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Little Red Riding Hood Literacy Planning Talk for Writing Cycle Reception/EYFS Spring1 Term
Little Red Riding Hood Talk for Writing Cycle Reception/EYFS Spring1 Term
Week 1- Imitation
Week 2- Imitation
Week 3- Innovation
Invention opportunities in provision daily.
The Bumblebear Reception Autumn 1 Planning
Literacy and Maths planning
I used this text as a transition text for the first two weeks of Reception.
EYFS/Reception Home learning activity grids (lockdown 2020)
EYFS/Reception Home learning activity grids (lockdown 2020)
British Sign Language Alphabet card/display
British Sign Language and Letter Alphabet.
Can be used as flash cards or a display in the classroom.
Requests can be made to change the colour scheme.
Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea Literacy Planning Talk for Writing Cycle Reception Autumn2 Planning
Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea Literacy Planning Talk for Writing Cycle Reception Autumn2 Planning
Talk for Writing Cycle:
Week 1- Imitation
Week 2- Imitation
Week 3 - Innovation
BSL British Sign Language numbers 0-10 flash cards/display
BSL British Sign Language numbers 0-10 flash cards/display
Workstation Activity SEND EYFS Number recognition
Workstation Activity SEND EYFS Number recognition activity with tens frame and number formation practice.
Alphabet Strips -Multicoloured
I stick these with a flap of tape on the back cover for the children to use in each literacy lesson.
Plain BSL British Sign Language Display/Flashcards with Grapheme image
Plain BSL British Sign Language Display/Flashcards with Grapheme image