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Miss_shep2023's Shop

Having spent 7 years in education in the UK, I have created a variety of resources over the years that I would love to share with you. Let's help each other out to get the right work/life balance. I spent 5 years in a mainstream primary school and then made the move to a special school.

Having spent 7 years in education in the UK, I have created a variety of resources over the years that I would love to share with you. Let's help each other out to get the right work/life balance. I spent 5 years in a mainstream primary school and then made the move to a special school.
Display Labels/Visual Timetable Labels

Display Labels/Visual Timetable Labels

A series of labels that can be used for a variety of things such as display titles, visual timetables or resource box labels. Labels include: Art Assembly Church (for use in Church of England School) Class Book Design and Technology English French Geography Golden Time Guided Reading History ICT Lunch Maths Music Other PE Phonics PSHE RE Register and Morning Work Rehearsal School Trip Science Speical Activity Spellings Visitor
Peer Interaction SEND

Peer Interaction SEND

Powerpoint and lesson plan for a peer interaction lesson for SEND students with Profound Medical and Learning Disabities. This lessons allows you to choose from a variety of activities each week which will give your students different opportunities to interact with their peers. The resources also allows you record your students goals and easily display them to any supporting staff in your class. Furthermore, it gives space to record any progress observed during the sessions. The lesson includes a welcome song, variety of activities for whole group, small group and paired activities, a variety of other activities as other possible options and an outro song.
Emotions Ladder

Emotions Ladder

Lesson Plan, Resources and Powerpoint for lesson covering different emotions and the impact they can have on us. NC Primary Education RSE Link: Pupils should know that there is a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and scale of emotions that all humans experience in relation to different experiences and situations. Also applicable for SEND teaching linked to healthy lifestyles, wellbeing themed lessons etc.