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Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK) Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)




Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK) Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)
A-Level Econs (Unit 7) - The price system and the microeconomy

A-Level Econs (Unit 7) - The price system and the microeconomy

6 Resources
7.1 Utility 7.2 Indifference curves and budget lines 7.3 Efficiency and market failure 7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits 7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production 7.6 Different market structures 7.7 Growth and survival of firms
7.3 - efficiency (A-level Econ)

7.3 - efficiency (A-level Econ)

PPT covering Unit 7.3 7.3 Efficiency and market failure 7.3.1 definitions of productive efficiency and allocative efficiency 7.3.2 conditions for productive efficiency and allocative efficiency 7.3.3 Pareto optimality 7.3.4 definition of dynamic efficiency 7.3.5 definition of market failure 7.3.6 reasons for market failure
7.5 costs, revenue, profit (A-level Econ)

7.5 costs, revenue, profit (A-level Econ)

PPT covering Unit 7.5: 7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production 7.5.1 short-run production function: • fixed and variable factors of production • definition and calculation of total product, average product and marginal product • law of diminishing returns (law of variable proportions) 7.5.2 short-run cost function: • definition and calculation of fixed costs (FC) and variable costs (VC) • definition and calculation of total, average and marginal costs (TC, AC, MC), including average total cost (ATC), total and average fixed costs (TFC, AFC) and total and average variable costs (TVC, AVC) • explanation of shape of short-run average cost and marginal cost curves 7.5.3 long-run production function: • no fixed factors of production • returns to scale 7.5.4 long-run cost function: • explanation of shape of long-run average cost curve • concept of minimum efficient scale 7.5.5 relationship between economies of scale and decreasing average costs 7.5.6 internal and external economies of scale 7.5.7 internal and external diseconomies of scale 7.5.8 definition and calculation of revenue: total, average and marginal revenue (TR, AR, MR) 7.5.9 definition of normal, subnormal and supernormal profit 7.5.10 calculation of supernormal and subnormal profit video links to key topics
7.4 externalities (A-level Econs)

7.4 externalities (A-level Econs)

PPT covering Unit 7.4: 7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits 7.4.1 definition and calculation of social costs (SC) as the sum of private costs (PC) and external costs (EC), including marginal social costs (MSC), marginal private costs (MPC) and marginal external costs (MEC) 7.4.2 definition and calculation of social benefits (SB) as the sum of private benefits (PB) and external benefits (EB), including marginal social benefits (MSB), marginal private benefits (MPB) and marginal external benefits (MEB) 7.4.3 definition of positive externality and negative externality 7.4.4 positive and negative externalities of both consumption and production 7.4.5 deadweight welfare losses arising from positive and negative externalities 7.4.6 asymmetric information and moral hazard 7.4.7 use of costs and benefits in analysing decisions (knowledge of net present value is not required) video links to key topics
3. Key economic ideas

3. Key economic ideas

PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included division of labour, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, microeconomics, macroeconomics, normative statement, positive statement etc
1. The economic problem

1. The economic problem

PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included scarcity, opportunity costs, factors of production etc.
2.5 Price determination (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.5 Price determination (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Definition, drawing and interpretation of demand and supply schedules and curves used to establish equilibrium price and sales in a market. Definition, drawing and interpretation of demand and supply schedules and curves used to identify disequilibrium prices and shortages (demand exceeding supply) and surpluses (supply exceeding demand). Supply and demand review doc Questions and suggested solutions
2.3 Demand (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.3 Demand (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Definition, drawing and interpretation of appropriate diagrams. A demand curve to be drawn and used to illustrate movements along a demand curve with appropriate terminology, for example extensions and contractions in demand. The link between individual and market demand in terms of aggregation. The causes of shifts in a demand curve with appropriate terminology, for example increase and decrease in demand Supply and demand review doc Questions and suggested solutions
2.4 Supply (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.4 Supply (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Definition, drawing and interpretation of appropriate diagrams. A supply curve to be drawn and used to illustrate movements along a supply curve with appropriate terminology, for example extensions and contractions in supply. The link between individual and market supply in terms of aggregation. The causes of shifts in a supply curve with appropriate terminology, for example increase and decrease in supply. Supply and demand review doc Questions and suggested solutions
2.2 The role of markets in allocating resources (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.2 The role of markets in allocating resources (IGCSE Microeconomics)

How a market system works; including buyers, sellers, allocation of scarce resources, market equilibrium, and market disequilibrium. Establishing that the economic problem creates three key questions about determining resource allocation What, how, and for whom to produce? How the price mechanism provides answers to these key allocation questions. Questions and suggested solutions
5.1 Living Standards (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

5.1 Living Standards (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

Real GDP per head and the Human Development Index (HDI). The components of real GDP and HDI. The advantages and disadvantages of real GDP and HDI. Reasons for differences in living standards and income distribution within and between countries. Questions and suggested answers
5.2 Poverty (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

5.2 Poverty (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

The difference between absolute and relative poverty. The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies including those promoting economic growth, improved education, more generous state benefits, progressive taxation, and national minimum wage. Questions and suggested answers