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Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK) Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)




Teacher of economics and business across five international schools for last twelve years having spent the 16 years prior employed as a Bank Manager with Lloyds Banking Group (UK) Examiner with CIE - economics (6 years)
3.7 Firms’ costs, revenue and objectives (IGCSE Microeconomics)

3.7 Firms’ costs, revenue and objectives (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Total cost (TC), average total cost (ATC), fixed cost (FC), variable cost (VC), average fixed cost (AFC), average variable cost (AVC). Calculation of TC, ATC, FC, VC, AFC and AVC. Definition, drawing and interpretation of diagrams that show how changes in output affect costs of production. Total revenue (TR) and average revenue (AR). Note: marginal revenue is not required. Calculation of TR and AR. The influence of sales on revenue. Survival, social welfare, profit maximisation and growth. *Unit 3 review Note: marginal cost (MC) not required. Questions with suggested solutions
8.3 Labour forces - (A-Level Econs)

8.3 Labour forces - (A-Level Econs)

PPT covering content of Unit 8.3: 8.3 Labour market forces and government intervention 8.3.1 demand for labour as a derived demand 8.3.2 factors affecting demand for labour in a firm or an occupation 8.3.3 causes of shifts in and movement along the demand curve for labour in a firm or an occupation 8.3.4 marginal revenue product (MRP) theory: • definition and calculation of marginal revenue product • derivation of an individual firm’s demand for labour using marginal revenue product 8.3.5 factors affecting the supply of labour to a firm or to an occupation: • wage and non-wage factors 8.3.6 causes of shifts in and movement along the supply curve of labour to a firm or an occupation 8.3.7 wage determination in perfect markets: • equilibrium wage rate and employment in a labour market 8.3.8 wage determination in imperfect markets: • influence of trade unions on wage determination and employment in a labour market • influence of government on wage determination and employment in a labour market using a national minimum wage • influence of monopsony employers on wage determination and employment in a labour market 8.3.9 determination of wage differentials by labour market forces 8.3.10 transfer earnings and economic rent: • definition of transfer earnings • definition of economic rent • factors affecting transfer earnings and economic rent in an occupation Plus video links to key topics
7.4 externalities (A-level Econs)

7.4 externalities (A-level Econs)

PPT covering Unit 7.4: 7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits 7.4.1 definition and calculation of social costs (SC) as the sum of private costs (PC) and external costs (EC), including marginal social costs (MSC), marginal private costs (MPC) and marginal external costs (MEC) 7.4.2 definition and calculation of social benefits (SB) as the sum of private benefits (PB) and external benefits (EB), including marginal social benefits (MSB), marginal private benefits (MPB) and marginal external benefits (MEB) 7.4.3 definition of positive externality and negative externality 7.4.4 positive and negative externalities of both consumption and production 7.4.5 deadweight welfare losses arising from positive and negative externalities 7.4.6 asymmetric information and moral hazard 7.4.7 use of costs and benefits in analysing decisions (knowledge of net present value is not required) video links to key topics
10. Determinants of supply

10. Determinants of supply

PPT aligned to the CIE syllabus. Summative and formative assessments provided with suggested solutions. Topics covered included joint supply, taxes , subsidies etc
2.7 Price elasticity of demand (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.7 Price elasticity of demand (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Calculation of PED using the formula and interpreting the significance of the result. Drawing and interpretation of demand curve diagrams to show different PED. The key influences on whether demand is elastic or inelastic. The relationship between PED and total spending on a product/revenue, both in a diagram and as a calculation. The implications for decision making by consumers, producers and government. Supply and demand review doc Questions and suggested solutions
1. Understanding Business Activity (IGCSE Business Unit 1)

1. Understanding Business Activity (IGCSE Business Unit 1)

6 Resources
IGCSE Business Studies Unit 1 (PPTs) 1.1 Business activity 1.2 Classification of businesses 1.3.1 & 1.3.2 Enterprise, Business Growth and Size 1.4 Types of Business Organisation 1.5 Business objectives and shareholder interests
2.2 Organisation and management (IGCSE Business Studies)

2.2 Organisation and management (IGCSE Business Studies)

• Simple hierarchical structures: span of control, levels of hierarchy, chain of command • Roles and responsibilities of directors, managers, supervisors, other employees in an organisation and inter-relationships between them 2.2.2 The role of management: • Functions of management, e.g. planning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling • Importance of delegation; trust versus control 2.2.3 Leadership styles: • Features of the main leadership styles, e.g. autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire • Recommend and justify an appropriate leadership style in given circumstances 2.2.4 Trade unions: • What a trade union is and the effects of employees being union members sample questions and answers
1.4 Types of Business Organisation (IGCSE Business Studies)

1.4 Types of Business Organisation (IGCSE Business Studies)

PPT Covering: Why the owners of a business may want to expand the business Different ways in which businesses can grow Problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcome Why some businesses remain small Why some (new or established) businesses fail: Causes of business failure, e.g. lack of management skills, changes in the business environment, liquidity problems Why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing Questions and suggested answers
4.2 Costs, Scale of production and break-even analysis (IGCSE Business Studies)

4.2 Costs, Scale of production and break-even analysis (IGCSE Business Studies)

4.2.1 Identify and classify costs: • Classifying costs using examples, e.g. fixed, variable, average, total • Use cost data to help make simple cost-based decisions, e.g. to stop production or continue 4.2.2 Economics and diseconomies of scale: • The concept of economies of scale with examples, e.g. purchasing, marketing, financial, managerial, technical • The concept of diseconomies of scale with examples, e.g. poor communication, lack of commitment from employees, weak coordination 4.2.3 Break-even analysis: • The concept of break-even • Construct, complete or amend a simple break-even chart • Interpret a given chart and use it to analyse a situation • Calculate break-even output from given data • Define, calculate and interpret the margin of safety • Use break-even analysis to help make simple decisions, e.g. impact of higher price • Understand the limitations of break-even analysis Sample questions and answers
4.6 Economic growth (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

4.6 Economic growth (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how it can be used to measure economic growth. GDP per head (capita). Meaning of recession and how a recession moves the economy within its PPC. How changes in total demand may increase the utilisation of resources and GDP resulting in a movement from inside toward the PPC. How economic growth shifts the economy’s PPC to the right and is caused by changes in investment, technology, and the quantity and quality of the factors of production. The costs and benefits of economic growth in the context of different economies. The range of policies available to promote economic growth and how effective they might be. Review of Unit 4 Questions and suggested answers
2.11 Mixed economic systems (IGCSE Microeconomics)

2.11 Mixed economic systems (IGCSE Microeconomics)

Definitions, drawing and interpretation of appropriate diagrams showing the effects of three government microeconomic policy measures: maximum and minimum prices in product, labour and foreign exchange markets; indirect taxation; and subsidies. Definition only of government microeconomic policy measures: regulation; privatisation and nationalisation and direct provision of goods. The effectiveness of government intervention in overcoming the drawbacks of a market economic system. Questions and suggested solutions
4.8 Inflation and deflation (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

4.8 Inflation and deflation (IGCSE Macroeconomics)

Measurement of inflation and deflation using the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). Causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Causes of deflation: demand-side and supply-side. The consequences of inflation and deflation for consumers, workers, savers, lenders, firms and the economy as a whole. The range of policies available to control inflation and deflation and how effective they might be. Review of Unit 4 Questions and suggested answers
7.7 & 7.8 Growth/pricing (A-level Econs)

7.7 & 7.8 Growth/pricing (A-level Econs)

7.7 Growth and survival of firms 7.7.1 reasons for different sizes of firms 7.7.2 internal growth of firms: organic growth and diversification 7.7.3 external growth of firms – integration (mergers and takeovers): • methods of integration: – horizontal – vertical (forwards and backwards) – conglomerate • reasons for integration • consequences of integration 7.7.4 cartels: • conditions for an effective cartel • consequences of a cartel 7.7.5 principal–agent problem arising from differing objectives of shareholders/owners and managers 7.8 Differing objectives and policies of firms 7.8.1 traditional profit-maximising objective of firms 7.8.2 an understanding of other objectives of firms: • survival • profit satisficing • sales maximisation • revenue maximisation 7.8.3 price discrimination – first, second and third degree: • conditions for effective price discrimination • consequences of price discrimination 7.8.4 other pricing policies: • limit pricing • predatory pricing • price leadership 7.8.5 relationship between price elasticity of demand and a firm’s revenue: • in a normal downward sloping demand curve • in a kinked demand curve video links to key topics
7.1 & 7.2 Utility/indifference (A-level Econ)

7.1 & 7.2 Utility/indifference (A-level Econ)

PPT covering the topics of Utility and indifference curves. Each page is question based to determine prior knowledge - good for flipped learning. 7.1 Utility 7.1.1 definition and calculation of total utility and marginal utility 7.1.2 diminishing marginal utility 7.1.3 equi-marginal principle 7.1.4 derivation of an individual demand curve 7.1.5 limitations of marginal utility theory and its assumptions of rational behaviour 7.2 Indifference curves and budget lines 7.2.1 meaning of an indifference curve and a budget line 7.2.2 causes of a shift in the budget line 7.2.3 income, substitution and price effects for normal, inferior and Giffen goods 7.2.4 limitations of the model of indifference curve
1a.  A2 Macroeconomics - National income and economic growth

1a. A2 Macroeconomics - National income and economic growth

A2 Macroeconomics. Topic - National income and economic growth. Aids lesson planning with topic related prompts enabling class discussion throughout. PPT - learning objectives, key terms, spec inserts, videos and so forth. Exercises taken from* Economics* - Peter Smith