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7 Comparison Bar Model Templates
**This resource does not include an input to deliver to your class and it is NOT a lesson plan. It is a resource to support a specific area in the maths curriculum: using bar models to represent comparison problems.
I love using bar models to teach comparison problems! Many children confuse 'difference'; with addition instead of subtraction and do not realise how many more/less is a way of comparing two different amounts. These questions are often asked in context with liquid, height, money, etc.
Last year, I had my children come up with an example of a comparison problem and write it in the empty box provided. (For example: A football costs £12.45, but a pair of shin pads costs £7.00. What is the difference in their price?) Then, they had to write the item with the larger price next to the large bar model, and the name of the item with the lower price next to the small bar model. They worked out to solve the answer in their books and rotated around the room to solve other children's problems.
You can also give children the problems you want them to solve and ask them to model it using the bar model cards. They can then use the empty space to show their working out.
This is a great way to show children comparison problems through a variety of contexts and prepare them for making connections across different maths domains and problem-solving.
*INCLUDED is a black and white template of the bars for you to adapt as necessary*

Anchor Chart / Working Wall Poster - Factor Pairs
Can be used to enhance
-Powerpoint slides
-Working walls
-Anchor charts

FREE 6 Times Tables Packet
Try before you buy!
Download this free 6 times tables packet with all five sheets to see the format for all my times tables packets.
*Mixed multiplication and division practice
*Counting in steps and continuing patterns of 6 (negative number pattern, 2 digit patterns, 3 digit patterns, 4 digit patterns)
*Related facts and fact families
*Multiples practice and missing numbers
*Factor pairs using 6, 3 and 2

FREE Decimal Puzzles: Tenths and Hundredths Equivalencies
*Three different types of decimal place value puzzles
*These puzzles are designed to help lower achieving and middle achieving children VISUALISE equivalencies between tenths and hundredths
*Each type of puzzle comes with 1 set of 7
You can purchase the full pack of puzzles in my shop, which includes 5 sets of 7 puzzles for each type!
*Only up to 2 decimal places
*Aimed specifically for Year 4 children

Verb Inflections Riddle Cards: Past Tense and Present Tense
Game rules:
Each child is given a verb inflections standard English table as seen in the cover image.
Partner 1 puts the Standard English table in front of them, partner 2 draws a riddle card and reads the clues. They are to read one clue, stop and allow their partner to eliminate the answers.
For example:
Partner 2 reads: I am a past tense verb
Partner 1: should eliminate all present tense verbs and subjects
Partners proceed until the last clue is read.

Non-Fiction Text Structure Posters
Non-Fiction text structures include:
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast

FREE Visual Representation Puzzle: Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
This resource includes 1 set of 8 three-part puzzles.
Piece 1: Improper Fraction
Piece 2: Visual representation
Piece 3: Mixed Number
*Great for decomposing mixed numbers

FREE Decimal 3 Part Matching Puzzles (set of 10)
Try before you buy!
10 three-part puzzles
Decimal Puzzles require children to match :
*written place value instructions (left piece)
*decimal as a number (middle piece)
*1-2 digit decimal represented as a picture (right piece)
In my shop, you can purchase 5 sets of these puzzles all together!
I created these puzzles as a way to consolidate my Year 4 children's understanding of decimals. Before this, the children made a connection to 0.6 and 0.60 through shading amounts on a 100 square grid. However, I believe they still need strong visuals to remember the difference between hundredths and tenths (ex. 0.2 and 0.02). Likewise, the first piece on the left gives them instructions about where digits go to help them become fluent with place value order.

10 Times Table Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair for 10, 5 and 2.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( 10 x ___ = 110)
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

5 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( 5 x ___ = 35)
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

12 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
This sheet gives children opportunity to find factors of 12, 6, 4, 3 and 2
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( ex. 12 x ___ = 132 )
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

9 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
This sheet gives children opportunity to find factors of 9, 3 and 2.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( ex. 9 x ___ = 27 )
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

8 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
This sheet gives children opportunity to find factors of 8, 4 and 2.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( ex. 8 x ___ = 48 )
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

7 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( 7 x ___ = 35)
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

Patterns and Steps Sheets for 2x-12x
This bundle is ONLY my patterns and steps sheets, from the multiplication packets I sell.
The current sheets in the bundle are for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables.
Each sheet includes:
*2 digit number line
*Negative number line
*Two 3-digit number lines
*Two 4-digit number lines
Download my 6 times tables pack for free to sample this sheet.

11 Times Tables Packet
Practice packet includes 5 different pages that focus on a variety of skills using times tables.
This is aimed at year 4 children, but parts of the packet can be used in year 3, 5 and 6!
Perfect for filling in 15 minutes of calculation time
Helps children practice the times tables in different contexts:
*Place value (deriving related facts)
*Inverse relationships (fact family triangles)
*Factor pairs / divisibility relationships
Page 1: Mixed Practice
Out of order multiplication and division
Page 2: Factor Pairs
Given a product in the times tables, children have to write the factor pair.
Page 3: Missing Number Patterns
Number pattern in the times tables
Negative number pattern
2 three-digit number patterns
2 four-digit number patterns
Page 4: Missing Number and Multiples
Two columns for children to work on quick recall of the multiples
One column of missing number problems ( ex. 11 x ___ = 121 )
Page 5: Inverse Operations and Related Facts
Four groups of related facts using place value
Six fact family triangles for children to write 4 related facts

Factor Pairs sheets for 5x-12x
This bundle is ONLY my factor pairs sheets, from the multiplication packets I sell.
The sheets in this bundle are for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables.
There is no factorisation necessary for 4, 3, or 2 times tables. This bundle will not be expanding!
It is never too early to introduce the word factor to your children who are learning multiplication! These sheets are perfect for many year groups, as they can be adapted easily to discuss:
1) Factor pairs - what two numbers can be multiplied to make this product?
2) Doubling and halving -if 8 and 6 are factors of 48, we can half 8 to get a factor of 4. Then we double the 6 and get a factor of 12. 12 and 4 are also factors of 48!
3) Divisibility - if a product is divisible by 6, it is also divisible by 3 and 2.

Multiples and Missing Number Sheets 2x-12x
This bundle is ONLY my multiples and missing number sheets, from the multiplication packets I sell.
This bundle includes sheets for all times tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
These sheets are perfect if you are looking for extra practice, or a sheet to be used for a quiz or test. If you would like to preview before buying, the sheet is in my store for free under:
6 Times Tables Free Practice Sheet : Multiples and Missing Numbers
I realise the packets are not friendly for all year groups, but these are printable that are suitable for any child trying to practice their times tables!

Spelling Strategies Posters
Spelling Strategies Posters:
Sounds like
Sticky Letter
Word in a Word

4 Digit Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Posters
One of the posters for addition is written with units, although I believe the new curriculum to be changed to ones. I have included two of the addition posters though, one with "ones" and one with "units".