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One-Step Equations (+-)
A worksheet perfect for a homework as it has a worked example and questions for solving one-step equations using just addition and subtraction with no negative number answers. This was made for SEND intervention but also appropriate for LA pupils or independent learning.
Elizabeth I Intro Lesson
Powerpoint with everything you need for an introduction lesson for Elizabeth I. Aimed at KS3 but can be adapted for GCSE (especially with AQA exam board and for LA classes).
Averages Lesson
Full lesson to introduce or revise the 3 averages and the range, includes a worksheet, DIN task and homework.
A Midsummer Night's Dream Context Lesson
Full lesson as an introduction to A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Includes clip of Shakespeare song. Information about Elizabeth then a matching activity of modern adaptations of Shakespeare plays.
French Weather Worksheet
This sheet would be perfect for a homework or as a revision material for in-class use. The first exercise is translating vocabulary and the second exercise requires pupils to write their own sentences using weather vocab and prior knowledge of shops vocab to describe a map.
Home Learning Pack for Year Four
Includes a maths workbook following the year four curriculum as well as a writing practice booklet.
Sherlock Holmes LA lesson
This lesson explores the genre of detective fiction through a multiple choice reading comprehension of hounds of the baskervilles and a chance for them to write their own detective fiction stories.
English Literature Intervention pack LA
This pack includes theme stars and the novel on one sheet of A4 for the following texts: Blood Brothers, A Christmas Carol and Macbeth. And just the theme stars for the following: Jekyll and Hyde, Lord of the Flies, An Inspector Calls, Curious Incident, Frankenstein, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet and Sign of the Four.
Crime and Punishment Sources Lesson LA
This is a full hour lesson looking at what sources are in a Victorian Crime and Punishment context. This is really broken down so great for a lower ability class or even as an intervention.
LA Crime and Punishment in the Middle-Ages
This lesson looks at the crimes which were committed in the Middle-Ages and the punishments to suit them. Also included is a reading comprehension on the police force. Great for lower ability classes or 1:1s.
Headbands for Conflict in Asia GCSE
Keywords taken from the Conflict in Asia course turned into flashcards to play with like ‘Headbands’ with coloured medals on the cards to display the difficulty of the word.
Writing Practice Booklet
An independent work booklet including lots of different writing practice tasks, ideal for an intervention and it is suitable to be done at home.
Year Four Maths Booklet
An independent work book following the year four curriculum for mathematics. This includes units of work on times table practice, fractions, measuring and telling the time.
SEN Teaching: Independent Work Booklet
An individual learning booklet for those learning about SEN and how to support those individuals. This will be really helpful for those studying health and social care in particular. This includes videos and links to websites which will help them find the information independently
Blank Multiplication Square
This is a 12 by 12 multiplication square, completely blank so the pupil can pop in their answers.
Tudors 1C Revision
This includes a PowerPoint with revision ideas for each monarch. Then, there are also word documents to complement the activities on the slides. In the notes of each slide is a YouTube link for a relevant (fun) video if you would like to break up the times.
Animal Reading Comprehension
A starter task matching definitions to word classes then a text about a pet shop followed by four questions and a plenary task to write 3 sentences. Perfect for SEND pupils or reading interventions.
Teen Titans Inspired Literacy Lesson
This powerpoint follows an episode of teen titans go (currently on netflix) - season two episode 33. There are activities to break up the episode and encourage the development of literacy.
LA Cirque du Freak Settings Lesson
This would be good for consolidating their knowledge after chapter eight. The PowerPoint consists of 5 pictures with the opportunity for some creative writing then writing a diary entry. Great for a low ability group to complete or for a literacy intervention.
Christmas Reading Challenge
This sheet gives children space to log everything they have read over the Christmas holidays and a bingo sheet for different types of reading.