
Shakespeare's Sonnets - Literature Study (Sonnet 18; Sonnet 130)
This unit teaches pupils about the Shakespearean sonnet form. Pupils learn the conventions of the sonnet and are exposed to Shakespeare’s language through Sonnet 18. Pupils then learn how Shakespeare subverts and pokes fun at these conventions through Sonnet 130.
Pupils work on skills including:
understanding difficult language
understanding historical context
textual analyis
Pupils work towards a timed critical essay.
This unit of work would be suitable for the critical essay section of the National 5 English exam.
Links to Quizlet cards and Blooket provided within.

'The Highwayman' Literature Study
This literature study guides students through Alfred Noyes’ ‘The Highwayman’. Pupils learn about the historical context, poetic form and poetic techiques.
Pupils develop skills in:
textual analyis
The end of unit assessment is a textual analysis made up of various close reading questions.

'The Impossible' (2012) Media Study Unit (Film Study)
A complete scheme of work for ‘The Impossible’ (2012). Students learn about the context of the real life tsunami before delving deep into film techniques. They learn to analyse:
camera angles
use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound
5 key elements of mise-en-scene
A scene analysis plan for a piece of critical writing is also included.

'Frankenstein' The Play - Literature Study
This unit of work studies Philip Pullman’s adaptation of ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley. The unit looks at the historical context of the novel. Pupils also learn about plot, setting, characterisation and theme.
Skills developed include:
critical writing
This pack also contains differentiated essay plans.

'Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets' Literature Study
This unit of work focusses on developing key reading skills. Pupils will learn about plot, characterisation, setting and theme. They will develop skills in:
At the end of the unit, pupils write a book report to show what they have learned and develop their personal response to the text.

'The Hunger Games' Literature Study
This literature study of ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins is a complete unit of work developing critical reading skills for National 5/GCSE English. Pupils will learn about Collins’ inspiration, the dystopian genre, plot, setting, characterisation and theme. They will develop skills in:
critical writing
Two critical essay plans are included for pupils to practice writing a critical evaluation of the text.

'Titanic' 1997 Media Study (Film Study)
This unit of work prepares students to write a scene analysis on the ‘Steerage Party’ scene of Titanic (1997), comparing this to the quick snapshot of the First Class Smoking Room. Student learn to analyse:
camera angles
diegetic and non-diegtic sound
5 key elements of mise-en-scene
Supplementary worksheets and differentiated essays plans included

Imaginative Writing - Gothic Horror (The Monkey's Paw)
This complete unit of work uses ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ as a stimulus for a piece of imaginative writing. Students will study the writer’s craft of ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ and use this as inspiration for their own gothic stories.
They will learn about:
effective imaginative writing
Plot planning worksheets included.
This unit of work is designed for use with higher ability English sections.

How to Teach Film - National 5
A unit providing teachers with a base set of resources to teach film and television analysis. Suitable for use with National 5/Exam Level classes

Higher English Broadly Discursive Writing
A unit of work designed to prepare students to write a broadly discursive piece of writing in line with the requirements for the Higher English Portfolio of Writing.
Model Essay
Persuasive Techniques
Connective Language

Higher English Personal Reflective Writing
A unit of work designed to prepare students to write a piece of personal reflective writing in line with the requirements for the Higher English Portfolio of Writing.
PowerPoint slides to guide students through both planning and writing
Example Essays

National 5 English Persuasive Writing
A unit of work designed to guide students through the process of planning, researching and writing a piece of persuasive writing in line with the requirements for the National 5 English Portfolio of Writing.
Persuasive Writing Pack including plans, model essays and good quality sources for four different persuasive writing topics: Fast Fashion, Fast Food, Save Our Oceans, Later School Start Times (Teenagers and Sleep).
PowerPoint slides to guide students through the process
Connective Language (included in Pack)
Persuasive Language (included in Pack)

Higher & Nat 5 English Portfolio of Writing Bundle
Resources for both National 5 and Higher English portfolio writing:
Higher Broadly Discursive
Higher Personal Reflective
National 5 Persuasive

Higher English Portfolio of Writing Bundle
Units of work for both broadly discursive and personal reflective writing to prepare students to write their Higher English portfolio of writing.