This resource is to be used alongside the book ‘The Clouspotter’ written by Tom McLaughlin. It is a story map to be used for children to plan out the story before they write it. They have space to write short sentences and draw pictures and this will support them in writing the story in the next lesson.
Here is a link to my YouTube channel where you can watch the story being read aloud if you do not have your own copy. Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed watching.
This is a resource that can be copied onto coloured paper or card and laminated for children to use as a bookmark. It has a variety of questions that parents can ask their children when they read with them at home. It supports parents to understand that there is more to reading than just reading words. Print double sided.
The children completed this worksheet alongside a practical activity. They used counters and laminated ladybirds and made different numbers up to 10. They arranged the spots on the ladybird and wrote the number sentence on this worksheet.
This resource can be used to help keep the children’s tables organised and to stop resources and equipment from going missing. I was finding myself spending too much time moving pencils back to the correct pots and tables. I have put boxes on the children’s tables with these pictures and labels attached to display clearly what should be kept in each box.
This is a powerpoint presentation for parents who’s children are starting in Reception. This powerpoint gives the parents information about the department to help them feel more informed and comfortable about their child starting school. It gives information about the EYFS curriculum and expectations and also about school uniform policies.