Topic: Vikings!
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson. A key battle, which led to Danelaw!
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
LA indicated by blue font. HA indicated by orange font. SEND indicated by purple font.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!
Topic: Vikings!
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson. Lesson aimed to engage with primary and secondary sources to debate two version of the same historical story…
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
LA indicated by blue font. HA indicated by orange font. SEND indicated by purple font.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!
Topic: Ancient Egyptians
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson.
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!
Topic: Ancient Egyptians
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson. Super fun trading game!!
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!
Topic: Vikings!
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson.
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
LA indicated by blue font. HA indicated by orange font. SEND indicated by purple font.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!
Topic: Ancient Egyptians
Aimed at: Year 3 and 4
Complete lesson.
Included: primary and secondary sources of history; activity scaffold for books with LA, MA and HA differentiation.
LA indicated by blue font. HA indicated by orange font. SEND indicated by purple font.
All my lessons are as fun as possible - encouraging the children to become their own historians!