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Melmaghrabi's Shop

This shop is all you need if you teach or learn Arabic in international schools. You will find also my copyright experiences within my long teaching experience in IB world schools. You will practice the best resources, experiences and more.

This shop is all you need if you teach or learn Arabic in international schools. You will find also my copyright experiences within my long teaching experience in IB world schools. You will practice the best resources, experiences and more.
رواية حُلم (Dream novel)

رواية حُلم (Dream novel)

This novel in Arabic and Diploma students (Gr. 11, 12) can benefit from it in their study. مجموعة أحلام يحلمها شاب في منتصف العمر، وفي كل حلم ينغمس البطل في شخصية جديدة تدخله في أحداث الحلم المثير للاهتمام، تنبثق الأحلام من حياة البطل اليوميّة وتتطور الأحداث مكونة فهمًا جيدًا للحياة لكل قارئ


In this file (word document) you will have a list of vocabularies in Arabic/English about weekdays
Oral questions

Oral questions

In this file (PP presentation) you will have 18 question cards and you can print it out or share with your students on your smart board
Arabic Placement test

Arabic Placement test

In this file (word document) you will have a full skills placement test for a new students in order to know where to start with them
House point award

House point award

In this word document file, you will have the chance to motivate your students by giving them house points slip.
The most common verbs in Arabic

The most common verbs in Arabic

In this PP presentation you will be able to access to the most common 44 verbs in Arabic supported with visual images. It will be an easy way to teach the students how to enlarge their writing.
Arabic join letter worksheet

Arabic join letter worksheet

Tn this worksheet you will have the opportunities to offer your students the chance to join the Arabic letters to create a word and quiz their hand writing
Arabic basic keywords

Arabic basic keywords

In this word document you will have a basic range of vocabularies that you/ your students will need to know at the beginning of the course.
Arabic body parts

Arabic body parts

In this PP presentation you will show your students Arabic body parts keywords like never before supported by the target language and supported with visual.
First step to read

First step to read

In this document you have the chance to practice your reading using the vowels and put your first step to read a word of three letters.