
Number Trace 1-10
Enjoy this mini package where students can trace numbers 1-10. In these worksheets, students are asked to trace the word, number and create tallies and pictures that represent the number.

Piggy Bank Attendance with Math
Get creative with your daily attendance. This PowerPoint product features three versions that will best suit your needs:
Neutral gold coins
USD quarters
CAD quarters
You or your students can click on their names and watch their coins fly into the Piggy Bank through animations. The remaining coins can tell you who is absent. To take it up a notch, this product features extended learning where students can count how much money went into their Piggy Bank and figure out what products they can purchase in the next slides. Depending on the currency used and size of the class, the product features different pricing for you to customize to what best suits your class.
Each product page includes a theme which, again, can be customized and revised to your liking. Themes included:
Halloween Costume & Candy Shop
Christmas Shop

Million Dollar Project
This assignment allows for students to incorporate their financial literacy into real world problems.
Students will “win” a $1, 000, 000 prize where they are required to purchase a home, vehicle, vacation, and more. They will be responsible for keeping track of their purchases and calculating the taxes.