Media studies

'The Impossible' (2012) Media Study Unit (Film Study)
A complete scheme of work for ‘The Impossible’ (2012). Students learn about the context of the real life tsunami before delving deep into film techniques. They learn to analyse:
camera angles
use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound
5 key elements of mise-en-scene
A scene analysis plan for a piece of critical writing is also included.

'Titanic' 1997 Media Study (Film Study)
This unit of work prepares students to write a scene analysis on the ‘Steerage Party’ scene of Titanic (1997), comparing this to the quick snapshot of the First Class Smoking Room. Student learn to analyse:
camera angles
diegetic and non-diegtic sound
5 key elements of mise-en-scene
Supplementary worksheets and differentiated essays plans included

How to Teach Film - National 5
A unit providing teachers with a base set of resources to teach film and television analysis. Suitable for use with National 5/Exam Level classes