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Maths Snakes and Ladders Board Game - editable version
This is a simple, yet engaging way to assess children’s times tables knowledge less formally and get children practicing their times tables in an exciting way! You can alter the times tables, or even use another operation, making it perfect for all year groups. It can be played in pairs, small groups or even as a whole class.
It’s such an enjoyable, interactive and motivating way to get children learning the operations!
You will need:
This game printed or on a smart board
A dice
That’s it you’re ready to play !

Word Bingo
Another bingo game to use alongside Phonics Bingo to assess children phonetical knowledge and understanding.
Can they recognise the corresponding graphemes for each phoneme?

Example Book Review - The Girl Who Stole an Elephant ~ Nizrana Farook
An example book review in the style of an advertisement poster.
A great way to get children writing persuasively and reviewing a book in a different way.

Kensuke's Kingdom Extract Comprehension
Comprehension questions
Inference questions
Canine team question
Dictionary work
Comprehension worksheet

PE ~ Spell your own workout editable version
This was originally created for home learning during lockdown but it can be just as effective in school. A great way to get children exercising and giving them autonomy over their workout.
It can be adapted to suit any year group and the challenges can also be altered to suit a specific objective.
Happy exercising

Themed Home Learning - First week of July events
These are some home learning activities that can be used to celebrate two special events during the first week of July.
Frida Kahlos Birthday - 6th
World Chocolate Day - 7th
July named after Julius Caesar
Maths can simply continue with whatever aspect/topic you are learning or can be added to fit the theme.
Feedback is welcome!

Book Review 'The Time of Green Magic' Hilary Mckay
An example book review written from a characters perspective.
A different style book review for children to choose from when reviewing a book to ensure engagement and enjoyment in reading remains high.

Take a Selfie - display or take work home - editable version
If children feel particularly proud of their work give them the opportunity to take their work home and show their adult. As the class teacher you can also decide to display their work on working walls etc.
Give children the chance to take work home to motivate them to keep working hard.

Motivational Poster - First Attempt in Learning - editable version
F - first
A - attempt
I - in
L - learning
A great motivational poster giving some examples to children of famous ‘failures’.
Failing and mistakes are a part of learning and it is important children understanding that so they aren’t afraid or worried to get things wrong!

Meet the Teacher - Get to know me editable template
This is a design which can be used for you to introduce yourself to both children and parents ready in September!
An introduction and some fun facts so children can begin to get an idea of who and what their teacher in September is going to be like.
With COVID limiting many childrens time in school its so important we make September’s transition as smooth as possible and this is one way you can do so.
Feedback please x

Feelings Chart - How are you Feeling today?
This is a great resource to help children understand and voice their emotions.
With the hassle of words taken away children can begin linking an emotion to a colour and then recognising this.
Extra helpful for EAL and SEND children.

Parent Homework
A letter you can send home to parents/adults when you meet you first class.
It’s a great way to get to know not only the children but also the parents in your class.
It’s also a great way to start the link between home and school.

Measuring in cm worksheet - editable
A worksheet designed to help children practice their measuring skills.

Ancient Egypt's Got Talent
Can be used for a variety of aspects of Ancient Egypt - Gods, Goddesses, Pharaohs etc.
A great way to get children researching about an aspect of Ancient Egypt or in fact any topic.

3D Shape Challenge Cards
Can be used as an extension or starter activity.
2 clues which allow children to think about what 3D shape this could be referring to - children can write and draw the shape.
Think of other clues they could add for a particular shape.

3D Shapes - Bingo
A fun and engaging way to test children’s knowledge of 3D shapes and their properties.