Mitchynew's ShopAverage Rating2.00(based on 1 reviews)Mostly Science resources, designed for KS3 and KS4 students with SEN. Edit shopAdd a resource
mitchynewDrawing Electrical Circuits - Worksheet(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN
mitchynewProperties of Gases Worksheet SEN(0)A worksheet about the properties of gases and their particle models aimed at secondary students with SEN
mitchynewProperties of Solids - SEN(0)a simple worksheet about the properties of solids aimed at secondary SEN students
mitchynewProperties of Liquids Worksheet - SEN(0)a worksheet about the properties of liquids aimed at secondary SEN students
mitchynewHeat Energy Conduction Convection Radiation(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN
mitchynewSeries & Parallel Circuits (with Ammeter) - Worksheet(0)entry level science resource designed for KS4 students with SEN
mitchynewPlotting Compasses & magnetic Field Lines - Lesson & Activity(0)entry level science resource designed for KS4 students with SEN
mitchynewLiquids & Their Particles SEN(0)This is a simple powerpoint presentation about the particles of liquids. it is aimed at secondary SEN students.
mitchynewMagnets & Electromagnetism - PowerPoint(0)entry level science resource designed for KS4 students with SEN
mitchynewNuclear Fuel - Advantages & Disadvantages - Lesson & Worksheet(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN
mitchynewEnergy for Humans - Lesson & Activities(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN Joules, kilojoules & nutrition
mitchynewEnergy - End of Unit Test KS3 (SEN)(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN Higher & Lower Ability Levels
mitchynewWater & Wind Energy - Lesson & Worksheet(0)science resource designed for KS3 students with SEN
mitchynewKS3 Science Scheme of Work Waves (Lower Ability/SEN)(0)KS3 Science Scheme of Work Waves (Lower Ability/SEN)