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ELG Tick Sheets

ELG Tick Sheets

Sheets for assessing children against the ELGs. We find this handy when sitting as a team and discussing the children’s abilities, looking through books and recent assessments. It then makes inputting data for LA very quick and simple.
Reception Christmas CP Planning

Reception Christmas CP Planning

We’ve only got 3 days in our final week of term and we are going all out Christmas - so here are some input ideas and fun activities to have out in your classroom to celebrate the festivities. Enjoy :)
Autumn 2, Week 3 Challenge Passport

Autumn 2, Week 3 Challenge Passport

Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities. I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.
Set 1 Phonics Planning

Set 1 Phonics Planning

This is the planning sheet that I give to my TA to support teaching phonics. It ensures that there is consistency across all groups as we follow the same format, no matter who is teaching.
Autumn 2, Week 2 Challenge Passport

Autumn 2, Week 2 Challenge Passport

Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities. I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.
Reception Planning Spring 1, 2 Day Overview

Reception Planning Spring 1, 2 Day Overview

The first week of term for us is only 2 days long, so rather than do an entire plan for this, I have just done a brief overview linking to the story ‘Room on the Broom’. This is the first book that we are going to explore using Drawing Club so seemed nice to link it all in together and immerse the children.
Phonics Assessment Grid for Parents

Phonics Assessment Grid for Parents

4 different formats for children with varying abilities. These have been made to stick in reading records to share children’s progress with parents and inform them on what sounds/skills need to be developed. Linked to Read Write Inc assessment 3.