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I'm a specialist computing teacher in a large primary school in Bradford, so I basically play around with computers all day! I LOVE anything to do with MakeyMakey and Kodu so a lot of my stuff is based around these programs. I also qualified as a level 2 CAS Master Teacher last year so if you have any tech questions or queries please tweet me @alwayscomputing Please comment and share anything you like!




I'm a specialist computing teacher in a large primary school in Bradford, so I basically play around with computers all day! I LOVE anything to do with MakeyMakey and Kodu so a lot of my stuff is based around these programs. I also qualified as a level 2 CAS Master Teacher last year so if you have any tech questions or queries please tweet me @alwayscomputing Please comment and share anything you like!
Year 5 Google Sketchup - Design a Bedroom

Year 5 Google Sketchup - Design a Bedroom

A very basic unit of work looking at introducing the skills of Google Sketchup to year 5's. They design a bedroom in stages over the unit, adding trickier elements as they progress. For more resources and inspiration follow me on twitter @theICTeacher
Harry Potter SATS Revision

Harry Potter SATS Revision

Powerpoint for 4 lessons themed around the Harry Potter films. Pupils look at a different text type each day, covering a wide range of writing styles. Texts types are Recounts, Persuasive writing, Letter writing and Instructional texts. *I do not own the copyright to any of the videos used* Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
The Water Cycle Extended Writing

The Water Cycle Extended Writing

Short missing word activity followed by an extended writing activity. Pupils to write the journey of the water cycle as a story. Please Review! Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

3 Powerpoints (age specific) with a number of different activites and discussion points about staying safe online. This year's focus is &'Connect with Respect&'; so the themes are base around this. Links within the ppts to discussion videos. Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Year 3 ICT unit - We are photographers!

Year 3 ICT unit - We are photographers!

A scheme of work where year 3 pupils look at different elements of photography and animation. In the unit they spend time creating a stop motion animation, then move on to editing images of nature using photoshop. follow me on twitter @theicteacher for more resources and inspiration!
Grand Designs - Google Sketchup

Grand Designs - Google Sketchup

A unit based on 3d modelling using Google Sketchup. Pupils use a variety of skills and tools to create their dream home using the software, then present it to the class. For more resources and inspiration follow me on twitter @theICTeacher
Writing Stories

Writing Stories

Powerpoint of writing lessons to use. Activities range from creating a comic strip, word play stories, and then a final piece of story writing.
French Brothers and Sisters

French Brothers and Sisters

PowerPoint guiding pupils to begin to describe members of their family. Pupils should also begin to write in sentences. Please Review! Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Year 5 E2 Power-point planning

Year 5 E2 Power-point planning

Powerpoint planning for block E2. Week 1 on multiplication, week 2 on division coming soon. Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Future Technology ICT unit of work - Prezi

Future Technology ICT unit of work - Prezi

During this unit, pupils will investigate some of the technologies which might be available to us in the future. They learn to use an online presentation tool, Prezi, to present their findings For more resources and inspiration follow me on twitter @theICTeacher
Redesign the new iOS operating System

Redesign the new iOS operating System

A ppt going through the history of how the iOS on iPhone has looked and some of its basic features. Followed up with a task from pupils to design their own using Photoshop. What would they do differently? Fantastic lesson to get pupils interesting in graphic design. Follow me on twitter @theicteacher for more resources and teaching inspiration!
Alien Database

Alien Database

Powerpoint with records of different aliens. Worksheet has questions that require the pupils to search the data base. \nWork taken from the program 2Investigate.\nFollow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Solids, Liquids and Gas Categories activity.

Solids, Liquids and Gas Categories activity.

Quick activity where pupils put sentences in the right space, then give picture examples. Good for collecting initial K&U on the topic. Please Review! Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Maths Framework Unit D Block 2 Powerpoint Planning

Maths Framework Unit D Block 2 Powerpoint Planning

2 weeks of planning on measuring. Resources are needed for different activities so some preparation is needed. *One lesson repeated on week 2 after disruption in my classroom, sorry for this! Worksheet attached to go with lesson 1, week 2. Follow me on twitter @theICTeacher for more resources and inspiration!
Using a Weather Station

Using a Weather Station

A quick powerpoint of teaching ideas when using a weather station in school. Many schools that have weather stations do not use them to their full capacity, and hopefully this will kick start a few teachers into using it! A fantastic resource for schools, would be a shame not to use it!