes back to the basics and quite quickly you can identify who can tell the time and to what level through this powerpoint - this I have done to years 3,4,5 and 6 and has worked very well - I hope you find the same - starts at Oclock then half past and builds up to increasingley difficult times to tell - any queries etc do be in touch !
Venn diagram lessons

Venn diagram lessons

A selection of powerpoints I have used to years 3,4 and 5 to work on Venn diagrams with worksheets for the children to work at accordingly - In all the cases and times I have done this it has gone very well - could easily be adapted to year 2 and as a revision guide to Year 6 children. Do use this as you see fit with your class and any queries etc do be in touch !