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Case Study: USA as an AC - Global Migration OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: USA as an AC - Global Migration OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the USA as an AC part of Global Migration topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of one AC to show how it influences and drives change in the global migration system. Illustrate economic, political and social factors which explain: • patterns of emigration and immigration, migration policies, and interdependence with countries linked to it by migration • opportunities, such as labour supply • challenges, such as border issues.
Case Study: Brazil as an EDC - Global Migration OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Brazil as an EDC - Global Migration OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the Brazil as an EDC (economically developing country) part of Global Migration topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of one EDC to illustrate: • current patterns of immigration and emigration • changes in immigration and emigration over time • economic, political, social and environmental interdependence with countries connected to the EDC by migrant flows • the impact of migration on the EDCs economic development, political stability and social equality
Erosional Landforms and Exam Questions - AQA Geography A level - Coasts

Erosional Landforms and Exam Questions - AQA Geography A level - Coasts

Resource including formation of cliffs and wave cut platforms, cliff profile features including caves, arches and stacks. Also includes example Exam Questions and How to approach them Covers Spec Points: Origin and development of landforms and landscapes of coastal erosion: cliffs and wave cut platforms, cliff profile features including caves, arches and stacks; factors and processes in their development.
Coastal Erosional Landforms – Landscape Systems OCR Geography A level

Coastal Erosional Landforms – Landscape Systems OCR Geography A level

Notes on coastal erosional landforms for OCR A Level Geography Covering Specification points: How are coastal landforms developed? The formation of distinctive landforms predominantly influenced by erosion, including bays, headlands, cliffs, shore platforms, geos, blow holes, caves, arches, stacks and stumps.
Northwood, California Vs. Jembatan Besi- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

Northwood, California Vs. Jembatan Besi- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for contrasting between Northwood California and Jembatan Besi in the Changing Spaces, Making Places topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case studies of two contrasting places to illustrate: • the types of evidence of social inequality that can be found there such as housing, environmental quality, crime rates, digital divide • the range of factors that influence people’s social inequality such as income, gender, age, health, personal mobility, ethnicity and education • how social inequality impacts upon people’s daily lives in different ways.
Case Study: Toxteth and Lympstone- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Toxteth and Lympstone- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for Toxteth and Lympstone in the Changing Spaces, Making Places topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points covered: Case studies of two contrasting place profiles at a local scale, including: • their demographic, socio-economic, cultural, political, built and natural characteristics that shape their place identity. • their past and present connections that shape the place identity and embed them in regional, national, international and global scales • how shifting flows of people (such as commuter, migration), resources (such as natural, technology), money and investment (such as EU funding, TNCs) and ideas (such as knowledge economy) have helped shape the demographic, socio-economic and cultural profile of these places over time
Case Study: Rebranding Barcelona- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Rebranding Barcelona- Changing Spaces, Making Places OCR Geography A-level

All the information required about one place that has undergone rebranding in the Changing Spaces, Making Places topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points covered: Case study of one place that has undergone rebranding, including: • why the place needed to rebrand • strategy/strategies involved in the rebranding of the place • the role and influence of a range of players involved in the placemaking • how the rebranding has altered people’s perception of that place • the relative success of the rebranding
Case Study: Global Governance in Honduras - Human Rights OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Global Governance in Honduras - Human Rights OCR Geography A-level

All the information required about f the impact of global governance of human rights in an LIDC in the Human Rights topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points covered: Case study of the impact of global governance of human rights in an LIDC, including: • the human rights issue/issues • the global governance strategy/strategies used • opportunities for stability, growth and development • challenges of inequality and injustice
Case Study: GSK - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: GSK - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the a pharmaceutical transnational company Case Study in the Disease Dilemmas topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of the global impact of one pharmaceutical transnational, including scientific breakthroughs made, patents, drug manufacturing and their global flows for distribution.
Case Study: Rosy Periwinkle- Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Rosy Periwinkle- Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the Rosy Periwinkle Medicinal use Case Study in the Disease Dilemmas topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of one medicinal plant, such as rosy periwinkle and opium poppy, including their growing conditions, international trade, medicinal importance for disease and sustainable use.
Case Study: Cancer in UK - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Cancer in UK - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the Cancer in UK Case Study in the Disease Dilemmas topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of one noncommunicable disease, such as cardio-vascular disease or diabetes, at a country scale, either an AC or EDC, including: • social, economic and cultural causes of the disease • prevalence, incidence and patterns of the disease • socio-economic impacts of the disease • direct and indirect strategies used by government and international agencies to mitigate against the disease.
Case Study: Bangladesh - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Bangladesh - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the Bangladesh Case Study in the Disease Dilemmas topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Specification Points Covered: Case study of one country which has experienced a natural hazard, such as an earthquake, drought or monsoon rains, and the implications this has on a named disease, such as cholera or typhoid: • geographical area covered by the hazard and its influence on the risk and outbreak of disease • environmental factors affecting the spread of disease such as climate, sanitation, water supply and food • human factors affecting the spread of the disease such as population density, access to clean water, immunisation programmes • impacts of the disease on resident populations • strategies used to minimise the impacts of the disease at national and international scales.
Case Study: Malaria - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

Case Study: Malaria - Disease Dilemmas OCR Geography A-level

All the information required for the Malaria in Ethiopia Case Study in the Disease Dilemmas topic in the OCR Geography A-level subject. Points in the specification outlined: Case study of one communicable disease, such as malaria or tuberculosis, at a country scale, either an LIDC or EDC, including: • environmental and human causes of the disease • prevalence, incidence and patterns of the disease • socio-economic impacts of the disease • direct and indirect strategies used by government and international agencies to mitigate against the disease and respond to outbreaks.